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#1 24-04-2012 15:39:58

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

April 24th 2012 : PatchNote


- Runic Armor has been modified, now it activates automatically if it is played by Runic Lord Hares.
- There was a mistake in the texts of the English and Portuguese version of the cards Lania, Thyrs priest (level 2 and 3), it has been corrected.
- There was a mistake in the texts of the English and Portuguese version of the cards Runic Lord Xenophon (level 2 and 3), it has been corrected.
- There was a mistake in the texts of the English and Portuguese version of the card Runic power, it has been corrected.

The attribution of rewards for certain missions of the Adventure mode has been reexamined, here is the list of modifications coupled with a short explanation about the way the system works: 
- Chances to obtain rewards against Bosses of each campaign have been increased, you will now get at least one card if you achieve  theses campaigns (100%) and you will get up to three in the most difficult campaigns.<
- Chances of obtaining rewards in the other missions haven't changed (between 4 and 20% according to the mission).
- Rares cards that you can obtain in the "Value" campaigns are now affiliated to the Guild your are fighting.
- You can obtain Cor Runes and Nox Runes by fighting against any Boss of permanent campaigns and in all the missions of the campaign "The Sons of the Volcano".
- You still have a tiny chance of obtaining mythical cards such as Artaban or Lucyan in any mission, we have added new cards such as Mekarmor or Fame of the Winners to this special list.

Enjoy the game!

Collectionneur de cartes

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#2 24-04-2012 15:44:59

Inscription : 01-12-2010
Messages : 2 526

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

Why not simply say "If played by "Hares": Activates immediately." instead of specifying wich version of Hares.

Same thing for Aez and [card]Sword of the 5 Elders[/card].

Do you anticipate ever making versions of those characters that you don't want to benefit from those items?

Dernière modification par Nurvus (24-04-2012 15:45:42)

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#3 24-04-2012 15:49:58

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

Let's say there are sooooo many people complaining because wording is isn't precise enough that we want everybody to make sure of what we are talking about ^^

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#4 24-04-2012 15:52:19

Inscription : 01-12-2010
Messages : 2 526

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

I just meant that the way it is going, you risk getting to a point where you have to say:

If played by "Hares the Brute", "Hares the Runic", "Runic Lord Hares", "Harem Master Hares" or "Runaway Hares": Activates immediately.


"If played by "Hares": Activates immediately."


"If played by any version of "Hares": Activates immediately."

would make the text clean and very explicit.

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#5 24-04-2012 15:52:46

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 17-10-2011
Messages : 237

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

Zurga a écrit :

The attribution of rewards for certain missions of the Adventure mode has been reexamined, here is the list of modifications coupled with a short explanation about the way the system works: 
- Chances to obtain rewards against Bosses of each campaign have been increased, you will now get at least one card if you achieve  theses campaigns (100%) and you will get up to three in the most difficult campaigns.<

Is the mission difficulty determined by the minimum level required to attempt the mission?

Zurga a écrit :

- Rares cards that you can obtain in the "Value" campaigns are now affiliated to the Guild your are fighting.

Does this mean you can only get Kotoba rares during the Kotoba mission? 

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#6 24-04-2012 15:54:32

Inscription : 01-12-2010
Messages : 2 526

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

catcatcat a écrit :

Does this mean you can only get Kotoba rares during the Kotoba mission? 

It's the other way around.
During the Kotoba mission, you can only get Kotoba rares.
But you can get Kotoba rares in other non-Value missions.

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#7 24-04-2012 15:55:10

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 24-03-2012
Messages : 237

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

Now if they only did that with the booster packs. tongue

If you want to find me in game you will have to look for my real name.  Sap/Nomad/Zil user.

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#8 24-04-2012 15:55:44

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 17-10-2011
Messages : 237

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

What is a "non-value" mission then? Thanks

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#9 24-04-2012 15:58:17

Lieu : Parcourant les terres de Guem
Inscription : 30-10-2009
Messages : 5 231

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

A campaign in which the word "value" isn't in the title.

Dernière modification par JarodG64 (24-04-2012 15:59:36)

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#10 24-04-2012 15:59:13

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 17-10-2011
Messages : 237

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

Thank you, sensei

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#11 24-04-2012 16:00:21

Inscription : 01-12-2010
Messages : 2 526

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

catcatcat a écrit :

What is a "non-value" mission then? Thanks

Value missions:
The Value of Kotoba
The Value of Noz
The Value of Zil
The Value of Nomads
The Value of the Sap Hearts

non-Value missions:
The Ritual (or maybe this counts as "The Value of the Nehantists" xD)
The Sand of the Arena
Sons of the Volcano (or maybe this counts as "The Value of the Runics" xD)
The Treasure of Zahal
The Ursend Guild (or maybe this counts as "The Value of Mercenaries" xD)

I just have one concern about this - doesn't it mean the Pirates (and Mercenaries/Nehantists) are left out? It will make other guilds cheaper comparing to Pirates, because they can find cards for those Guilds in the Adventure Mode... while Pirates will tend to rise in price.

