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#1 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » May 23th 2012 : The Leaking Cask Inn » 23-05-2012 21:37:31

any food cards? good fish and cake...any else? i think without miltistacking not realy win this mission...

#2 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » May 4th 2012 : Miss Eredan Second Round » 05-05-2012 03:38:05

Let the Runic Blondy get another glorios Victory!!!! Again!!! haha big_smile
most of us do the right choise last time, so it's alredy asmost happans big_smile

#3 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » April 25th 2012 : King Hrimnir' Tomb » 02-05-2012 00:09:42

hotfoot a écrit :

well somethings still off, or I'm just that unlucky, cause I still can't get the king to drop... hmm

same here...just more that eight wins after fix....still only some low crap and 25 EXp cards....damn i guess it's more than 60'ty attempts for all event and still nothing... sad sad sad hmm

#4 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » April 25th 2012 : King Hrimnir' Tomb » 30-04-2012 19:33:47

Zurga a écrit :
Snow_nimf a écrit :

they is not only one campain at arena boss champion same problem for two weeks playng still No Facepierce Glowes.... What shoud i do? How much time untill frozen mission melted?

The Facepierce gloves are dropped only by Amnezy. You have to face her to get the gloves.

Normally if you have the King bug, in Four win since the update you should receive the king.

tnx for answer aboute glows! big_smile
alredy 3 perfect on king today hmm still nothing
i wish i get him tomorow big_smile

#5 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » April 25th 2012 : King Hrimnir' Tomb » 30-04-2012 17:48:13

Sapphon a écrit :

Why do you want to start from scratch oO
There was a bug. It has been corrected. Of course what you did until then counts.

i have this bug too.a lots of energy wasted and still No frozen king char. it's alredy more 60 wins at this frozen campain more,more than 20 with perfect. they is not only one campain at arena boss champion same problem for two weeks playng still No Facepierce Glowes.... What shoud i do? How much time untill frozen mission melted?

#6 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » April 25th 2012 : King Hrimnir' Tomb » 30-04-2012 15:21:35

i get more than 58 attempts, farming more than 6 days with purchased energy, still have blue energy 33 lol, but i finaly understand, it's usless, i'm just suspect what i'm cursed by ICE-ELVEN Gods....D:....that was only comon cards and favor for 25\10 even of rares or damn King!!....still impossibry....

#7 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » April 25th 2012 : King Hrimnir' Tomb » 28-04-2012 03:50:57

lol  it's just happens....i guess with 15 or 17 atemps...i only take a lose befor this ridiculos fight!!!....totaly lose to him...but i'm try, and try and win, for glory, for crown card!! big_smile....and sudenly when night alredy get overed...i saw a beautiful sunrise....i'll try one more time to bit this cold\undead\cheating azz, okay he's boss, he playing like a boss.....but i'm have just a crapy cards...realy unlucky with bossters sad ....
in that time my room was filled more and more light....
...And Sudenly!....
I saw some magic in last round.... coz i realy realy wish it....
and WIN!!...damn first one....with perf big_smile....just wow...
and u know in that last moumen when get something imposibly awesom.....u just feel Unbelievable emothionsss!!!!!!...
tnx to all who make this truly magnificent Game just more beter and beter! big_smile

#8 Bugs » Big Bad Bug with Hrimnir and Nehants » 27-04-2012 13:07:17

Réponses : 2

this damn iced undead king still CAN use all his Ice-Elf cards, EVEN he get only one race a DEMON(demon may rise atached to him, yeah twice lol) yeah and he discard them by angmurs rage, damn no sence.... this cards only for race Ice-Elfs no for demons....

#9 Re : Bugs » Ayier Nooooo...... » 26-04-2012 00:25:26

okay can i get her back at lvl 3? big_smile but this foil...damn if i know that... only frozen or only foil...but i saw foil + frozen card in the fights, yeah lvl 4 Krokhem , i think it's bug only on Aiyer char...

