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#1 09-02-2012 17:18:25

Inscription : 08-12-2011
Messages : 63

look at this, real life Azalys

compare the pose ...

and the gun ^^


I downloaded that pic from the Inet long before I discovered eredan ...
my guess it served as reference for card-images ... or is it the other way around?

thoughts, maybe?


Dernière modification par hitomo (09-02-2012 17:19:24)

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#2 09-02-2012 19:17:26

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Ft.Worth, Texas
Inscription : 21-10-2011
Messages : 171

Re : look at this, real life Azalys

Could be a coincidence... Just a "Steam Punk" cosplay look. Great costume though!!

The worst is yet to come and all I have to trade is only everything.

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#3 09-02-2012 19:25:00

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-01-2012
Messages : 212

Re : look at this, real life Azalys

Its normal to see Eredan use various images/ culture references for "Inspiration".
There are quite a lot too.

[card]Dazzle[/card] is obviously from Dragon Ball's Flash move-thing forgot who uses it...

Pirates and Temple Guardian.

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#4 09-02-2012 20:38:08

Inscription : 14-09-2011
Messages : 722

Re : look at this, real life Azalys

Lindblum a écrit :

Its normal to see Eredan use various images/ culture references for "Inspiration".
There are quite a lot too.

[card]Dazzle[/card] is obviously from Dragon Ball's Flash move-thing forgot who uses it...

tien's dodonpa?

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#5 10-02-2012 03:38:03

Lieu : Rhode Island
Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 1 470

Re : look at this, real life Azalys

For some reason her and the Mystic Slayers use Nerf Mavericks


"Some say there's no subtly to destruction.  You know what?  They're dead." ~ Jaya Ballard, Task Mage

"One footstep among many is silent.  One footstep alone is deafening."

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#6 10-02-2012 04:12:03

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 21-01-2011
Messages : 195

Re : look at this, real life Azalys

MrLordi92 a écrit :

For some reason her and the Mystic Slayers use Nerf Mavericks … pistol.jpg

this shows how skillful the mystic slayers are. I mean,killing with a toy gun? No one would ever believe THAT.

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#7 10-02-2012 04:31:28

Inscription : 01-12-2010
Messages : 2 526

Re : look at this, real life Azalys

genesyx a écrit :
MrLordi92 a écrit :

For some reason her and the Mystic Slayers use Nerf Mavericks … pistol.jpg

this shows how skillful the mystic slayers are. I mean,killing with a toy gun? No one would ever believe THAT.

True believers (priests) and those who play with toys (mages) believe it the most, and as such are most affected by the Mystic-Slayers.

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#8 10-02-2012 11:43:20

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 30-12-2011
Messages : 213

Re : look at this, real life Azalys

genesyx a écrit :
MrLordi92 a écrit :

For some reason her and the Mystic Slayers use Nerf Mavericks … pistol.jpg

this shows how skillful the mystic slayers are. I mean,killing with a toy gun? No one would ever believe THAT.

I know a little kid who breaks swords with feathers

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#9 10-02-2012 22:06:07

Inscription : 08-12-2011
Messages : 63

Re : look at this, real life Azalys

MrLordi92 a écrit :

For some reason her and the Mystic Slayers use Nerf Mavericks … pistol.jpg

nice digg ^^

yeah, I do the same at work,
google is your best friend for finding inspirations
for projects and assets ...

but the pose of her and that gu8n design is very obvious,
the mentioned dragon ball reference ... I dont know ...

do you have link ?


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#10 11-02-2012 19:23:59

Lieu : Rhode Island
Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 1 470

Re : look at this, real life Azalys

hitomo a écrit :
MrLordi92 a écrit :

For some reason her and the Mystic Slayers use Nerf Mavericks … pistol.jpg

nice digg ^^

yeah, I do the same at work,
google is your best friend for finding inspirations
for projects and assets ...

but the pose of her and that gu8n design is very obvious,
the mentioned dragon ball reference ... I dont know ...

do you have link ?


I'm not the one who mentioned DBZ.  Someone compared Dazzle's pose to Tien's Solar Flare.

"Some say there's no subtly to destruction.  You know what?  They're dead." ~ Jaya Ballard, Task Mage

"One footstep among many is silent.  One footstep alone is deafening."

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#11 11-02-2012 19:53:41

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-01-2012
Messages : 212

Re : look at this, real life Azalys

MrLordi92 a écrit :
hitomo a écrit :
MrLordi92 a écrit :

For some reason her and the Mystic Slayers use Nerf Mavericks … pistol.jpg

nice digg ^^

yeah, I do the same at work,
google is your best friend for finding inspirations
for projects and assets ...

but the pose of her and that gu8n design is very obvious,
the mentioned dragon ball reference ... I dont know ...

do you have link ?


I'm not the one who mentioned DBZ.  Someone compared Dazzle's pose to Tien's Solar Flare.

That would be me... Dazzle

Pirates and Temple Guardian.

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#12 13-02-2012 04:11:39

Inscription : 21-01-2012
Messages : 91

Re : look at this, real life Azalys

True believers (priests) and those who play with toys (mages) believe it the most, and as such are most affected by the Mystic-Slayers.

I'm sorry, but neither of the two characters with somewhat famous toys are mages. (Saphyra and Zahal)
Unless, of course, you meant staves and spellbooks.

"Ralph-- they ought to shut up, oughtn't they? You shut up, you littluns!"

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#13 13-02-2012 04:47:14

Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 500

Re : look at this, real life Azalys

I think Nurvus meant they believe a nerf gun could kill, since they are being hunted by the Mystic-Slayers.

Dragon Knights ftw big_smile

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