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Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress: http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.
Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
Players that did not complete The Exorcist trophy can now purchase it in the Eredan iTCG store.
Win 7 games against different players during which you will only deal magic damage to the opposing characters and win 7 games against different players during which you will only deal physical damage to the opposing characters. These games must be played against different players. You will win the card Imploring the Ancestors and the title: The Exorcist .
Imploring the Ancestors : Spirit +1. If your character dies, your other characters heal 2 Health points, gain Spirit +1 and become Undead in addition to their other Races until the end of the game. Permanent.
Have fun!
Eredan iTCG, the rading card game.
Find this also on Facebook!
My fellow Eredanians,
This is my last official day at Feerik. It was my decision to move on and explore new horizons!
Twas a great honor and pleasure working with such a great community.
Things haven't always been easy but I never underestimated this communty's intelligence and wit.
You are a smart bunch and as long as you try and avoid the inevitable trolling, I believe that this community will expand into something made out of awesome
Just have a little faith and patience.
I have learnt a lot on a personal and professional level and for that, I'd like to thank you.
I will now leave my work in the able hands of my successor and wish the new staff all the very best.
My best wishes to all of you and may Eredan be with you always.
Welcome Sapphon and may the strength of Eredan be with you
A new trophy is available until Thursday the 6th of October 2011 at 9.00.
You are limited in time so do not waste any!
Win 20 games against different players only using Level 1 characters and cards in your Deck at the start of the game. You will win the Without Fear... and the title: The Avalonian.
Without Fear... : Action. Collector. Attack +2, Defense +1. Your character gains his Order Bonus if he hasn't received it already. Chain "...Or Remorse"".
Results for the Autumn Tournament.
Well done to everyone!
1st, wins a Legendary Pack: Kashigaasa
2nd to 20th each win 2 Premium boosters!
ETHAN ATHOS, Marcelo_Rodrigues, Christian_Rivasv, Guigo_Riff, Unfathomable, Bibi_Tomfat, xxGaboxx, tsaint, Roarky, Rafael_Cassalichio, 1Guanche, Patricio_Luis_Fumas, Chen_Ti, Stefano_Trapani, 偉峰_魏, Tempest Poet, canlan, Shikamarimo, aznvietboi
Have fun!
Eredan iTCG, the online trading card game.
Find this also on Facebook!
There is an error on Time blast.
You should read : Turn 5 and before : attack +3On Turn 5 this is all the effects at the same time, but for the others turn it is one effect or the other.
Yes indeed, it has been fixed: It is Turn 5 and less : Attack +3
Less as opposed to more.
Everyone will receive the same Collector Card when purchasing a booster It isn't random.
In 12 card boosters: You will get 12 cards + Collector Card. (13 cards in total)
In 4 card boosters: You will get 4 Cards + Collector Card (5 cards in total)
This release presents the epic story behind Aez the King of Avalonia before and after he retrieved the Sword of the 5 Elders!
We are proud to present you a new caste of Mercenaries: The Avalonians! These proud knights live their lives to the full with nothing but honor and respect. Two new gameplay elements are introduced with this caste: Change in Level and the Quest cards.
You will also find that some cards have been added to the Tempus caste along with the founder himself: Tempus. Many non-affiliated cards can be found in this release as well.
Quest Action Card : These cards bring a nice bonus when a specific objective is fulfilled. For example, Fulfill Your Destiny => At the end of a Turn, if one of your characters carries "Sacred Avalonian Blade" and has participated in a fight this Turn, he has Attack +5 until the end of the game, the Quest card is then discarded. Permanent.
Level: A new card effect that enables characters to upgrade their Level temporarily during a game. Caution! A character that is affected by this card will not evolve in traditional eredan style. Example: If Aez Evo 2 gains 1 level, he becomes 3 but the character card will not change, it will remain Evo 2. Character Evolutions can only be gained via experience and outside the fighting zones.
Aelide, Queen of Avalonia (and her two Evos). Rare. Character. Mercenary. Warrior. Human. Avalonia. Spirit 1. Attack 4/6. Defense 2. Health points 13. Gain chain if you play a Jewel. Turns 1, 3 and 5: Your Avalonians gain 1 Level until the end of the game..
