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Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress: http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.
Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
well it seems like maen and his wind elemental friends developed a cool way to end fights in turn 2 wow aint that op or am i wrong. low spirited characters suffer from this new combo
turn 1 plays tornado
turn 2 plays new guemlite card + unlinkment chooses tornado from grave and again maens "cool" ability lets him play either another tornado or a collision the result your low spirited characters are all dead by turn 2 wow aint that fast right? looks like they finally developed a exodia combo well its bad for low spirit characters anyways but it still is damn annoying since they have a heart that reduces spirit permanently
Dernière modification par jackal19 (26-01-2013 16:43:24)
New englishchat: http://xat.com/EnglisheredanNeo---Online
"Tea is best enjoyed with your fellow monsters"
-Frederica Bernkastel
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In fact only QQ, but sadly true...
It must be kinda ritual to release new op cards after nerfing some of them
Dernière modification par TheRainMan (26-01-2013 20:05:40)
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well it seems like maen and his wind elemental friends developed a cool way to end fights in turn 2 wow aint that op or am i wrong. low spirited characters suffer from this new combo
turn 1 plays tornado
turn 2 plays new guemlite card + unlinkment chooses tornado from grave and again maens "cool" ability lets him play either another tornado or a collision the result your low spirited characters are all dead by turn 2 wow aint that fast right? looks like they finally developed a exodia combo well its bad for low spirit characters anyways but it still is damn annoying since they have a heart that reduces spirit permanently
No more OP than first round win with 2x [card]attracts lightning[/card] which pulls another attracks lightning and then pulls [card]Spark Things off[/card] and then other AL pulls another STo. low spirit characters will always lose to a good mage AOE setup. I wouldn't consider Maen OP, He is powerful but easily rendered useless. with removal from game cards...
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In fact only QQ, but sadly true...
It must be kinda ritual to release new op cards after nerfing some of them
lol just spoke for a clan mate of mine since he doesnt do the forum apparently
Dernière modification par jackal19 (27-01-2013 03:18:09)
New englishchat: http://xat.com/EnglisheredanNeo---Online
"Tea is best enjoyed with your fellow monsters"
-Frederica Bernkastel
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well, newer guilds get more broken combos to attract people to buy buy them. Wished Nehants were this broken when they were the new guild.
Dernière modification par blackwaltz (27-01-2013 04:33:37)
Never lost a fair game... or played one.
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well, newer guilds get more broken combos to attract people to buy buy them. Wished Nehants were this broken when they were the new guild.
They were Nehantist gave many easy win at their release. But, well, your statement is completely wrong since the only guilds that were good at the release were Nehantists and Stone Linkers. 2 out of 6, it's far from being a rule ^^
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blackwaltz a écrit :well, newer guilds get more broken combos to attract people to buy buy them. Wished Nehants were this broken when they were the new guild.
They were
Nehantist gave many easy win at their release. But, well, your statement is completely wrong since the only guilds that were good at the release were Nehantists and Stone Linkers. 2 out of 6, it's far from being a rule ^^
Nehants didn't end games on turn 2 when they were released.
Never lost a fair game... or played one.
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Nehants didn't end games on turn 2 when they were released.
Nope, but they could top elo easily. It was even easier for them than for Stone Linkers.
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blackwaltz a écrit :Nehants didn't end games on turn 2 when they were released.
Nope, but they could top elo easily. It was even easier for them than for Stone Linkers.
a few more broken release and their Legendary would fix that.
Never lost a fair game... or played one.
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The sad thing is they can't even use the excuse of "we forgot about that card", since it was only released this act and should have been in the group of cards that should have been used to play test the new cards with. Though this combo would be a lot less dangerous if [card]Illumination[/card] didn't exist and couldn't pull the card from anywhere in the deck and [card]Air Stone-heart[/card] didn't lower spirit. You could literally build a deck around this idea having already 12 cards just need 8 card filler. For the other 8 cards you could use [card]Water Stone-heart[/card], [card]Water cycle[/card], [card]Globetrotter[/card], [card]Skyward Boots[/card] or [card]Road map[/card], and [card]The guild's cape[/card], because if the name of the game is your enemy having 0 spirit then you want to pal around with [card]Fog Hydra[/card].
Dernière modification par pikadusk (27-01-2013 17:28:14)
If you want to find me in game you will have to look for my real name. Sap/Nomad/Zil user.
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a few more broken release and their Legendary would fix that.
