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Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress: http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.
Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
Não é bem bug, simplesmente não existe a opção de se fazer sósinho, mas sei que é possivel para os admin do jogo fazerem.
Então estou pedindo se possivel para disvincular minha conta do meu facebook, incomoda D+ toda hora pergutando se quero publicar tal coisa, e sinceramente, não tenho orgulho de que jogo Eredan para ficas postando no facebook..
Minha acc é Artharian Dagworth..
Qualquer informação que precisarem para desvincular é só pedir..
Provavelmente, enquanto esta carregando o Eredan acessa algum endereço proibido pela rede de segurança de seu trabalho.
De modo que apenas acessar a pagina inicial do jogo não ative nenhum filtro, porem o acesso ao jogo ativa o filtro.
Não sou expert em TI, mas acredito que não haja solução para isto. Você consegue por conexão remota, mas iria precisar de um computador ligado em sua casa.. Mas provavelmente seu trabalho também deve bloquiar conexões remotas..
granted, but all of your wishes were restricted to the same wish : i wish I had only 1 wish, hence creating an infinite loop and your head exploding.
I wish this thread was closed
Granted, but then someone opened a new one, so the admins closed the new one and reopened this one.
I wish we get the old events back, where you spend money in booster not in adventure mode.
Bem, eu estou parando com o Eredan, pelo menos vou tentar.
Conforme reclamei no forum inglês, o eredan parou de ser casual, antes eu podia gastar dinheiro e jogar competitivamente, mesmo jogando pouco. Agora é preciso gastar dinheiro e ainda jogar que nem um maluco.
Os eventos ficaram muito FDP, vc precisa gastar feez só para fazer o evento na sala de aventura, antigamente vc gastava feez, comprava booster e ganhava os facilitadores de evento...
Em outra palavras, enquanto eu consego jogar um jogo que só me sugasse um dinheirinho todo mes, nao consigo mais jogar um jogo que me sugue tempo alem de dinheiro.
Talvez eu não consiga ficar longe e volte, mas acho que não.. de qualquer maneira ainda devo acessar o chat do BT (eredan 2.0) e o do forum para conversar com a galera.
Caitlyn a écrit :Niioo a écrit :Who is the Best Beside For this man sir?????
crystocat and lucyan..
hmm i will try it sir...confuse about card for Him????
He was joking you.
Sevilath is currently underpowered.. He can be one shot by near anything of the las releases, and even if you manage to get the hammer rolling, there isn't many mercenaries cards running around to make a real diference so he can get enough damage to not die in his second fight.
If he could keep the cleric aspect he would do fine...
Anyway, once upon a time I used to roll him with Lady Yilith and Foam Giant, based on the card adventure.. I would play hammer in sevy or lady and get it to the foam giant, and play some cards like LD, Dark Stoneheart and firion on him.. Made to 1840 on elo at that time, and I did not have ANS and with as slow deck would lose to all discards..
But now some 6 months or more later, there is so much permanent removal that it's not playable...
You Might want to try with Lady Yilith and Lucyan clerig version if you got him and do a Rage based deck..
But the point is.. Sevylath needs an upgrade
Paladino.:RR:. a écrit :OHanicide a écrit :The most awesome book ever would be the Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks!! The Omnibus comes out in April!! but you soon realize Feerik has sucked all your money dry because you really needed some new cards!! And now you can't buy the book...
I wish I had Brent Weeks' new novel "The Blinding Knife" right now instead of having to wait till September...
Really??? Have you ever read Jim Butcher, The Dresden Files? Or Patrick Rothfuss The Kingkiller Cronicles?
Oh yeah!! Great books!! Well i didnt much enjoy Dresdan Files... Overrated lol IMO anyway. I really like Kingkiller Chronicles though! Amazing!! I'm just partial to Brent Weeks!! He is so amazing and he is a newer author and he is still growing into his writhing skills but I really like the worlds he crafts and the originality of his magic systems. Just am a big fan of his!! Favorite author and all... But I'm a book nerd so I like to read anything...