#10 Re : Bugs » Ayier Nooooo...... » 25-04-2012 22:03:30

pls give to my Frozen Babe foil status big_smile

#11 Bugs » Ayier Nooooo...... » 25-04-2012 21:53:01

Réponses : 8

I'm lvl-up My Foil Ice-elf Ayir to lvl Four...and FOIL Status Dissssaaapiireeeddd.....T_T

#12 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » April 20th 2012 : Election of Miss Eredan » 20-04-2012 15:36:32

oh nice, most of us for Runic Blondy!!!
so, how she look like at work:
and at home:
Edit moderation : No cars in eredan world
u still don't know who will get ***bip*** tiket? big_smile

#14 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » April 20th 2012 : Election of Miss Eredan » 20-04-2012 12:04:20

big_smile my choise is Coranthia!!!!
Runic is power!!
Coranthia alredy win, best art, best stats, best of the best!!!!
and we know it >_< pretty blondy!!!....

#16 Re : Update list » The Runic Legion » 18-04-2012 17:18:17

one little question here....
i just noticed some reference aboute reward if u get all missions for hares... Befor Legion relised...
what's reward? free nox rune or i'm just miss something....?

#17 Re : Update list » The Runic Legion » 18-04-2012 17:03:45

awesom work!!! tnx eredan!!! just BEST guild and relise i think big_smile pretty intresting rune system hell yeah at last!!!!!! mighty warrior and war priest!!!! brutal force and ofencive healing!!!
just can't wait when i get some cards from this guild.... big_smile

#18 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » a little question aboute sell :D » 17-04-2012 15:33:12

Zurga a écrit :

If the rare card is unsellable, you can't do anything to make it sellable.

ah...even if it's foil...okay... tnx for answering

#19 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » a little question aboute sell :D » 17-04-2012 14:06:20

Réponses : 6

so... i have master assasin rare for rewad, non tradeble! And i have kotoba's returnd fire can i get Foil card at the end of the lvl 3 and can sell it right?

#20 Re : Update list » Regenerate Artaban! » 02-04-2012 21:09:54

camolatte a écrit :

probably the more artaban you killed without using parchment, the better card you get, since I start to get Uncommon cards if I manage to kill 1 Artaban. Couldn't killed two without losing yet

My Crow deck against Artaban
3 [card]Blessed Bandage[/card]
3 [card]Come and get some![/card]
3 [card]Vanish[/card]
2 [card]Lucky Charm[/card]
2 [card]Tsume[/card]
2 [card]Disagreement[/card]
2 [card]Tatamijutsu[/card]
2 [card]Watcher[/card]
1 [card]Parchment of element regeneration[/card]

If you have these unique cards would be better:
1 [card]Capturing the Enemy[/card]
1 [card]Danger in Delay[/card]
1 [card]Temporalis[/card]

nice deck...but i do'nt  have many tsumes...only one...anyway i smash him, at last!!!! big_smile with quuin of avalonians, valentine...and second level apostel of desteny lol big_smile

lol i get black himera when i kill Mr. Stone by sword....if u kill him by scroll u get just comons stuff... big_smile

#21 Re : Update list » Regenerate Artaban! » 01-04-2012 21:54:59

free_seller a écrit :
Snow_nimf a écrit :

How to KIll Artaban? he's damn mighty!

dude read the previous  posts,,,some people just wrote how to kill him

hm i don't have discard deck....any other mind?

#22 Re : Update list » Regenerate Artaban! » 01-04-2012 19:15:58

How to KIll Artaban? he's damn mighty!

#23 Re : Update list » Regenerate Artaban! » 30-03-2012 03:21:32

it's all good and awesom...but i'm stuked at earth mission...second mission with angry demon sword block another progress...any1 know how beat this damn sword in second mission of tread of time?

#25 Re : Update list » New battle! » 09-02-2012 03:01:07

it's simply, ppl wona better to find AWESOM IRO LEGENDARY! even little creepy Alice,
even me but i more like zil's even they wona discont for week on red army packs, to catch this legendary iro in'da it's alredy done, Kotoba 'll win. it's was alredy unfair reward for sides at the start of BIg battle....

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