It could be nice to wait for the results before calling a release "broken". Because many so called "broken" releases didn't change anything regarding the balance of the game. Players are so quick to judge something "broken" that the word is slowly being stripped of all meaning.
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blackwaltz a écrit :a few more broken release and their Legendary would fix that.
It could be nice to wait for the results before calling a release "broken". Because many so called "broken" releases didn't change anything regarding the balance of the game. Players are so quick to judge something "broken" that the word is slowly being stripped of all meaning.
Just expecting the worst.
Never lost a fair game... or played one.
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blackwaltz a écrit :a few more broken release and their Legendary would fix that.
It could be nice to wait for the results before calling a release "broken". Because many so called "broken" releases didn't change anything regarding the balance of the game. Players are so quick to judge something "broken" that the word is slowly being stripped of all meaning.
The main reason why broken release don't stay broken is because there are more broken release right after it...
===============zil dagger FTW!!================
"-oh mon dieu! ils ont tués Kenny!"
"-espèce d'enfoirés!"
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No, the main reason is "they are not broken in the first place, but players prefer complain before testing".
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blackwaltz a écrit :a few more broken release and their Legendary would fix that.
It could be nice to wait for the results before calling a release "broken". Because many so called "broken" releases didn't change anything regarding the balance of the game. Players are so quick to judge something "broken" that the word is slowly being stripped of all meaning.
Agreed, I played against this deck a lot and I win more than I lose, I played the deck even for fun, it's a good deck but any decent ELO deck can usually win...usually.
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No, the main reason is "they are not broken in the first place, but players prefer complain before testing".
Yep, you're totally right, being able to cast 25 magic damage on every single character in two turns with no random is not broken...
I know it's easily counter by high spirit character, and it's extremely predictible. Nonetheless, it's still incredibly powerful...
Dernière modification par skadooosh (28-01-2013 09:25:27)
===============zil dagger FTW!!================
"-oh mon dieu! ils ont tués Kenny!"
"-espèce d'enfoirés!"
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Great ! You've got the difference between "incredibly powerful" and "broken".
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For me , they are the same shit .
But that's probably just me .
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Great ! You've got the difference between "incredibly powerful" and "broken".
They are not broken. . . *goes back on patrol*
Dernière modification par blackwaltz (28-01-2013 12:10:17)
Never lost a fair game... or played one.
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Not my fault if you don't know what "broken" means
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Ori_Sacabaf a écrit :Great ! You've got the difference between "incredibly powerful" and "broken".
http://bloodstainedink.files.wordpress. … cap-33.jpg
They are not broken. . . *goes back on patrol*
Yes nothing in eredan is broken everything is balanced
New englishchat: http://xat.com/EnglisheredanNeo---Online
"Tea is best enjoyed with your fellow monsters"
-Frederica Bernkastel
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It's always better to learn what it means before using it in any way possible and joking about it. We won't know for sure if the combo is broken until next week, but yeah : feel free to go on a low level troll rampage.
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Well a card that gives +9/18 damages and some buff stat is (imo) broken...
===============zil dagger FTW!!================
"-oh mon dieu! ils ont tués Kenny!"
"-espèce d'enfoirés!"
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Since it depends on the situation, it's not. Again, the word is used so many times on wrong occasion that it has been completely stripped of any meaning. A broken gaming stuff is something that is TOO powerful in ANY situation and without any good counter (because if you have to gimp your deck against any other deck just to have a chance to win, it's not a good counter), leading to it being overused because it's just the best thing to do AND it will allow you to win against almost anything.
Basically it means that you will see more than half the top elo players use it. And that, we will know it only in 2 weeks (because this week players will be too busy complaining to look for solutions).
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Since it depends on the situation, it's not. Again, the word is used so many times on wrong occasion that it has been completely stripped of any meaning. A broken gaming stuff is something that is TOO powerful in ANY situation and without any good counter (because if you have to gimp your deck against any other deck just to have a chance to win, it's not a good counter), leading to it being overused because it's just the best thing to do AND it will allow you to win against almost anything.
Basically it means that you will see more than half the top elo players use it. And that, we will know it only in 2 weeks (because this week players will be too busy complaining to look for solutions).
I agree. There are plenty of decks that can manage Stone-Linker. For example, WitchBlades with Infiltration is a good counter against them (I manage to lock them within the first 2 turns). They cannot do much if they cannot play their cards, right?
Don't forget [card]Obesity[/card] for Nomads, [card]Demon May Rise[/card] for Nehantists, etc.
Dernière modification par magius (29-01-2013 10:04:04)
Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan
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