I'll also read anything, well at least any fantasy. I'm addicted to the dresden files. I'm currently reading the Garret PI series com Gleen Cook, it's about a detective in a fantasy city, with all the fantasy esteriotipes, like elves, dwarves, gnomes, centaurs, mages and etc.. but its focused more on the detective aspect. There is also The Black Company series from gleen cock that is awsome.
Now going back on topic,
granted but all its pages are blank
i wish i can find the necronomicon
Granted, but after spending all your economiess to find it, when you pick it up it turns to dust due to old age.
I Wish I didn't have to work so I could read all the Garret PI series without being interrupted.
The most awesome book ever would be the Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks!! The Omnibus comes out in April!! but you soon realize Feerik has sucked all your money dry because you really needed some new cards!! And now you can't buy the book...
I wish I had Brent Weeks' new novel "The Blinding Knife" right now instead of having to wait till September...
Really??? Have you ever read Jim Butcher, The Dresden Files? Or Patrick Rothfuss The Kingkiller Cronicles?
Question, what boss everyone usually farms?
A pack for every foil you take away from us?
Don't even mention it, the foil cards price going to skyrocket!
Yep, make the tournament next week so I can play.. This weeked I'm going to the beach!
I got a question, I never used the disable foil option, does it disable all foil cards in the match or only yours?
If it disable only yours, the unfoil option will not work, since people will still get lag from an adversarie using foil.
If it's disable all, all people got to do is improve the feature to fully "unfoil" cards for those who mark this option, and should fiz the visual lags for those with a bad conextion or computer.
Temporalis + Vision!
I though more about this :
http://blogus.eredan.com/index.php/2011 … year-packs
http://blogus.eredan.com/index.php/2011 … lior-magusAnd the Halloween 2010 mask available at fixed price in the auction room in Halloween 2011.
Instead of specific card available only once during the auction time and that need a lot of real money.
This Could Work. The problem is that the waiting shouldn't be over 2-3 months most, or else the card itself will probally be useless when it became avaliable.
I don't understand...if it's too grindy or whatever for you, then why play the events? I quit WoW awhile back for the same reason; too much busy work and I didn't wanna do it anymore. Sure, I had to do it to stay competitive in the DPS Charts (I played a Mage) but after awhile I was like...meh. No more.
Same thing here. No one's forcing you to play the event, and if you want to do them to "stay competitive", then that's on you. No use complaining about it.
The point is that Eredan wasn't like this, you didn't need to grind all event to stay competitive, and now it's becoming, that is what I'm complaining.
Zurga -
Please don't mention the auction event, where some cards like dhan there were offers where someone had to have spent +-400 dolars to have that ammount of eggs..
You can't say only cause 1 card was avaliable, in one event, to whom pay more, that it was available for everyone. It's like to say travel to the moon is available, you just got divine when the next rocket is going and pay more than everyone else for it..
I see no problem with Foil cards, I never lagged due to it or anything, but I can see it being a problem for players with slower computer/conection.
If to remove the foil is decided, you could do it to every card and as a compensation, give XP cards to the players for each unfoield card.. (But please make something significant, like 500 or 1000), so the diference on value lost could be gained by upgrading cards and selling, or by saving money by buying character you want lvl 1 and upgrading it.
Or just give feez as a compesation ^^
Not really.
Was Valentyne so OP you must have she ?
Do you think that Bramamir renegade is a must have ?
Not now, do you know in the future? The problem is, you don't do an event now, you dont get a chance to get those cards ever gain..
I'm still sulking cause of Nehantic shield and Scragh for example, and beside a really low chance of getting them on the Adventure, I won't ever again have a chance to have them.
So currently Pirate Warrior is not competitive, but what if the next pirate release makes him strong?
What about there is a mercenarie release with a card much like firion? Valentines becomes good.
So, or you do the events, or you risk to be at an desadvantage in the future.
