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Honestly I think [card]Tea Ceremony[/card] and [card]Kimiko[/card] should have more synergy.
Tea Ceremony is Kimiko's only way to improve her damage per fight outside Sitar Hero decks.
So an easy way to make it work would be changing the card like this:
Tea Ceremony
Kimiko: The opposing character becomes Mercenary until the end of the turn.
If the opposing character is a Mercenary or shares at least one Guild with your character, all opposing characters suffer 2 direct damage.
This means Kimiko would always be able to use this card against anyone.
It is not a boost in power, only in reliability.
EDIT: Accounting for Aigle1705, here's an alternative:
Tea Ceremony
Kimiko: The opposing character becomes Kotoba in addition to his Guilds until the end of the turn.
If the opposing character is a Mercenary or shares at least one Guild with your character, all opposing characters suffer 2 direct damage.
Alternatively, add a new card:
Damage dealt by the opposing character is reduced by 2.
Kimiko: The opposing character becomes Mercenary until the end of the turn.
Chain: Action.
Dernière modification par Nurvus (06-05-2012 13:00:33)
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but changing enemys guild is too strong.
this would also block enemys guildcards...
Kimiko: kimiko shares a guild with the enemy until end of turn
If the opposing character is a Mercenary or shares at least one Guild with your character, all opposing characters suffer 2 direct damage.
silent leges inter arma
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Marlok and Ishaia can use [card]Suspicion of Treason[/card] -> [card]Tea Ceremony[/card]
Kimiko, on the other hand, the "star" of the card, who should be the primary AoE damage Courtesan, is one of the worst candidates to use it...
Sharing a guild with the enemy might give Potion of Seduction an unwanted boost as well.
What about this...
Kimiko: The opposing character becomes Desert Nomad in addition to his Guild(s) until the end of the turn.
Dernière modification par Nurvus (11-10-2011 23:01:19)
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Why bother fixing something not broken?
Dragon Knights ftw
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Kimiko is a little broken currently.
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She is? How so?
Dragon Knights ftw
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Sorry if this comes out harsh, but I'm lately getting a little bored of replying to you.
You don't really have the patience for my posts, apparently, and I respect that, but neither do I with yours.
I'll just ask a couple of questions:
- Do you see Kimiko frequently in reasonably competitive decks that make successful use of Tea Ceremony? If so, is Kimiko the one using Tea Ceremony?
- Ardrakar has a special effect with Black Chimera, and as such I believe Kimiko should as well, with Tea Ceremony, because it's essentially its specialty theme - AoE direct damage. Do you think Kimiko would suddenly become overpowered because of my suggestion? If not, why do you bother trying to burn it down?
If there are other characters with the same problem, make suggestions for them, this one is for Kimiko wich I would personally like to see having more success with her theme (or simply more success), rather than resorting to the dead boring turtle courtesan strategy.
Dernière modification par Nurvus (13-10-2011 10:14:22)
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I'm just trying to see your point of view. All I am getting is that Kimiko is on Tea Ceremony so she should use it better than anyone else.
Also Ardrakar does not have a special effect with Black Chimera.
If you want a better deck with Kimko then think of cards like Sitar Hero and try to create more cards like it.
http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb4 … Finale.png
http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb4 … Encore.png
And yes things like Kimiko getting better can be broken; not many ways exist to prevent direct damage.
Dragon Knights ftw
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[card]Black Chimera[/card] - Activating immediately as Ardrakar makes the -Defense & -Attack effect apply immediately effectively giving her an advantage over other users of the same card.
All I'm saying is Kimiko is the embodiment of the aoe direct damage theme of courtesans, and as such should be consistent in her ability to use Tea Ceremony.
Tea Ceremony isn't OP.
Kimiko's abilities have dwindled comparing to the rampant power creep.
Sitar Hero is a theme deck, sure, and she can be part of it, but this suggestion is about Tea Ceremony.
Plus, I'm not saying Kimiko should be the best with Tea Ceremony just because she's in the card.
I'm saying Kimiko should be the best with Tea Ceremony because she is a Courtesan, she's in the card, and her specialty is AoE direct damage.
One question: What imbalance would occur if my suggestion was implemented?
Ishaia's abilities are better - she has better survivability - and she can chain Suspicion of Treason into Tea Ceremony.
Suspicion of Treason is a defensive (and in this case offensive) card.
Yes Ishaia is Legendary, but she's better at everything.
I'm asking that Kimiko be good at one thing only.
All I ask is for Kimiko to have the ability to always use that card to full effect - it's not anything amazing, but it would be a start.
Dernière modification par Nurvus (13-10-2011 20:51:39)
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That doesn't make Ardrakar + Black Chimera special just faster.
Also your saying Kimiko should be best with Tea Ceremony just because it's a mini her. Still not enough to convince me it needs to be changed.
