
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 Re : Update list » New Trophies + The Shaman » 02-07-2011 15:54:27

Antwil a écrit :

Is there any reason why past battles are not taken into account for these new trophies? Just curious, because it kind of seems unfair to those that have been around for a while and have played thousands of battles already.

I think so, too.

#3 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Small Things Writer Tournament organized by the Consortium » 01-07-2011 15:16:11

Congratulations to the other winners!

And yay me! ^^ Next time I'm gonna make it to Top3 wink

#4 Re : Deck and Strategy » DK talk » 30-06-2011 01:34:12

Anihilate a écrit :

Chimera + The Dragon's Champion= Damn near unkillable.
The Dragons Champion + using A drac sword/armor/dragon's prescense= Up to 8 hp after hitting the death mark.

A few days ago I encountered a DK deck that played [card]Kounok the Prophet[/card] with 3 [card]Crystal Shelf[/card], a [card]Dragon Armor[/card], [card]Chimera[/card] and, as a final good bye kiss, [card]The Dragon's Champion[/card]. It was demoralizing seeing your guys being burned down and he himself healing everything you managed to chip away since [card]Valentin[/card] and [card]Zahal[/card] each equipped a Dragon Armor via [card]Armor Invocation[/card] and a [card]Draconian Sword[/card].

And yes, there was the [card]Power[/card] + [card]Than the Sword[/card] combo included and [card]Dragon Fangs[/card] was used to finish my 5 Spirit Tracker off ^^

It was interesting to see but depressing to play against and I'm only happy I didn't see any [card]Fragment of Chimera[/card].

And, BTW, seeing Power + Than the Sword virtually in every DK deck isn't really fun, you know ^^

#6 Re : Update list » Urakia the Nomad » 29-06-2011 13:53:10

Punishing the Unpure will be in soooo many Noz Decks, I fear.

#7 Re : FAQs » Allgemeine Fragen » 28-06-2011 22:26:49

Aigle1705 a écrit :

noch wahrscheinlicher allerdings ist:
Kristallsturm aktiviert sich zu Rundenbeginn, also vor der Charakterwahl.
Du hast keinen gegnerischen Charakter der dir schäden zufügt. Diese Schäden kommen passiv rein.

Hatte ich schon drüber nachgedacht, allerdings haut das vom wording her nich hin (zumindest was die deutsche und die englische Version angeht). Ist eventuell auch ein Bug.

#8 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Small Things Writer Tournament organized by the Consortium » 28-06-2011 10:40:42

Can't wait for Friday big_smile

Especially after finding out that I'm one out of 3 contestants with an English text ^^

#9 Re : Deck and Strategy » Updating my Tracker Deck » 21-06-2011 15:28:05

Thanks for the links .. I was looking through the forum for about 30 minutes without finding some decent threads.

#10 Deck and Strategy » Updating my Tracker Deck » 21-06-2011 13:30:53

Réponses : 1

After the recent release of the new Kotoba cards I came into reconsidering how I could update my Tracker Deck.

I haven't yet bought any of the new cards so I'm up for ideas. And no, playing something else is not an idea I want to see here.

[card]Amaya[/card] (Lightning Guemelite)

1x [card]Anathematize[/card]
2x [card]Art of the Iron Fist[/card]
1x [card]Escaping death[/card]
3x [card]Firon[/card]
2x [card]Katamaru[/card]
3x [card]Shuriken[/card]
1x [card]Storm[/card]
1x [card]To lay Bare[/card]
3x [card]Tracker's Emblem[/card]
3x [card]Tracker's Mask[/card]

Cards I did consider already were [card]To Track down[/card], [card]Kunai[/card] and [card]Disarmament[/card]. A Close Shave actually never worked out for me.

#11 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » How to continue? » 10-06-2011 14:18:28

Réponses : 1

Hei everybody,
here's the deal. I have no idea where to go with Eredan from this point on.

I actually enjoy it a lot but I'm stuck, play-wise. The thing is that I have enough feez to buy ONE of the starters (and gawd knows, I need them all) and I don't really know which one.

I currently have a Tracker Deck running and looking at the new cards really makes me want to build a Tsotai deck, hur hur.

I enjoy Desert Nomads but am really missing out on all the extremely expensive Priest and Nomad cards (no mass-heal, no Solaris, no Scarab Swars .. nutt'n) and I shy away from the idea to burn one of my Assassinations for Kararine exp3.

I do like to play with my Noz as well and looking at both, the DK and the Sap Heart Starter get's me drooling.

The thing is I spend my crystals on all my interests in the game and the only things I'm not interested in are the Pirates and the Nehants (though, they are kinda sweet).