Time Shift . Rare. Action. Tempus. Warrior: Warrior: -X to magic damage suffered by your character where X equals his Defense. Mage: Defense +X where X equals your character's Spirit. Chain.
Sacred Avalonian Blade. Rare. Item One Handed Sword. Avalonian. Attack +X where X equals the Level of your character. Heals 1 Health point and gains Defense +1 if "Cup of Life" is in play. Activates at the end of a fight. Permanent.
Six Feet Under. Rare. Action. Attack +1 and an additional Attack +1 if your character does not carry an Item. Mercenary: An additional Attack +1. Chain.
Tempus (and his Two Evos). Uncommon. Character. Mercenary. Mage. Human. Tempus. Spirit 1. Attack 3/5. Defense 1. Health points 13. Turns 4, 8 and 12: Defense +1.
Distracted Rare. Action. At the start of the fight, the opposing character has Defense = 0 until the end of the fight. Chain. Duration: 3 Fights.
Training Uncommon. Action. Choose one of your Warriors and attach this card, he gains Dual Wield. Permanent.
Good Fortune. Uncommon. Action. Avalonian. A permanent card in play is selected at random amongst those of the Opposing Player and is discarded. The next Avalonian Item in your Deck is placed in your Hand. At the end of the fight, this card is placed in your Deck.
Johan, Lord Protector of Avalonia (and his two evos). Common. Character. Mercenary. Avalonian. Warrior. Spirit 1. Spirit 1. Attack 5/7. Gain Chain if you play a One Handed sword. Turns 2, 3 and 4: The next Quest in your Deck is placed on one of your out of combat characters determined at random..
Triumph. Common. Action. Avalonian. Attack + X where X equals the Level of your character -1. Your character gains 1 Level until the end of the game. At the end of the fight, this card is placed in your Deck. Chain: Item.
Fulfill your Destiny. Common. Quest. Unique. At the end of a Turn, if one of your characters carries "Sacred Avalonian Blade" and has participated in a fight this Turn, he has Attack +5 until the end of the game, the Quest card is then discarded. Permanent.
Trial on the Bridge. Common. Quest. Unique. Avalonian. At the end of the Turn, if the total sum of your characters' levels is above 12, an opposing character determined at random suffers 8 direct damage points, this card is then discarded. Permanent.
Avalonian Shield. Common. Item Armor Shield. Avalonian. Combattant. Your character gains 1 Level until the end of the game. Defense +2. Permanent. Avalonian: Chain.
The Cup of Life. Common. Item Jewel. Human. Avalonian. If "Aelide, Queen of Avalonia" is one of your characters and alive, she gains Spirit +1. Choose one of your living Avalonians, the character will then heal 2 Health points. Permanent.
Time Mix. Common. Time Spell. Tempus. Mage. 1 or 2 Time spells are selected at random from your Discard Pile and return to your Deck. At the end of the fight, this card is placed in your Deck. At the end of the Turn, the Turn Counter advances from 0 to 2 additional Turns..
Time Blast. Common. Time Spell. Tempus. Mage. Turn 5 and less: Attack +3. At the end of the Turn, the Turn Counter advances from 0 to 1 additional Turns. Turn 5 and more: -4 to physical and magic damage suffered.
Once Upon A Time. Common. Action. Your character gains his Order bonus if he hasn't received it already. The Weapons played by the two characters in battle activate immediately. Chain: Weapon.
Wall of Shields. Common. Action. Each of your Avalonians carrying a shield gains Defense +X where X equals the amount of Avalonians carrying a Shield. Permanent.
No Capes! Common. Every item of clothing in play is placed in its owner's Deck and its carrier suffers 2 direct damage points.
Up to Wednesday the 5th of October 2011 at 12.00 (french time), when you buy a 12 or 4 card Booster in the store, you will earn one extra bonus card!
NB : This offer is not included in the Legendary Pack.
Have fun!