Also you still don't get it. Why might be underpower today might become OP in the (near) future. Look at WitchBlade and Discard. Kimiko just by entering play does a total of 6 damage (that is both unpreventable and unblockable) allowing her to use Tea at any time means she will do a total of 12 damage. Direct damage AoE is a powerful thing, the better it gets the closer it becomes to being/becoming broken.
Also why not suggest an action card like Suspicion of Treason for Unknown's. Remember Feerik isn't about errating so suggest options to make Tea more compatible with Kimko.
Dragon Knights ftw
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A boost to Kimiko would not make her overpowered since she underpowered at the moment.
Dont know if you noticed, but later there has being alot of cards who give some kind of healing, like the Quimera, That Zil theurgy, Lot of Sap-heart cards, Avalonians have the queen, Immortals have Urakia the blade and the Prince hability and these are only that I can remember at the moment.
Plus the last updates had a huge power-creep combs that can do 24 dmg, like two living nature on a Mage keizan on some decks.. Plus lot of cards that remove defence, making Courtesans underpowered.
So castes that depends on doing lots of small dmgs instead of huge bursts are currently really underpowered. I dont see any problem in Courtesans get a boost. Beside there is a lot of things you can do to counter Kimiko, like controlling when to fight aganst her, Prestige on Guitar hero or in this case Tea cerimony and etc.
Dernière modification par Paladino.:RR:. (14-10-2011 14:06:18)
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let's just wait for next week's new cards. I saw something on facebook http://www.facebook.com/Amnezy.Eredan, maybe they'll add more court cards. And hopefully you get what you want with the "underpowered" courts.
Never lost a fair game... or played one.
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Also why not suggest an action card like Suspicion of Treason for Unknown's.
Why suggest a card that makes Kimiko even more limited in deck compositions, as if she didn't suck enough already?
That doesn't make Ardrakar + Black Chimera special just faster.
It's stronger because it's faster. It kicks in before you get hit or hit the opponent.
You take -1 damage and deal +1 damage.
If you play Black Chimera before the opponent plays a "reduces damage taken by X" card, the opponent will take the full 2 direct damage, instead of taking 0 at the end of the turn.
It makes alot of difference.
Faster, in Black Chimera's case, means stronger.
In Kimiko's case, I'm trying to suggest something that makes Tea Ceremony better for Kimiko. If it is a new card, it would need to be a card that's useful on its own, with the added effect of improving Tea Ceremony's reliability.
It could be a new card like this:
Damage dealt by the opposing character is reduced by 2.
Kimiko: The opposing character becomes Mercenary until the end of the Turn.
Chain: Action.
I shall await you...
Also your saying Kimiko should be best with Tea Ceremony just because it's a mini her.
No, I'm not. It simply fits her theme, she sucks currently, and is one of the worst at using it.
Still not enough to convince me it needs to be changed.
Nothing is.
I kind of stopped trying ever since you presented your distorted reasons to complain about something as simple as suggesting a warrior+marauder with "Chain: Item vs Class".
Also you still don't get it. Why might be underpower today might become OP in the (near) future. Look at WitchBlade and Discard. Kimiko just by entering play does a total of 6 damage (that is both unpreventable and unblockable) allowing her to use Tea at any time means she will do a total of 12 damage. Direct damage AoE is a powerful thing, the better it gets the closer it becomes to being/becoming broken.
Completely irrelevant.
WitchBlade was given cards to use.
If Courtesans become powerful by being given cards, it doesn't mean Tea Ceremony will be one of the used cards - actually it all points at it becoming less and less used with time.
Due to cards like Lightning Bolts, Crystal Storm and whatnot, alot of decks have obtained passive healing or damage reduction.
Plus, want to speak about direct damage, speak about Zil Dagger Master.
Kimiko is underpowered now, even after Sitar Hero theme was made for her to participate in.
Again, this suggestion is not for Tea Ceremony - it's for Kimiko.
Can you tell the difference?
Ishaia has a wider range of affected Classes.
Ishaia and Marlok can use Suspicion of Treason -> Tea Ceremony for both offense and defense.
Kimiko can only personally improve her damage through Tea Ceremony or Sitar Hero, and poorly at that.
Other characters can boost their attack, cast spells, whatever...
Marlok and Ishaia, however, can also alternatively use Lightning Bolts, or Dragon's Wit -> Banner -> Shadow Master/Crystal Storm/etc.
This wouldn't suddenly become "The Rise of Kimiko".
It'd simply let her have a more decent purpose in Courtesan decks.
Dernière modification par Nurvus (14-10-2011 18:50:52)
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i agree with tea ceremony needs to be more reliable with kimiko but would it be just as effective if they just increase kimiko's guilds from 2 to 3 or 4?
their will come a day when the Katoba return to being a threat to all other guilds. I await that day.
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