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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 Re : Update list » iTCG: Scragh’s Return » 19-11-2011 05:18:08

BigPoppaE a écrit :

PS. while we're on the subject of nothing being free, try playing ***bip***. You literally never have to drop a dime to be successful, and that's how it should be.

i agree on this 100%, i've been a veteran player of ***bip*** myself, reached level 50+ for playing in just a year. ***bip*** is a complete example of how a completely free game can be successful.

You just need to serve your customers, make them have fun, not rip their money from them. In turn, ***bip*** players buy pack with real money once in a while, and because its easy to get hook into even without spending, more players try to play the game longer. THEY STAY, and that's the key, once you have a large pool of fan base or players in this case, its easier to count on them spending for your game, rather than forcing your few loyal players to spend money on your game. and please say this event isn't forcing us, IT IS clearly for everyone who is IN their right state of mind.

@CAPTUSA, goodluck on your career in Eredan man, cause i'm sure i'll be seeing you less in the english forums as you have just destroyed your reputation all by yourself.

#2 Re : Deck and Strategy » Sap heart multi race » 14-11-2011 02:03:53

<(^.^<) a écrit :

Got to 1900 this week with a Claw/Rargnor/Silikat deck. You can pretty much beat every deck, having some trouble with Kotoba and Noz Blast. It also has an edge on Avatar but that matchup is solely based on luck.

so what do you use? i sense you're running Quickdraws, collars and maybe IHAS?
i'm having problems against mages, immortals, nehant corruptors with my multi-race deck in ELO. XD

#3 Re : Deck and Strategy » Shadow deck core cards » 14-11-2011 01:41:46

i got a stealing the spotlight for 1k today. XD

the best defense is also a good card for this deck, and so is with evil intentions.

#4 Re : Deck and Strategy » Sol'Ra Avatar Gripes » 08-11-2011 11:57:43

TheUnsane a écrit :

but come on 22 health,11/11 damage is just broken... too bad this game doesnt have a spectator mode... i bet mirror matches with sol'ra are stupid...


#5 Re : Deck and Strategy » Sol'Ra Avatar Gripes » 08-11-2011 11:17:55

if they won't ban the Avatar, then let Keizan(Warrior) be free! He and Melissandre are the only ones who can regularly stop it. Multi race Saps, isn't just the same with out a Warrior Keizan. Although mages bombard can stop the Avatar, how many players use mage decks in ELO nowadays due to the first hated discards. so all in all- avatar has no competitions in ELO. sad but true.

#6 Re : Update list » iTCG: Tournament of Death + Dissidence trophy is now in store! » 08-11-2011 11:11:12

i love the idea of limiting the sum of the characters in battle.
maybe the devs can integrate that with the ELO tournaments.

its also better if they could limit the amount of legendaries in a deck, 2 or 3(including characters) would be an ideal amount.

since one of the main problems with this game is the lack of competitive deck building, this beta tourney is a good move done by the developers.

#7 Re : Bugs » Powder Keg » 25-10-2011 08:46:41

Zurga a écrit :

Work for me yesterday evenning
Totally sure of this.

sorry for my rants. lol
yep, its only bugged. turns out i was just only too sleepy last night and was too confused. lol

#8 Re : Bugs » Powder Keg » 24-10-2011 15:24:06

Zurga a écrit :

pistoblades do not have immediate activation.

There is only a visual bug on powder keg, giving -3 +3 HP when they explode.

If Clover is alive (and at his last level), the pistoblade activate correctly, I have tested that a lot of time, (last time, last night).

No bug for me with a pirate powder deck

okay, but are you it really works? the + attack works, but the supposed additional damage doesn't add up with the total damage the last time i used pistolblades

#9 Re : Bugs » Known Card Bugs and Game Bugs + Updates » 24-10-2011 14:45:33

JarodG64 a écrit :

@Marvin: It works as intended. Just don't use Crystallization on Dragon Alishk fully evolved. You can't always have advantages to using some characters with special abilities.

@Joey_Parker: Powder keg works fine. The damage are dealt as they should. The bug only concerns what is shown on the screen.

i also use powder kegs. can you explain further by what do you mean that "the bug only concerns what is shown on the screen"?

do the additional damage activates when it needs to or not? cause in the minds of many, it doesn't. what i noticed is the it mostly works on crickets, but not with pistolblades even if clover is alive when played on the first turn.

