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#1 10-06-2011 14:18:28

Lieu : no temple to Xochiquetzal here
Inscription : 18-04-2011
Messages : 22

How to continue?

Hei everybody,
here's the deal. I have no idea where to go with Eredan from this point on.

I actually enjoy it a lot but I'm stuck, play-wise. The thing is that I have enough feez to buy ONE of the starters (and gawd knows, I need them all) and I don't really know which one.

I currently have a Tracker Deck running and looking at the new cards really makes me want to build a Tsotai deck, hur hur.

I enjoy Desert Nomads but am really missing out on all the extremely expensive Priest and Nomad cards (no mass-heal, no Solaris, no Scarab Swars .. nutt'n) and I shy away from the idea to burn one of my Assassinations for Kararine exp3.

I do like to play with my Noz as well and looking at both, the DK and the Sap Heart Starter get's me drooling.

The thing is I spend my crystals on all my interests in the game and the only things I'm not interested in are the Pirates and the Nehants (though, they are kinda sweet).

Help me, Obi-Wan Eredani, you're my only hope!!!

Oh, BTW, I drew that nifty Katana I could sell off, otherwise I could start building a Kotoba Warrior Deck as well and no, I'm kinda broke with only 11K Crystals to spend right now.

Mad Scientist * Born under the xochitl
"Everything bigger than a hamlet should have a temple dedicated to Xochiquetzal . I even volunteer as high priest."

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#2 10-06-2011 19:15:04

Inscription : 11-11-2010
Messages : 455

Re : How to continue?

I'll be straight up. With ***bip*** ambitions your going ot have to do 1 of two things.

1. Buy fees sell of good cards to fund one or two decks
2. buy fees level up the cards play with what you have.

I know both options involve buying fees but thats the cost of trying to run multiple built up decks.

Dragon Knights
Sen/Jin Deck
Nomad Priests
Temple Guardians
and a few others

Can all be made under roughly 30-40k. you will be missing some parts that would make you a threat in some higher end elo matchups but you will still be able to enjoy the game.

I have one nehants deck i had another but I sold(am in the process of) it to make another deck. The way I utilize eredan since it is an INTERNETtcg is i just pawn off the cards I am not gonna use. IF it were IRL id be more privy with my collection but alas i see no need to mantle up bits of data i wont be able to access when the life of eredan is over in general or for me.

Concentrate not on destroying your foe, but on obtaining your own victory. - Gouken

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