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#12 24-04-2012 16:01:14

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

catcatcat a écrit :

What is a "non-value" mission then? Thanks

A campaign that is not labelled "Value of the ...."

Actually there is 4 of them :
"Value of the Noz", 3Value of the Kotoba", "Value of the Nomads", "Value of the Sap Heart".

catcatcat a écrit :

Is the mission difficulty determined by the minimum level required to attempt the mission?

Yes, and more over, the number of the fictive level of your opponent when you play against him.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#13 24-04-2012 16:04:08

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 24-03-2012
Messages : 237

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

Originally I thought the Assault on Bramamir quest line was the pirates values, until they closed it down.  It was an interesting first week back to Eredan to say the least.

If you want to find me in game you will have to look for my real name.  Sap/Nomad/Zil user.

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#14 24-04-2012 16:04:47

Lieu : Parcourant les terres de Guem
Inscription : 30-10-2009
Messages : 5 231

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

Nurvus a écrit :

I just have one concern about this - doesn't it mean the Pirates (and Mercenaries/Nehantists) are left out? It will make other guilds cheaper comparing to Pirates, because they can find cards for those Guilds in the Adventure Mode... while Pirates will tend to rise in price.

Don't forget that it's just for the rare cards and you don't get one very often.

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#15 24-04-2012 16:09:16

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

Additional information given by Sapphon :
Amnezy campaign (Sand of Arena) and Thread of Time campaign gives mercenaries rare cards and non affiliated rare cards.
Runic campaign is actually rated non affiliated to a guild due to the small number of Runic Legion cards.
Others campaign can give any rare cards when time to drop a rare comes.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#16 24-04-2012 16:29:13

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

Nurvus a écrit :

I just have one concern about this - doesn't it mean the Pirates (and Mercenaries/Nehantists) are left out?

You should get rare Nehantists cards off The Ritual's boss.

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#17 24-04-2012 16:36:30

Lieu : Votorantim,São Paulo
Inscription : 17-06-2011
Messages : 4 606
Site Web

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

Pirate rare cads? Where they come? And non afiliated can be dropped on for example Sap boss?

E meu nome não é SHIRLEY!

Eredan-->> Storm Videos <<--Videos

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#18 24-04-2012 16:48:34

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

Stormholt a écrit :

Pirate rare cads? Where they come? And non afiliated can be dropped on for example Sap boss?

You can have any rare for non affiliated campaign.

Actually only "Value of" campaign are affiliated to there specific guilds and Amnezy campaign (Sand of Arena) and Thread of Time campaign are affiliated to Mercenaries.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#19 24-04-2012 17:40:28

Inscription : 11-01-2011
Messages : 50

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

lol Inferno the boss of the Nehantist questline is so hard to beat compared to the other Bosses out there...

Come to the dark site and experience real power!

English Eredan chat:

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#20 24-04-2012 18:19:51

Lieu : Parcourant les terres de Guem
Inscription : 30-10-2009
Messages : 5 231

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

Sapphon a écrit :
Nurvus a écrit :

I just have one concern about this - doesn't it mean the Pirates (and Mercenaries/Nehantists) are left out?

You should get rare Nehantists cards off The Ritual's boss.

Is it a sure thing or a guess on your part Sapphon ?

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#21 29-04-2012 21:04:17

Lieu : Dickes B, oben an der Spree
Inscription : 09-04-2011
Messages : 1 751

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

Zurga a écrit :

- Chances to obtain rewards against Bosses of each campaign have been increased, you will now get at least one card if you achieve  theses campaigns (100%) and you will get up to three in the most difficult campaigns.<

really? can anyone confirm this? ok i m receiving one card each time... but... isnt the hardest campaign out there the demon? i m fighting him as often as possible but i get more runes then real cards and seldom 3 cards... rarely 2... dunno...

Wash the spears... while the sun climbs high.
Wash the spears... while the sun climbs low.
Wash the spears... who fears to die?
Wash the spears... no one I know!

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#22 29-04-2012 21:29:25

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 10-12-2011
Messages : 233

Re : April 24th 2012 : PatchNote

ditto. Card count so far after the drop "patch":

Runes -9
actual cards-4 (all commons I already have 8+ of)
campaign rewards-3 (again cards I have more then 8 of)

All in multiples of a single drop per win over the time since this "patch" came out.

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