#10 Re : Bugs » Powder Keg » 24-10-2011 14:39:28

has the powder keg bug been fixed yet? i'm using this deck now and its seems it's still bugged, or clover's immediate activation of powder  weapons bugged?

cause crickets work properly but pistolblades can't activate powder kegs when you first play it. also the flames of the phoenix works (i think) so if its not the kegs, programmers might need to look into clover's ability and see if they had coded it right. thanks. XD

why are most of pirate cards bugged? ports can't be removed...etc.
to think that these are their most competitive cards they have?

do the developers really hate pirates? LOL

#11 Re : Deck and Strategy » Sap tourney deck » 23-10-2011 11:26:06

Roarky a écrit :

Breaker and prestige could be a help in dealing with good jorusiens... (I'm playing compend in ELO)

And yeah u need to have a good draw against them or if u play sap & go first just go after the queen first and hope u kill her in one turn...

breaker is for Noz only, while prestige isn't that helpful againts craftsmen since those items never gets in the discard pile after use, the only thing prestige can handle is multitasking, but even though, 2 or 3 jorusens plus noodles and cups equipped on the queen of avelonia is enough to make it unbeatable. i see no reason to ban freeze moreover to lay bare. to think that crown of the border isn't ban.

PS: your name seems familiar? have you played other card games?namely the ***** bip?lol. XD

#12 Re : Deck and Strategy » Official ELO Strategy Discussion » 22-10-2011 13:01:31

fingreen a écrit :

I've played a lot of decks.

There are things I want to address.

1. Speed of the game.

It is really slow for a such fast game. Yes! this is a huge factor.
I don't have time to grind 300 games a week not because I don't have time, but the speed of the game makes me really difficult to focus on the game.

2. Deck types and adjustments

Since The pack that has no legendary card can make 2nd place in ELO and Pirates can go 1900 every week. I do believe it's not the problem with cost of the deck. It's how you understand your deck for the most part. Figure out what to do in each meta-game and test to see what choice are the better choices. The rest falls on "Focus ! Play ! " Anything that can make 1800 should be able to go top 10. The rest falls on little adjustments that you needs to make when facing the top 10 meta-game. Whether it's circus, pirates, priests, eternal, immortal. Does not matter much, just fight it out~ Decks that can not deal with anything usually loses.... with all these trophy cards available. Adjustments are just easy....

3. This week with the huge banning list, mages are out of sight (there weren't that many anyway). Circus is still everywhere but other discards has vanished. A few pirates (which i love) A few sap heart. The pack is still playable. some crows running around not making it there and immortal got a lot harder to kill. (without a few key damage cards those little roaches are scary)

Ok~ I've got the question in my mind forever.... port is banned since i don't know when... I don't know why it got banned for life.

Net decking doesn't win you the game! Maybe when you first come and testing the flavor of decks. But believe me, without testing it yourself and play it hundreds of games.
You will not win! Trust your deck and do some minor adjustment. You will make it!

can you please expand what pirate deck can reach 1900 elo every week?powder?marauder?sniper? cause as far as i recon, those decks will have a hard time just reaching 1700 even with legendary cards.

why in the world is freeze and even to lay bare even included in the ban?are they just lazy to even filter what cards are really needed to be banned and just say "all cards from act 1"? is that your "idea" of making the game balanced?

#13 Re : Deck and Strategy » Sap tourney deck » 21-10-2011 08:44:59

sap heart multi-race user here, i'm just having trouble in ELO against crafty-queen of avelonia decks using the old foamy crafts style.
the problem is... we have freeze before. now they banned freeze.
isn't multitasking part of act 1? why is it not banned? i hate the cups and the joruses, i don't mind the noodles too much but tha joruses are just annoying plus the cups.

any suggestions on how to beat them? im thinking the mage-whisper deck would work  but you need to get those 2 whispers fast, so its really too based on draws against those deck.

also, is there any viable cards that can counter those crafty style deck?the only cards i know are devouring swarm and clumsiness and i already have them in my deck, but they could only discard 1 item per turn, and bringing 3 if them means you'll have to sacrifice your core cards.

#14 Bugs » Rockspeaker and Tribal Masks » 17-10-2011 01:08:27

Réponses : 3

When rockspeacker has an attached tribal mask into himself, and will attach another different tribal mask to other character, the one attached on rockspeaker will just discard automatically.

Items just don't discard automatically right?!

#15 Re : Update list » New Trophy Available ! » 14-10-2011 15:45:00

where is the trophy "the hero"?

i can't see it in the store!

