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#26 28-03-2012 10:29:30

Inscription : 24-02-2011
Messages : 740

Re : PatchNote

pevi a écrit :
kisama a écrit :

Many of you (sellers) are complaining because you have to sell your cards at a lower price, well you were very happy to sell cards extremely expensive and its no surprise that there would be complains.

PS: Good for you XD.

Well. I am new here and i need the crystals for the selling for my deck (unmonted).
Now, with this patch i cant do nothing. Cant sell my rares and people dont selling the rares i need.
They blocked the market for a week (2-3 days for no activity on some cards (unless a boy sell it at a ridicolus price and other buy it) and more to go up with the real cost).

Really was so difficult to put the initial base of the cards to their mininum of the market at the moment? :S

My Advice! Wait markets all scramble up

Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?

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#27 28-03-2012 10:38:13

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : PatchNote

There may have some issues with some prices. It would have been too simple (and not fun at all !) if everything was working immediatly perfectly. We are looking into it and there should be some fixes to the fixes.

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#28 28-03-2012 10:55:02

Inscription : 06-03-2012
Messages : 41

Re : PatchNote

Cossette a écrit :
pevi a écrit :
kisama a écrit :

Many of you (sellers) are complaining because you have to sell your cards at a lower price, well you were very happy to sell cards extremely expensive and its no surprise that there would be complains.

PS: Good for you XD.

Well. I am new here and i need the crystals for the selling for my deck (unmonted).
Now, with this patch i cant do nothing. Cant sell my rares and people dont selling the rares i need.
They blocked the market for a week (2-3 days for no activity on some cards (unless a boy sell it at a ridicolus price and other buy it) and more to go up with the real cost).

Really was so difficult to put the initial base of the cards to their mininum of the market at the moment? :S

My Advice! Wait markets all scramble up

Yep, i will do it tongue

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#29 28-03-2012 11:07:01

Inscription : 02-12-2011
Messages : 43

Re : PatchNote

Hey My ?

  OK you say wait the market will fix it self in a couple what? days, week, months, because there's no reason to buy boosters or anything to spend feez on, because you cant sell cards on the stupid market without buying any so. if cards are selling like crap,NEW PLAYERS (now that booster i just bought to put cards on the market) well its not going to make you any crystal you. This should be told to your players... especially to the new ones.
   So here is My ? Why not let the market (if it was) self regulate why drop the it so you cant sell that card that was selling (20k) get on today and that same card can not be sold for more than a 10th of what it was going for the next day. let the decreasing go so down as to let because older more established cards like assassination normally (100k) card i cant get more than 10k for now?
   The reason for market places is to have a steady flow of cards sold to card wanting to be sold if no one wants to sell there cards the prices will rise regardless the original market place was great if i wanted to sell my card for 15k i typed in 15k if it didn't sell boo hoo, don't put it up so high the only reason you changed it was to close the crystal loop people had exploited. now that you have I hope fixed it you could open the markets the way it should be freely biding what you want for your cards.

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#30 28-03-2012 11:44:47

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : PatchNote

It should be good by now. If there are still some problems lurking around the market, just press the "HAAAAAAAAA" button so we can look into it.

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#31 28-03-2012 11:51:11

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : PatchNote

Sapphon a écrit :

It should be good by now. If there are still some problems lurking around the market, just press the "HAAAAAAAAA" button so we can look into it.

Lol... perhaps you should have a "Panic" button in Eredan and see how many people press it when the marketplace goes down (or if they sold their card at a wrong price).

Dernière modification par magius (28-03-2012 11:51:28)

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#32 28-03-2012 11:54:22

Inscription : 24-02-2011
Messages : 740

Re : PatchNote

"POKE" feerik

Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?

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#33 28-03-2012 12:00:54

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : PatchNote

Can you tell me which cards still have an issue ?

magius a écrit :

Lol... perhaps you should have a "Panic" button in Eredan and see how many people press it when the marketplace goes down (or if they sold their card at a wrong price).

Not a good idea ;p

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#34 28-03-2012 12:08:54

Lieu : Michigan
Inscription : 28-02-2012
Messages : 408

Re : PatchNote

kisama a écrit :

Many of you (sellers) are complaining because you have to sell your cards at a lower price, well you were very happy to sell cards extremely expensive and its no surprise that there would be complains.

PS: Good for you XD.

yeah well how about they make EVERY card like that instead of the most of them if your going for balance. I need one more [card]the last word[/card] and have been selling A LOT of my cards to get just one at a time. mean while this update comes along and NERFS all of my higher selling cards down to nothing because they think itll balance the market. but in the mean time [card]the last word[/card] still sits on the options having max price be 92k!!! and this is what you all call balance???