27th September 2011 Patch note :
- Quilingo and Okooni are now accessible in the store at level 19.
- Bug that enabled some players to counter the opponent's cards with the "On equal Terms" card has been fixed.
- Bug that involved Sky inhabitant to continue and produce damage even after being discarded has been fixed.
- Interaction between Imperial Banner and non permanent items like Shuriken has been fixed.
Small change.
Added "points" after "damage".
Deals 3 to 5 magic damage to the opposing character.
is now
Deals 3 to 5 magic damage POINTS to the opposing character.
A lot smoother that way and more grammatically correct.
Of course, when talking about "Damage" in general, no change is needed.
Amnezy Tournament
Here are the winners for the Elo Amnezy Tournament.
1st : Shocri (Elo 2004) wins 111032 Crystals + the artwork cards Favor of the Dawn, Sunburn, Sharpening Blades
2nd : Kid Darkness (Elo 1954) wins 88870 Crystals + the artwork card(s): Sunburn, Sharpening Blades
3rd : taribo (Elo 1930) wins 55627 Crystals + artwork card(s): Sunburn, Sharpening Blades
4th : baza7312 (Elo 1917)
5th : piccy (Elo 1908)
6th : Magnus_von_Wasmeier (Elo 1881)
7th : Death chain (Elo 1864)
8th : Simone_Difelici (Elo 1856)
9th : Rexed (Elo 1855)
10th : IoSonoUnPr0 (Elo 1854)
Won the Sharpening Blades Artwork card: baza7312, piccy, Magnus_von_Wasmeier, Death chain, Simone_Difelici, Rexed, IoSonoUnPr0, Doncel, Chrnazo, mathiewstone, Osyx, SCanchoG, marcc, Mercurios, Mochen, Axelandro, Nicola_Guarino, DarkGanon, alexand88, radamanthys, Raaz Az Ghul, nonokyo.
Won the Sunburn Artwork card: piccy, Simone_Difelici, Axelandro.
Congratulations to all of you!!
Your Temporary Elo has been set back to 1500, a new tournament is now underway and will finish in a week.
Until next monday at 10.00 (french time), challenge people in the ELO room. After this period, we will stop the Elo ranks in order to figure out the winners.
Have fun!
Eredan iTCG, Eredan iTCG, the online trading card game.
Find this also on Facebook !
A few members from the development team took the time to answer some of the questions that were put forward by the community two week ago.
> Any future plans for different kind of battles, like 2v2, PvE ?
-Long ago, a "room" where gamers could play against "IA" was mentioned, like player vs machine, with some kind of system different from normal combat.. (PVE).
PvE is still a high priority on our list and will be released as soon as it is ready. The AI reaction and its capacity to understand all the cards in game is a real challenge for our team. We do not have a specific release date for now.
2vs2 is a great game mode in real life, especially for the great atmosphere it creates. This without a doubt creates a unique gaming experience.
However, this game mode demands players to be highly implicated and motivated, this seems easy in the real world but more problematic in a virtual world.
We consider this system to remain a privilege to the real world and its implementation in Eredan iTCG would distort the very spirt of 2vs2.
-What about the priority list of the developers? Concerning event creation, bug fixes, card releases, balancing?
When we create events, we favor a balance between the fun factor and profitability (Both for the customer who needs to get his money's worth and for our team that needs to generate sufficient revenue for the survival of our company).
When we correct bugs, we follow a simple rule: we favor simple bug fixes that will help the majority of our players. We also fix the more complex bugs which affect a minority of players. In between those two factors, there
are various complex bugs that affect players in various numbers.
> Any plans for adding back the act boosters > -Any plans for an in-match-chat function planned?
Perhaps for the boosters and definitely for the chat but I don't have an official date for you I'm afraid.
> -Why is there so little communication among players and developers? There is a certain thread which wanted to point out certain problems most moderators and players were agreeing upon but there was not a sinlge feedback from any of the devs.
The team is dedicated to make the game evolve. Some of us spend quite a bit of time on the forum to monitor the information put together by the player base and deal with the problems when necessary.
