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#1 Re : Deck and Strategy » Budget Demon Deck for a newb - character advice » 08-11-2012 09:06:03

just a heads up, the cards in both the fee'z and crystal decks are untradeable, so u can sell them later.
im not sure about agro demon decks, here's one someone else made with a similar line up to what your talking about, (not in english, but you should recognize some of the pics), idk if it helps of not, but character line-up is really upto what you want/like to have imo.

and a anther one but alot more expensive

#2 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » November 7th: The Legendary Centorium Aurius » 07-11-2012 23:59:24

Surly a écrit :

Dirty trick is okay in the war guem deck, but the last thing they need is another unchainable card. I don't know how good it is in the war guem tracker deck.

tracker decks didnt even cross my mind when i saw that card, hmm....
[card]Kotori Kage[/card] ---> [card]Transmission of knowledge[/card] + [card]Dirty tricks![/card] + [card]The art of tracking[/card] = +5(2+3) spirit, +10(3+7) attack, +5(2+3) defence or more if opponent is also playing war guems. Else i cant see much of a place for it in a guem tracker deck due to it not having chain.

#3 Re : FAQs » somthing changed? » 04-11-2012 03:07:01

Card leveling --> tradeable card must be a higher rarity than the non-tradeable one, for the outcome to be tradeable.

#4 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » October 30th: The Night of the Witches » 30-10-2012 21:02:14

bornworld a écrit :

hello what the meaning discard 80 opposing mask.

does that mean discard the mask ?

but it doesn't work sad

Well it either means remove from a character who has it equipped or just discard it not sure. but firstly, did you accept the quest b4 starting to do it (click the trophy/quest box thing)
2nd time around if you repeat these quest, do they have to be against another set of different players, and another 30 different characters or can you re-use the ones you used for 1st completion of trophy?

#5 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Information about the Amnezy tournament » 29-10-2012 00:12:21

so.. are characters this week in Amnezy meant to come in to play with 3 more health at start of game? cause i haven't seen this in any I've played yet. unless I'm misinterpreting this.

#6 Re : Bugs » Witchblade training - vanishes » 27-10-2012 16:44:21

*Play [card]Witchblade training[/card] + Civil War -> Select Naya for attachment
*card is not there during attack phase
*played extra Item (Card effect still there)

#7 Re : Bugs » Witchblade training - vanishes » 27-10-2012 16:23:27

card disappearing happens 100% of time as long you equip to same character who played it (tried with other 2 witch blades too).
*effect to equip a item stay and is activated next fight
*i did adventure mode to re-test this (noticed happening in pvp 1st) and to be sure there is no canceling of card effect.
*Screenshot - Anazra has [card]Blade of the Witch[/card] and [card]Witchblade Amour[/card] attached but has warrior class. So effect is there but card is not.

#8 Bugs » Witchblade training - vanishes » 27-10-2012 00:38:50

Réponses : 4

[card]Witchblade training[/card] seems to disappear if you attach to same character who played it (fine if attached to out of combat character), if attached to character who played it the card disappears but character still gains the warrior class.
*assume its a bug as card does not disappear when you attach to out of combat character.
*[card]Anazra[/card] plays [card]Witchblade training[/card] and chains [card]Blade of the Witch[/card]
*[card]Witchblade training[/card] activated select self to attach, [card]Witchblade training[/card] disappears, [card]Anazra[/card] gains warrior class.
*[card]Blade of the Witch[/card] is played but does not activate till end fight.
*[card]Witchblade training[/card] is no longer visible how ever at start of fight its effect to select an item to equip still activates.
(not sure if [card]Blade of the Witch[/card]s activation delay is intended or not tho, as character is a warrior before it it activated)
-kinda hard to post a screenie of something thats not there tongue

#9 Re : Suggestions » Card Limitations » 25-10-2012 20:13:47

Nurvus a écrit :

I'm sorry, but are you seriously saying it's okay that cards are OP?
Just let them take turns week in week out?

Instead of having all players unite and demand Feerik to balance cards more actively, you are proposing a change that lets the OP cards run rampant as long as they are locked up 1-2 weeks per month?

How about fixing the retarded cards?
Not an option?

im all for this nerfing cards big_smile. my option works more for tcg since re-printing cards will really mess with the copies already out >.>, but since this a itcg i see np with this XD.
Also i dont mean 1-2 weeks locked, i mean keep op cards locked as 2---> next month still op? -->lock to 1 ---->new card comes out to counter this card--->lock back to 2 or unlock. something like that.
as in keep locked until somthing happens to try and balance out decks more.
(i knew my exlplaination might have not been very clear, hope this is better)
*Also yea this will definitely mess with market prices.
*That being said nerfing cards will probably do something to card prices too, dont think it will affect the market as a whole as much tho.