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#35 28-03-2012 12:58:23

Inscription : 08-05-2011
Messages : 45

Re : PatchNote

Read above where it says "There may have some issues with some prices. It would have been too simple (and not fun at all !) if everything was working immediatly perfectly. We are looking into it and there should be some fixes to the fixes."

There is changes that will come i think.

Again i maintain what i said, there would be many complains and people will always be unsatisfied no matter what. The fact that some players sold their card at a higher price in order to get even more expensive cards more quickly and at the same time to spend less feez, shows that they are self-centered and act on prudence which is egoism.

Never do evil that a good may come of it.
Give a thief enough rope and he will hang himself.
The greater the sinner, the greater the saint.

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#36 28-03-2012 13:18:10

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : PatchNote

Issues should be fixed. At the moment, the only "problems" that you should encounter are linked to the old restrictions calculation.
Before the patch, restrictions were based on the card rarity, not on how much they were sold on the market. For Exemple, Mahamoud lvl 1 could be sold at 26k max, but was only bought at 5k max. Now, the restrictions are based on the sold value, so Mahamoud lvl 1's restrictions will be around 5k5, but you'll still find some old ones that are around 26k at the market.

Still, there can be problems and bugs, so if you encounter anything that seems strange to you on the market, report it here so we can check it.

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#37 28-03-2012 13:24:06

Lieu : Michigan
Inscription : 28-02-2012
Messages : 408

Re : PatchNote

kisama a écrit :

Read above where it says "There may have some issues with some prices. It would have been too simple (and not fun at all !) if everything was working immediatly perfectly. We are looking into it and there should be some fixes to the fixes."

There is changes that will come i think.

Again i maintain what i said, there would be many complains and people will always be unsatisfied no matter what. The fact that some players sold their card at a higher price in order to get even more expensive cards more quickly and at the same time to spend less feez, shows that they are self-centered and act on prudence which is egoism.

I was personally satisfied with the old market or at least content with how it ran, I understood it. but the fact remains that now when they get around to fixing all of the card value issues and everything is said and done, the one card i need to call my deck complete which was at a fair market value, is now going to vanish from the market for who knows how long due to hoarders wanting the price of said card to go up in value. at least i could look into the market and see what i was aiming for, now im going to be stuck waiting for who knows how long for something that when it does come back on the market could possibly ten times worse the price with a daily raise of 30% max price limit.

do not mistake hard work and effort towards a better deck for being egotistical

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#38 28-03-2012 13:46:53

Inscription : 08-05-2011
Messages : 45

Re : PatchNote

The DAILY 30% increase can surely be a hindrance for many players.
But what do you mean by hard work? What is your hard work that you have done to get a better deck, what do you mean?
If it is selling cards at a higher price is hard work, then I have no more to say lol.

Never do evil that a good may come of it.
Give a thief enough rope and he will hang himself.
The greater the sinner, the greater the saint.

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#39 28-03-2012 14:00:26

Lieu : Michigan
Inscription : 28-02-2012
Messages : 408

Re : PatchNote

kisama a écrit :

The DAILY 30% increase can surely be a hindrance for many players.
But what do you mean by hard work? What is your hard work that you have done to get a better deck, what do you mean?
If it is selling cards at a higher price is hard work, then I have no more to say lol.

there are some things that crystals can not buy, the amount of effort to take on leveling up an abomination from lvl.1 for example, and the personal satisfaction of reaching your goal of lvl.6 finally achieved. it might be easier for people to buy a lvl.6 from the market and be done with it. those are the people your talking about who literally throw money at the game because they want the best deck. im talking about people like myself who enjoy the game more when they are leveling up their cards because they see their goal at the end of the road. and my goal for my deck is almost achieved and i will not complete it if my fears come true about this update.

that is hard work for a better deck, personal satisfaction with time and effort in the game.

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#40 28-03-2012 14:21:46

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 17-10-2011
Messages : 237

Re : PatchNote

Sapphon a écrit :

Issues should be fixed. At the moment, the only "problems" that you should encounter are linked to the old restrictions calculation.
Before the patch, restrictions were based on the card rarity, not on how much they were sold on the market. For Exemple, Mahamoud lvl 1 could be sold at 26k max, but was only bought at 5k max. Now, the restrictions are based on the sold value, so Mahamoud lvl 1's restrictions will be around 5k5, but you'll still find some old ones that are around 26k at the market.

Still, there can be problems and bugs, so if you encounter anything that seems strange to you on the market, report it here so we can check it.

What happens when a card that used to be cheap, such as "aging" or "butterfly collar," becomes powerful with a new release?  Before "Pilferess", butterfly collar was only 4k but afterwards it's 20k or so.  With this new system, a card will be stuck at a cheaper value even if it becomes useful post-update.  Maybe I'm mistaken?  Also, does the max price of cards ever go down?  It seems like they only have the potential of increasing.