We read the entire forum but we are sometimes unable to respond individually to all suggestions, requests, or even criticisms that are made against us. If we did, the resolution of the various problems found in the game and the exclusive high quality content could not be maintained.
We are currently building a team of community managers and we hope that these gaps will be filled very soon .
> Will it be possible to salvage useless cards? ( Dantesan: From what I understood, merge certain common useless cards to make a rare for example)
It is planned. No release date though.
> -I would like to see more high level characters like Abomination.
Do you plan something like this in the future?? > -Id like to known if you plan to insert a clan gameplay in the game, like a guild I mean?
It isn't excluded but nothing set in stone right now. And regarding "Player guilds", yes. But no release date right now.
> -Why can't characters like Kounok (the dragon) evo3, Hares the Brute evo3, and Aez, King of Avalonia evo 3 enter the training room? I believe those are not the max evos?
These are characters that merge with their new updated version of their characters. These are "fake" max levels, this is why we have banned them from the training room.
> -Have you tought of a way to give newer players a chance at getting event cards such as Mystic stone, suggested itinerary and Wand of the great magus? Those cards are really good and they give an unfair advantage at competitive level over players who weren't around for those events.
We do hope to offer players the possibility to replay these old events in the near future, unfortunately there is no specific date to annouce on this yet.
> -Will ever be more flags to represent the users? Im from Argentina and actually use the Spain flag. It will be good for the game to introduce more flag options for us to use I.e: Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Mexico, Colombia, etc
It is planned yet can't tell you exactly when.
> One of the questions raised there is if there are plans for a heavier penalty for leaving games?
Due to the fact that most trophys dosent count if the adversary leave and its really a pain when your working hard to meet the trophy requirements and your adversary leaves the match.
Yes, It is planned. We are currently considering the most appropriate means of penalizing those players without penalizing the player base as a whole.
> -Are there plans of making a game format RAID VERSION? (1 Tough Boss versus maybe 3 players at the same time).
Collaborative monsters have been thought upon but they are not planned right now. Several players playing against a boss will most likely not happen.
> - Are there anything being done to try to regulate the current market inflation? The rich is getting richer while the poor being priced out and > - are there any plans to improve the current in-game store for 'Epic' cards? Those do not feel epic anymore due to new releases.
Yes it is planned to sort out the market inflation and we are thinking about the future of these epic cards but I cannot give you a specific date when this will be done.
> - Any thoughts to improve the Mercenary "Guild"? I think they deserve their own caste (Tempus was a good caste but long forgotten) or even their own cards..
Even if the Mercenary characters can be played together, the Eredan story suggests that they are not a guild as per se. There are no plans to create unique cards for the Mercenaries for now, athough we do know that the community appreciates them a lot so nothing is set in stone.
> - How long does it take for the developers and artists to come up with new card designs? Which designs are then implemented? What's the process?
The new cards must operate within the game environment for which they are created.
All the difficulty in balancing resides in the fact that the new cards must make the game environment evolve without destroying all the other aspects of the game
We are offering new cards in several cases:
-To make up for a guild or caste weakness (also valid for the classes and races)
To offer a new style of play within a guild
We design the cards as we would on a physical game, that is to say with the concept of not having the opportunity to change the cards later, all our work lies in long reflection, hundreds of games played to balance the cards and of course try and stay original.
Illustrations and the Eredan story are conceived before anything else, these are the elements that gives the game its own and unique personality. All our characters have a developed background, this gives them life.
> -There are some great cards and some "meh", but i wonder why the "meh cards" always goes to pirate guilds? do you agree? When will they get those unplayable cards sorted out or be omitted out of those playable cards... is there a ways to adjust the options so they can be arrange or be sold?
The Pirates are the trickiest to balance. We hope to balance them out very soon, once the various bugs are fixed of course.
> -What is the progress on fixing the bug that prevents you from playing cards during a match?
Are you planning to implement a feature that allows you to reconnect to a match?
This bug is random and we cannot seem to reproduce it with absolute certainty. We understand the frustration and seek to find a perennial solution to this problem.
