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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 27-03-2012 16:25:33

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 03-02-2012
Messages : 462



Marketplace modifications:

- Bottom price restrictions have been suppressed.You can now sell cards at any price between the immediate purchase price (100 crystals minimum) and the limit price calculated in relation to current Marketplace activity.

- We have made our card quotation calculations more precise by reinforcing the value of cards sold recently and by adding the cards that were not sold during the first 48-hours time lapse to our calculations. The cards voluntarily removed from the Marketplace by their owners are not taken into account.

- If a card has no activity in the Marketplace, its quotation remains the same (no copy sold or on sale during the last 24 hours). On the other hand, the price limit raises by 30% every day. This will help cards that have very low quotations to raise.

- The quotations of evolved cards have also been modified.The quotation of an evolved card is now calculated according its rarity and its Marketplace price.

- The evolved cards will now have an additional piece of information (available tomorrow):
the sum of the quotations necessary for their obtaining. It is for information only, you can perfectly sell evolved cards at higher or lower prices (but according to the fixed price limits).

Here are the other bug corrections launched this week:

- The bug that enabled Vizier Mahamoud's healing capacity to have effect even once he was dead has been fixed.

- The bug that prevented The flamboyant Phoenix from playing Fire Spell once he had appeared in his initial form has been solved.

- The bug that blocked the access to one's own Discard Pile when Announ Tho's capacity Order was launched has been fixed.

- The evolution of certain characters were not taken into account for the The Annunciator's key's trophy, this has been fixed.

Enjoy the game!

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#2 27-03-2012 17:33:03

Inscription : 14-09-2011
Messages : 722

Re : PatchNote

can someone explain the market changes in a way we can all understand?

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#3 27-03-2012 17:35:18

Inscription : 08-05-2011
Messages : 45

Re : PatchNote

soulst3al3r a écrit :

can someone explain the market changes in a way we can all understand?

Same here

"If a card has no activity in the Marketplace, its quotation remains the same (no copy sold or on sale during the last 24 hours). On the other hand, the price limit raises by 30% every day. This will help cards that have very low quotations to raise."

the price limit RAISES by 30% every day. Does that mean that those cards will increase in price? If yes, then this will discourage players even more from buying those cards.

Dernière modification par kisama (27-03-2012 17:44:33)

Never do evil that a good may come of it.
Give a thief enough rope and he will hang himself.
The greater the sinner, the greater the saint.

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#4 27-03-2012 17:50:23

Gent M
Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 08-07-2011
Messages : 318

Re : PatchNote

I find the changes excellent except the removal of a min price which was very good for paying players since it forced the rich players to buy the new cards at a high price if they wanted to use them.

soulst3al3r a écrit :

can someone explain the market changes in a way we can all understand?

I'll give an example.

Ripper level 3 - 10 cards for sale and they don't sell - max price remains the same.
Pythia level 3 - 0 cards for sale, no transactions - max price is raised by 30%

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#5 27-03-2012 18:30:50

Lieu : Montréal
Inscription : 07-07-2011
Messages : 566

Re : PatchNote

the price limit RAISES by 30% every day. Does that mean that those cards will increase in price? If yes, then this will discourage players even more from buying those cards.

No, 'cause vendors don't want to see their cards unsold cause of a price highter than the worth of his card, but it will helps for cards where the max limit price is lower than it should be : so no one sells those and the cards diseppear from the market.

Thanks to this, they'll just have to wait some days for the max limit price of the cards to raise to reach real price of that card. I rather a little highter prices than found the market empty (like for [card]The Hungry Void[/card] ) (It applied almost only for rare/expensive cards)

L'esprit est la plus puissante des armes. L3lf3

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#6 27-03-2012 19:53:47

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : PatchNote

Some explanation :

- Bottom price limit removed, I think this is understandable for all.

- Calculation of current marketplace price : The new calculation includes the price of the card really sold and the prices given by the players when they put cards in the marketplace. Theses prices are taken in account only if the cards are not sold. If the player remove manually the card from the market, the price is not taken in account. If the card is sold, the sell price is taken in account.

- Current marketplace price is updated every 24 hours. The price of the cards in sell are not modified. If there is no activity in 24 hours (no cards in sell, no card bought), the marketplace price remains unchanged (before it was decreased) and the uper limit is raised of 30% (so you can try to sell a card 30% higher than the previous day).

- When a card needs others card to evolve, you will see the sum of current marketplace price of all cards needed to evolve it. You can choose to put the sell price you want, but the system will give you an indication of a "correct" price.

- You will be free to choose the price of new released card in the 24 first hours, after that, the standard calculation of the current marketplace price will take place.

Ask question, I try to answer.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#7 27-03-2012 23:35:03

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 22-03-2012
Messages : 4

Re : PatchNote

Hey, I try to sell "Hares, the runic" that I think its price should be around 15000+. But the system let me set the price not more than 3800. What the heck! Even though you tell me the upper bound would go up 30% on the next day. It's still way too slow.