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#41 28-03-2012 14:25:53

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : PatchNote

catcatcat a écrit :

What happens when a card that used to be cheap, such as "aging" or "butterfly collar," becomes powerful with a new release?  Before "Pilferess", butterfly collar was only 4k but afterwards it's 20k or so.  With this new system, a card will be stuck at a cheaper value even if it becomes useful post-update.

Cards will be sold, price will increase in a few days.

Also, does the max price of cards ever go down?  It seems like they only have the potential of increasing.

It should go down with the sold value. For example, if a card is sold at 50k, its restriction will be around 60k (I say random numbers, it's just so you get the idea). If the next week the card is sold at prices around 30k, then the restriction should slowly go down to around 40k.

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#42 28-03-2012 14:49:04

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 17-10-2011
Messages : 237

Re : PatchNote

Ty.  I appreciate the response smile

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#43 28-03-2012 14:53:58

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : PatchNote

(By the way, I'm really sorry for my english ;p It's quite a technical discussion, and I don't think I'm good enough to give clear answers at the first try. So if you feel you don't quite understand why I'm trying to say, or if you feel what I'm saying isn't well said, feel free to correct me. I won't sulk, I'm aware of my weaknesses ;p)

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#44 28-03-2012 15:20:09

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 17-10-2011
Messages : 237

Re : PatchNote

Your English is just fine, no complaints here smile 

One thing I don't get is the update says, "If a card has no activity in the Marketplace, its quotation remains the same (no copy sold or on sale during the last 24 hours). On the other hand, the price limit raises by 30% every day. This will help cards that have very low quotations to raise. "

Does this mean that say a card's price limit will increased by 30% each day as in 30% higher first day, 60% second, 90% etc. etc.   Or does the limit reset once a copy of the card is sold?  Perhaps a model might help explain my question:

First day: quotation 10k, max price 13k (30%), no marketplace sales
Second day: quotation 10k, max price 16k (60%), no marketplace sales
Third day: quotation 10k, max price 19k (90%), no marketplace sales
Now on the fourth day someone buys the card at 19k and the quotation jumps up 15k. Is the max price still 90% higher (28.5k) or does it go back to 30% higher (19.5k) ?

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#45 28-03-2012 16:46:08

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : PatchNote

It should be more like :
First day: quotation 10k, max price 13k (+30%), no marketplace sales
Second day: quotation 10k, max price 16,9k (+30% of 13k), no marketplace sales
Third day: quotation 10k, max price 21,7k (+30% of 16,9k), no marketplace sales
Forth day: some buy the card at 19k and the quotation jumps to 15k. The restriction will adapt to the new quotation.

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#46 28-03-2012 17:08:37

Gent M
Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 08-07-2011
Messages : 318

Re : PatchNote

I have a big question:
Are foil version prices directly related with the regular version prices or is there a separate algorithm for each version?

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#47 28-03-2012 17:32:07

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : PatchNote

Gent M a écrit :

I have a big question:
Are foil version prices directly related with the regular version prices or is there a separate algorithm for each version?

That's a good question. I ask asap and I tell you.

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#48 01-04-2012 02:45:47

Norad IV
Inscription : 25-07-2011
Messages : 116

Re : PatchNote

Disappointed with this bug fix, Vizier definitely did not need the nerf, it was hard enough to win with this crap character, and now you remove his ability that is supposed to last through the whole game? Give me a break!

And the marketplace sales is still very much bugged, I am thinking of selling my RoDs cause they are pretty much useless against the top ELO players, but I can only sell max at 90k? LOLOL yea right!!! and then I see someone who has them on sale for 110k, yet I can still only sell at 90k? Wow what is this load of bs?

Feerik you are just one of many companies going downhill. Better spend all that money you suckered out of south american players and actually pay for good programmers.

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#49 01-04-2012 03:12:27

Inscription : 14-09-2011
Messages : 722

Re : PatchNote

Norad IV a écrit :

Disappointed with this bug fix, Vizier definitely did not need the nerf, it was hard enough to win with this crap character, and now you remove his ability that is supposed to last through the whole game? Give me a break!

And the marketplace sales is still very much bugged, I am thinking of selling my RoDs cause they are pretty much useless against the top ELO players, but I can only sell max at 90k? LOLOL yea right!!! and then I see someone who has them on sale for 110k, yet I can still only sell at 90k? Wow what is this load of bs?

Feerik you are just one of many companies going downhill. Better spend all that money you suckered out of south american players and actually pay for good programmers.

dude just chill out. vizier wasnt nerfed, his bug is fixed. as for the market, just wait for it to stabilize

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