#10 Suggestions » Card Limitations » 25-10-2012 04:05:57

Réponses : 3

I've seen this done in many tcgs so i thought its worth a mention. >.>
There are quite a few cards in this game which are op, so i thought that by implementing a monthly or 1/4 yearly(seasonal) limitation list will help balance out the game.
1) Every month limit the number of certain cards to 1 or 2 per deck (should be able to use the same system for limiting cards for tourneys), and keep updating the list (adding and removing limits) every month to balance out the game.
2) Restrictions are to be applied to decks used in anything except training room (due to need of leveling multiple of the same card to level another)
3) I do not believe a ban list is needed though (Except for tournaments which already have them for more balance or restrictions ie.Guild).
Limit to 1:
     can't really think of any that are not trophy cards. (already limited to 1)
     or some no one wants multiple copies of anyway.
ie. A new start
     Hungry void
Limit to 2:
    Something like:
    Attracts Lighting
    Compendiums Secret
    Generals Fray
    (Some other cards that recycle themselves or other cards)

should be quite a few other cards which could/should be limited but I'm just giving an example.
This is just an idea I'm throwing out here, feel free to suggest any changes and/or additions to this idea, would be nice if something like this was implemented would balance out alot of the op decks out there.
Discussion starts............ wait for it..... , wait for it ............... NOW!

#11 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » October 4th: End of Act VI - Vanguard » 05-10-2012 04:41:23

Casey_Elliott a écrit :

I have used all 3 trophy cards and received no points toward the trophy. Has anyone else experienced this issue as well?

You only get the 10 additional points, if you also had a character taped for 4 turns as well.

As for me i used a demon deck with [card]Demoniac Agility[/card] to keep untaping 2 of my characters. 3 turns to get you needed cards so i wasnt that hard. (used event cards too for easy points)

Turn 1: do something
Turn 2: repeat or do something else tongue
Turn 3: [card]Demoniac Agility[/card] to untap turn 2s character
Turn 4: [card]Demoniac Agility[/card] to untap turn 3s character

[card]Hit the Road[/card] and [card]Pic-nick[/card] works the opposite way by tapping, if you wanna play around with them instead.

#12 Re : Bugs » Market Bug » 01-10-2012 22:24:21

ioxygen a écrit :

Feerik should introduce the option to enable images in market to be shown: ON/OFF. Just like the foil animations.

There is one just hit the list button in marketplace, and cards for images.

#13 Re : Bugs » Acrobatic fight » 28-09-2012 10:08:30

Acrobatic fight, you cant see which card you select (they are not highlighted), click on card once to select it and click again to unselect the click arrow after you finished selecting your items.
I think rapski is just trying to say you cant see/tell which 2 cards are selected before you hit the next/arrow to confirm.

#14 Re : Deck and Strategy » Tips for shadow mages » 09-09-2012 06:58:15

cataztrophe a écrit :

is it possible to change malascaria with psychurgist and use that deck?

you can ..but this deck is built around shadow spells (mages) phychrgist is a priest (cant chain spells). +malascaria has the seeking + creating shadow spell bonus, oh and no ttts.
if you really want to replace malascria for something cheaper .. look for another zil mage.
well theres Alyce, ... dam was gonna list some, but i had a look while typing this Alyce is the only other zil, shadow guem, mage.
non-guem+ non-multi mage: [card]The Marquis[/card], [card]Marlok the Repentant[/card], [card]Councilor Ishaia[/card]
Other: [card]Golemarlok[/card]

#15 Re : Deck and Strategy » Tips for shadow mages » 08-09-2012 21:58:42

Have you thought of putting in [card]Dementia[/card] will boost [card]Never Lonely[/card] damage making 6 shadow guems, and gives you the ability to snipe.

*playing 2 dementia chain = 6-8 [(3-5)+3] damage + 9-12 [(3-5)+6] damage for second dementia easily snipe most low spirit characters..... just hope this post isn't gonna push the price up even further.

#16 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » August 30th 2012 : The Stranger » 31-08-2012 00:08:50

nice event, now to try and figure out the enigmas, the more shards the less i understand thos enigmas (@7 shards atm). >.<
Tho.... 199 fee'z for 8 shards [199F = 8S]& 30 shards or 99 fee'z [99F=30S] for surprise card?. it just kinda bugs me is all tongue

#17 Suggestions » Adventure Mode: Decline Prize » 29-08-2012 23:15:42

Réponses : 14

Hi, I've only started playing for bout a week but i kinda get what people are on about with the free/prize cards in adventure mode (got like 2-3 of some non-tradeable characters already).

So my suggestion is adding a button where you receive the prize letting you either Accept or Decline prize.
This wont solve the problem with players who already have like 10 of each un-tradable commons but should help with further issues big_smile
not really related suggestion.
Add Adventure Free-mode:
- Play against the AI which you have previously beaten
- No crystal cost, No exp, No prize cards/crystals

Just thought this might be a fun little addition, like the free mode but with AI and not other players (great for testing out moves/combos without the cost), and the AI wont quit on you or afk tongue

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