Help me, Obi-Wan Eredani, you're my only hope!!!

Oh, BTW, I drew that nifty Katana I could sell off, otherwise I could start building a Kotoba Warrior Deck as well and no, I'm kinda broke with only 11K Crystals to spend right now.

#12 Re : Update list » The Forgiven Trophy and results for the Man Hunt event! » 09-06-2011 17:58:26

It's almost ridiculous, how fast you can get these 200 points of dmg together with the Nomads big_smile

#13 Re : Update list » The Forgiven Trophy and results for the Man Hunt event! » 09-06-2011 16:02:11

Viliennas a écrit :

It is calculating as the number of "times", your own character is damaged.

Hmm ... no, sorry, it doesn't ^^ I didn't damage my guys THAT often, last game .. got 6 points and only 4 effects in total .. with a total damage done to my minions of 12

#14 Re : Deck and Strategy » Tsoutai/Tracker Advice » 09-06-2011 15:52:27

I got my Tracker Deck together rather quickly. And am, since then, quite happy with it. Buying a lvl3 Tsuro was not the most expensive thing but getting the items together.

I went with:
Tracker's Emblem x3 each ~2K
Tracker's Mask x3 each ~2,5K
Firon x3 each ~700
Shuriken x3 each ~2,2K
Art of the Iron Fist x3 each ~750

which makes 15 cards with a value around 25K + Tsuro who is around 4,5K. The rest is meta-game like:
To lay Bare
The Storm (I always drop at 1 or 2 life left ^^)

I later added Katamaru x2 each ~2K (got mine for a few hundred Crystals)

It certainly is more expensive now than back when I bought mine together but there's worse out there. Ever tried to get a Dragon Knight deck together? Costs your soul wink

#15 Re : Update list » Kotoba Reinforcement! » 09-06-2011 15:42:27

Malleuz a écrit :

Talking about power creep and brokenness.

The Flawseekers Calling is unbelievably broken (that, or severly bugged). When you play it alone (no other cards, just this one) it gives +4 atk (sounds like Assassination to me), and then it gives a further +2 if you play other "the flawseeker" cards this turn, or have some in play already.

It states "including this one." So it will ALWAYS give at least +4 Attack .. which IS totally insane in my eyes because when was the last time a pimped up Akutsai needed +8 attack out of nothing?

Before you ask, I just got my minions buts handed to me by him .. no fun.

EDIT: Just looked it up again. It states that it gives +2 for each one but this means the first should (if no other "flawseeker's" are active) give +2 Attack ... It's a bug ^^

#17 Re : Update list » The Special Man Hunt! » 01-06-2011 13:38:34

Cossette a écrit :

need a lot of key though...

You need a total of 44 keys to open all chests .. and I'm away for the weekend *sigh*

#18 Re : Update list » The Special Man Hunt! » 31-05-2011 23:58:57

I got my points together vs. the following combinations:

- Kararine, The Eternal, Toran the Faithless
- Malika, Lodir, Ahlem
- Aez, the Wandering Warrior; Rargnor, Red-Mark
- Kounok, Zahal, Valentin
- Psalm, Lord Galmara, Oogue Kage
- Hime, Amaya, Tsuro
- Ardrakar, Iron Mask, Anagram

I take it there are several characters in each Guild that count so...

#19 Re : Update list » The Special Man Hunt! » 31-05-2011 22:25:57

Plink a écrit :

I can open chests, click on the islands, then appear a menu with the chests...

Nope, not happening sad

#20 Re : Update list » The Special Man Hunt! » 31-05-2011 19:12:13

You also get keys through trophies, you just get extra keys through buying boosters.

And yes, I too can't open chests

#21 Bugs » [Trophy] The Recruiter » 28-05-2011 12:22:42

Réponses : 2

I noticed this the time all those new trophies were introduced. The Trophy "The Recruiter" (25 facebook friends playing iTCG) seems to not work.

I had over a hundred people on my FL plaing the iTCG and since then even added 1 or two more but the trophy won't activate.

#22 Re : Update list » Daily Quests + Amnezy Results! » 18-04-2011 23:30:19

nemoutopia a écrit :

Did my first daily quest just fine. At turnover, the second window popped up...but was blank. No Amnezy, no quest description, no acknowledgment that I had done one day already, really just a bare-bones window with the 1 to 5 bar. There doesn't seem to be a way to bring the daily window back up, either =/ I tried logging off, then logging on from another computer but no dice, just the regular news box. We definitely need a highly visible button, perhaps under My Messages or Help!

Same problem here. Please add a button fix that as soon as possible.

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