I used to like old events, where the facilitators were in the boosters, cause you would get cards and participate on the event.
Also they could start putting event cards for sale, make it a little salty, so those players who got on the event don't feel cheated.
I don't know, just make the game possible for the casual player who wants to play 2-4 matchs a day max, and once in a while take a week to try the elo or something else.
With the two last animation you say that this week ?
Valentyne animation was very cool to do, no need to go no-life.
This one is also simple, few games a day allows to go to the last mission.For ELO, it has always been a question of good cards and will to play.
For the records, I play a lot and I'm noone in the game, no ELO top. I'm only someone in the forum, for obvious reason not for all
This prevents me to take some good time in the game ? No.
Decide your goal and have fun with the game.If yours goals are to do everything and be in top ELO, this means that you can't be casual. Same happens with a lot of online games.
It's not about doing what I want Zurga.
It's just, if I wanted to go well on Elo, All I needed to do was pay to get good cards and play Elo.
Now you have to pay, do adventure events, do events, do trophyies and still play a lot of Elo.
Tenta limpar cookies, cache e etc.. um cara tinha esse problema no forum ingles, fez isso e pareceu resoler.
R[4u']what deck are you using?
A lot,
WB, DK, Noz Blaster, Compedium, All clérics versions on nomads, Old Eclipse, TG, Immortals, Ice Elves, Sevylath Lady Yilith Foam Giant, Nehantic Hand Lock, Zil Clerics discards (before Alice), Those I can remember now, but I got more..
Well it's just me, or any other older player also feels that Eredan is losing it's status as a casual game to those mmorpg that if you don't play at least 3 hours a day you become a nobody??
The weakly release of trophys was something that alredy forced you to play, now with the rampaging of events, it's become even harder to keep up..
I don't know, I used to play 3 to 5 matches a day, spent something like 30 dolars a month and could do well on Elo and etc.. Whenever the bans were good on Elo, or the weekly release was for one of my decks, I would play for real the elo ta week and be at least in the first page..
Now, I didn't participate the Shulong event, or the Scragh one, Because I couldn't spend or had alredy spent my monthly amount on Eredan. And I had to choose between 5 days playng only eredan or giving up the events, I gave up the Events.
Than came the Adventure mode, cool way of getting cards for players who can't pay to play and etc.. But now every goddamm event is based on it and you can't get a weekend and try to soldier on and finish in one go (unless you pay), you got to login every chance you get during the day time so your energy bar never gets full and enery is wasted. So now the events demand even more time.
Since event cards are becoming really strong (see Scragh and Shunlong) is almost becoming impossible to play competitive without some of them.
O well, could keep the rant on for a little longer, but the point is, you can't play Eredan anymore as a casual game it became like one of those korean MMORPG that you got play, and play, and play cause if you don't, you won't get anywhere, even paying it only gets a little easier, but you still have to play and play..
I used to like when I could spend a little money and be competitive, without having to play a big number of hours a week...
Stallion1990 a écrit :Ateb is AWESOME, use him with StoneEater and Eternal, and you get to have soooo much fun
yes please.. its strong.
I'm sorry, if he was really that good, we would see more of him on game, I never saw him once in elo room or level room.
He was awsome, a year ago. Today he is only good, not a Elo winning material.. the latest release are way more powerfull.
I once sold an Ishaia for 300 crystals instead of 300k, old times before the market changes..
I wish I had a better job.
You became a successful porn star but you have multiple std's.
I wish I had a hairy back
Granted, but them your wife/girlfriend/parents/friends/boss force you to wax it weakly.
I wish I could stop visiting this forum and playing this game..
Antes de usar Djamena, eu usaria o Hakim
O novo personagem tem um bonus de ordem legal, porem ele não é clérigo então são 9 cartas na sua mão que ele não pode jogar.
Pelo amor de deus, eu queira é que eles removesse aquelas porcarias de cartas da minha coleção e que todo mundo esquecesse que isso existiu.