A functionality to reconnect to a game was planned ever since the game was launched, but different technical constraints have prevented us from fully completing it.
We hope to offer this to our player base, very soon.
> -Will we see cristalomagic spells one day?
> - When will you guys release let the master handle it? Or remove the trophy since its impossible to achievable.
Cristalomagic is not planned for now and we are currently working around a solution on the issue that involves "Let the Master Handle it".
> -How open to suggestions regarding some more radical game (mechanics, systems) changes are you?
Would you ever consider changing the game considerably, like number of cards in the deck, number of cards in the starting hand, adding the function to allow a player to reshuffle and draw again if the starting hand sucks, or having a functionality in the deck builder that allows 1 or 2 cards to be set aside as cards that will ALWAYS start in your hand, or adding new stats to the cards (like the Elite stat I suggested) that somewhat changes the way you build decks?
Rephrasing: Is there a point in suggesting changes to game mechanics?
We listen and take note of the different suggestions offered by our player base. However, not all suggestions are
Many of the improvements that were made within the game came from observations made by the players.
However, some suggestions answer the needs of a handful of players so When possible, we find a consistent way to provide features for those who want it. However, when it does not benefit the greatest number, then it is a feature that will be delayed or rejected.
Thank you for all your questions and we hope to see you in-game!
The Eredan Team.
New! Exordium + Trophy in store!
Winter is coming!
A new trophy is available until Thursday, September 29, 2011 at 9 AM .
Time is limited so don't wast any!
Make sure your out of combat characters win 300 Characteristic or Health points via the effects of your non-character cards. You cannot earn more than 30 points per game. You will earn the Exordium Card and the title: The Hivernal.
Exordium : Action. Collector. "Choose one of your other characters and attach this card. He gains Defense +2 and heals 1 Health point at the start of the fight. Permanent. Chain: Spell or Theurgy."
New Trophy in Store.
Players that did not manage to complete The Spectacular Trophy, can now access it at theEredan iTCG store.
Earn 20 points while playing games against different players. You will earn 1 point every time an opposing character dies while not being in combat this turn. You will earn The Show Must Go On card and the title : The Spectacular.
The Show Must Go On : Action. Unique. Marauder. Collector.Attack +2. This card is attached to the opposing character. At the end of the fight, Spirit -3, Attack -3, Defense -3. At the start of the fight, this card discards. Permanent.
Enjoy the Game!
Eredan iTCG, the trading card game.
Find it also on Facebook !
I've noticed Eikytan rarity changed from common to uncommon for his level 3 upgrade. Is this intentional or not?
Hmm this should be automatic, I'll check and see what the issue is? If there is any, thanks.
The news is spreading like wildfire. Amnezy and the Guild Council invites all the greatest fighters to come and compete in the Grand Autumn Tournament. Proudly wear the banner of your guild!.
This Grand tournament will close on Wednesday September 28, at noon (French Time).
Hold your banners with honor and show your true colors!
You will be able to proudly play your banners during battles! Those banners will have different effects depending on which Guild you play with.
The Autumn Banner. Collector, Banner Item. From the Evolution/Upgrade screen, can be upgraded immediately into one of the 7 Guild Tournament Banners. No effect.
This card allows you to earn a new guild banner
Caution : This card does not gain experience, It can be upgraded immediately through your collection => Evolution/upgrade. All that is left for you to do is to choose which element you would like to upgrade to.
The Autumn banner is available in boosters (1 Banner card in 12 card boosters, 1/3 Banner Piece in 4 card boosters, please be aware that there are NO banners in Legendary packs)
The Tournament!
Head over to the Tournament room to take part in this event and enter it!
Register Fee: 10000 Crystals or 350 Fee'z.
Restrictions for this tournament are : No Golems, No Mercenaries, and no Courtesans.
The players who ranks in the first quarter of the Tournament will receive 12000 crystals.
1st : The grand prize winner will earn an action or spell card and will also be able to suggest a card to our team for a future release (after rebalancing it of course)! He will also receive its exclusive design + 1500 crystals per registered player in the Autumn Tournament.
