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#26 12-06-2012 15:29:44

Inscription : 04-06-2010
Messages : 715

Re : General fray & nerfs

izZy a écrit :

The "breaking" effect of General Fray is normaly incidental. The warrior class is the most common in the game. But, at the moment, Warriors are lacking of power.

Just no. Warrior may be a common class but it's only one class amongst 5 (or 6 depending on how you count). Making the only weakness of this card warrior still means that the other 4 classes will always be inferior to the Pack.

Normally, mages are supposed to have the most powerful cards (and counters) beccause they can't make damages through basic attacks. But if you compare General Fray with mages counters, it's way better with a boost to complete it.

Moreover, even if warriors are "weak" right now, there is still a big problem : warriors have never been a bad match up for the Pack so even if they are buffed again, it's hard to say it will be such a nice counter, especially because General Fray still gives a small bonus with possibility to chain.

I think it is completely impossible to reach a coexistence between aggro and control deck for a simple reason : the stats of the heroes were badly designed. Just look at spirit stats : it's not uncommon to have mages with 2 spirit, which can always be found in every other classes. There is quite a similar problem with attack : if you look at when control deck were dominating (Ishaia's reign), the control ability was completely shuting down attack damages and thus only control decks were able to confront the dominant deck. There is also a big problem with resistance and life : to one shot a champion is far too easy. As such, only op control strategies can let your champion survive the first turn with enough life to not be killed by a random direct damages. It's really the snake which eats its tail.

chsxf : Procéder à une sanction est un "droit" que nous nous réservons, en aucune façon un "devoir".

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#27 12-06-2012 23:43:15

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 11-09-2010
Messages : 191

Re : General fray & nerfs

Belnal a écrit :

It's really the snake which eats its tail.

Pas sur que les anglais comprennent, ça m'a fait rire smile

Flood Off, sorry

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