#16 Re : Update list » The Grand Autumn Tournament » 22-09-2011 14:44:39

iQuit a écrit :

feerik is greedy neutral


To clarify things out, you need to have a deck of those 7 guilds and use the banners to be able to get the final trophy of the event right? So you are forcing us to buy feez so we can have enough crystals and buy a lot of characters and cards. The trophy is so unbalanced, creating a card to make the metagame more fun and balanced like dissidence and then this one, nonsense.

if that's so, then this event is ridiculous. you came up with events like the mekarmor one, and now you'll return to your old formula of greediness?

this isn't business anymore, its all about making money. thats were businesses fall. the formula for a succesful business like any career includes passion, and passion is far away connected with greediness.

Good luck to the future of Eredan ITCG Feerik!

#17 Re : Deck and Strategy » Official ELO Strategy Discussion » 19-09-2011 12:16:11

im just wondering why i can't join this week's ELO?
im running a Multi Race Saps without Keizan(warrior), and none of the banned cards are in my deck? Living Nature isn't banned right? so what is the problem?i've already rechecked my deck a couple of times and i still can't register in this week's ELO, anybody experiencing this currently?

okay, i've removed Living Nature and i can now register. They didn't include Living Nature in the banned list yet it is banned. sad

#18 Re : Deck and Strategy » Sap Heart Multi-Race » 18-09-2011 17:34:23

Another cards that should be included in Multi Race Saps could be:
Dissidence, and why haven't anyone suggested Favor of the Dawn? Its really good on  Keizan with Living Nature and more chain cards isn't bad plus it adds up to their survivability. big_smile

I might also add MechaArmor! It would have been really great if they made that and the Golem a chain. Too bad, well they're still great nonetheless. Offensive can be another choice if you ain't got any in mind.

#19 Re : Deck and Strategy » having around 50k , need a fun-to-play deck » 18-09-2011 17:26:36

I have used a lot of decks like the Foamy Crafts, WitchBlades, Compedium, Noz Mages, Tsoutsai, Trackers, Eclipse, Sap Mages, Multi Saps. And i can definitely say that Saps are the most fun to play.
Their Mages are more cheaper compared to Noz and currently the Multi Race Saps is the most interesting deck in terms of playstyle and deck Building.

The brothers at arms and ofcourse Keizan and his Living Nature are my top favorite cards. Their versatile and has a lot of playstyles like the daggers, Quick Draw, Arachnophobia. Just build any deck that revolves on Keizan whether Mages or Multi Race.

But sadly if Living Nature isnt banned, then Keizan is, and i don't get why ishaia and solaris lurks in ELO every week, we all know almost everyone uses Solaris(Eclipse, TGs and now: Immortals) so why aren't they getting banned. And i seldom encounter Sap Decks in ELO and level rooms as much as i encounter Discards and Immortals.

#20 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Will there ever be balance? » 01-08-2011 11:30:00

i've been suggesting this idea ever since i've grasp the  mechanics of eredan deeper.
there are still lot's of unbalanced cards even if you;re banning some cards in ELO. it is not enough.

what i don't understand is why cards like port are being banned and VOID and ANS can roam freely in ELO? i know theres a bug, but its not our fault there's a bug.

the mages are really OP. almost most of their release made them more stronger while others get a so-so and sometimes no effect at all in the metagame.

PS: when will craftsmen get another release?they're not having an upgrade for over a long time, while the OP mages gets an upgrade almost once in every 2 months.

#21 Re : Update list » Jorus and the Mysterious Mekalchemia » 01-08-2011 11:15:47

do noz mages with mekarmor can chain Last Word with Bolts 3?

PS: this is one of the best event since i've started playing eredan back in January!

#23 Re : Update list » Tournament is back + Hitting the Mark! » 22-04-2011 15:04:56

Multitasking + craftsman item works. just be sure to use the same items.

#24 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » The Pirate Guild: Open Debate Limited time! » 02-04-2011 14:32:29

i love pirates!
it was love at first sight.
although i'm not a casual user of the powder pirate deck.but i think a complete powder deck is already competitive at elo with A-bomb and other decks alike, they got big physical damage with bragan and armada and a right timed fire of the phoenix.

i use them because of the ports and other mechanist cards like nut and detonation.
how about a nut variant than can also use ports? ports should be mechanist-craftsman, not craftsman only.
the mechanist caste only has few usable cards like detonation and time bomb, and time bomb sucks big time more than it helps. so feerik could realease mechanist cards at one time to expand their versatility and mechanists decks could also be popular rather than the famous yilith with sideports.

there should be cards that would make the caste mechanist stand out not like adding many new cards and a new caste into an already over designed guild like noz with compendium.

#25 Re : Deck and Strategy » Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think? » 20-03-2011 13:09:24

can i just ask what are the light spells can Anazra chain?

im just a new WB user and i though anazra can chain sword of light?

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