2nd : 1000 crystals per registered player in the Autumn Tournament.
3rd : 800 crystals per registered player in the Autumn Tournament.
From 4th to 8th : 400 crystals per registered player in the Autumn Tournament.
From 9th to 16th : 200 crystals per registered player in the Autumn Tournament.
Trophies and Prizes
3 Tournament trophies.
While participating in the Autumn Tournament, you will get the opportunity to win 3 trophies. Each trophy will give you a guild banner.
Once you have all of them, you can win the card "On Equal Terms".
Fame of the Winners. Action, Collector, Unique. All the characters in the same Guild as your character gain Spirit +1, Attack +1 and Defense +1. Permanent.
7 trophy "Banners"
Play your guild banner to earn 7 trophies. To earn each trophy you will need to play a banner card 30 times from one the seven guilds.
Once you have all of them, you will win the card "On Equal Terms.
On Equal Terms. Action, Collector, Unique. Creates a copy of each card played by the opposing character; the duration of this copy must not exceed 1 Turn. These copies are played immediately following your cards played this turn without any restriction of Guild, Class, Race or Caste.
Autumn Lottery.
A random draw will take place after the event closes for those who obtained one or several lottery tickets:
1st : 1 Legendary Pack (Contains 366 cards).
2nd to 20th: 2 premium boosters.
You will earn a ticket for each victory in the Grand Autumn Tournament!
NB : This event does not replace the usual event that will take place tomorrow.
Good luck!
Eredan iTCG, the online trading card game.
Find this also on Facebook!
Anazra Lv 1 (haven't checked the others)
She says 'Your other Witchblades gain a chain if you cast a light spell'
Shouldn't 'you' be changed to 'they?'
EDIT/ADDITION: Bomzar Lv 1 has all of it's text italicized. Like you said Dantesan, there's been a problem with italicized text. There's probably still a ton of it we haven't seen yet.
Agreed yet the french version says "you" as well. I will leave it for now and mention this to the french department and see what they think.
I will also ask about this issue we are having with italicized text.
Thanks MrLordi
All text for Arckam Lv 3 is italicized.
Stange bug with the italicized text, Seems that an update has modified a few old cards. should be fixed.
In Butterfly Collar,
it should be:
"IF a beast is alive your character deals an additional attack that equals his printed Min attack."not
"IS a beast is alive your character deals an additional attack that equals his printed Min attack."
"If an Elfine is ALIVE" not "If an Elfine is ASLIVE."
I think this was already corrected in-game. Thanks.
No problems with the translation here.
This a known bug. Thanks for the feedback.
Gakyusha the Imperial Lord Lv 3:
All of his text is italicized, when just his flavor text should be.
Should be fixed
I agree Arny,
I'm pretty sure the devs have plans for this for the near future, it is a really good idea.
Ask some questions on the new Q&A section!
Hi guys, updates on wording
"Activates immediately" is replaced by "Permanent".
- All items that remain attached to the character indicate "Permanent".
The moment this card is played is replaced by "as this card activates".
"Otherwise" is replaced "If not"
Still working on smoothing out the wording for continuity purposes.
The text was changed a few weeks ago.
This is the current translation in-game.
This card is attached to the opposing character.
Each time that a card played by this character activates and that a copy of this card is in his Discard pile, he loses 2 Health points.
Duration : 4 Turns.
The forum does not always update on text change. It's always best to check in-game if you can.
Dantesan, I think there is something wrong with the translation of [card]temptation[/card].
My word for word translation is here:
http://forum.eredan.com/viewtopic.php?p … 25#p389025
Hi Zurga,
Yes what you see on the link of temptation is not the current description, this was changed a while back now.
This is the current translation in-game.
This card is attached to the opposing character.
Each time that a card played by this character activates and that a copy of this card is in his Discard pile, he loses 2 Health points.
Duration : 4 Turns.
Thanks Zurga
Thanks for the feedback, this is indeed a known bug.
Topic closed.
Minor updates from last week with the inclusion of Detonation today.
More to come.