At this rate, people will be forced to sell some cards at the super cheap price. And if they don't want to sell at such low price, there will be no activity and the upper bound will stay the same. Is this really what you design for the new system of the marketplace to be?

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#8 28-03-2012 00:05:08

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 28-12-2010
Messages : 360

Re : PatchNote

Man_Santichai a écrit :

Hey, I try to sell "Hares, the runic" that I think its price should be around 15000+. But the system let me set the price not more than 3800. What the heck! Even though you tell me the upper bound would go up 30% on the next day. It's still way too slow.

At this rate, people will be forced to sell some cards at the super cheap price. And if they don't want to sell at such low price, there will be no activity and the upper bound will stay the same. Is this really what you design for the new system of the marketplace to be?

yeah,,,what the f???abs level 3 for 6100 crystal???omg,,,,i'll quit playing
all the cards are 10 times cheaper,,,,,what the hell is going on???????????????????

Dernière modification par free_seller (28-03-2012 00:07:20)

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#9 28-03-2012 00:13:39

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Colorado, USA
Inscription : 29-07-2011
Messages : 306

Re : PatchNote

Hey noobs, settle down!  This has been an ongoing problem, and these marketplace modifications will now fix all this over time. Just be patient.
I, for one, am very pleased by these changes, particularly the 30% increase on cards that don't sell...this will fix the sort of problems we had with super rare cards not selling and dropping below any reasonable price that any player will sell them for.
Well done, Feerik!

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#10 28-03-2012 00:21:56

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 28-12-2010
Messages : 360

Re : PatchNote

Kilanjared a écrit :

Hey noobs, settle down!  This has been an ongoing problem, and these marketplace modifications will now fix all this over time. Just be patient.
I, for one, am very pleased by these changes, particularly the 30% increase on cards that don't sell...this will fix the sort of problems we had with super rare cards not selling and dropping below any reasonable price that any player will sell them for.
Well done, Feerik!

do you realize that 30% from 6000 is 2000,,,so it will increase like 2000 every day,,,and it will take like 1 week to be 40000 again

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#11 28-03-2012 00:56:21

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 17-10-2011
Messages : 237

Re : PatchNote

This change is so awful.  The only people that are going to be selling anything are rookies that don't have a clue.  Everyone else will be holding on to their cards for weeks until the prices rise to decent levels.

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#12 28-03-2012 01:20:50

Inscription : 23-12-2010
Messages : 469

Re : PatchNote

it would not hurt to wait a bit and see how the changes affect the market.

i <3 ZIL
new telendar = fail, gimme a new one! tongue

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#13 28-03-2012 01:29:29

Inscription : 27-12-2011
Messages : 51

Re : PatchNote

This change seems to follow basic economics.  People will only buy cards when they feel the price is worth the card.  Also, if a card is so scarce that only a few people have it, the price should, rightfully so, reflect the scarcity.  What people have to understand is that the changes will take some time to effectively self-regulate the market.  Also, there should be some sort of negative modifier as well (like what I state in my suggestion below) in order to prevent cards with high scarcity from being horded, and sold once the price level becomes high enough to make a significant profit. (also, because I cant seem to find it, please post all of the current marketplace rules and price reduction schedules... since I cant exactly seriously suggest changes without knowing these basics)

(I wouldnt mind a 10% decrease in the maximum sell-able price of a card if the card has been on the market for 2 days to prevent cards that have an extremely high price and low circulation.  Also, for cards being sold for above 100,000, the increase in price should also only be 10%.  Anything above 500,000, ie. hungry void and ANS, should have both the decreasing rate and increasing rate slowed down to 5%)
^-- note:  Id have to actually think about the above suggestion for more than the 5 minutes that I thought about it if I were to actually seriously suggest the changes, since an adjustment of the price maximums requires some math (that I am capable of doing, but am too lazy to unless someone actually asks me).

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#14 28-03-2012 01:39:00

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 17-10-2011
Messages : 237

Re : PatchNote

Caitlyn a écrit :

it would not hurt to wait a bit and see how the changes affect the market.

It will when new players that don't have a clue what a card is really worth sell cards for absurdly low prices because of the new system

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#15 28-03-2012 02:25:43

Inscription : 22-10-2011
Messages : 72

Re : PatchNote

hmm, im curious as to how the changes affect foil versions of a card. based on my observations, previously the price of a foil is directly proportionate to the price of its non-foil, usually 1.5 times more than the non-foil. As per the new update, will foils be considered separate or still be influenced by the max price of their non-foil counterparts?

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#16 28-03-2012 02:47:29

Inscription : 14-09-2011
Messages : 722

Re : PatchNote

i cnat even sell my hundawa more than 1600 when there's ones already on the market for 12000

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#17 28-03-2012 02:48:20

Inscription : 21-01-2012
Messages : 91

Re : PatchNote

i cnat even sell my hundawa more than 1600 when there's ones already on the market for 12000

Really? I sold mine today for 5000.

"Ralph-- they ought to shut up, oughtn't they? You shut up, you littluns!"

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#18 28-03-2012 02:49:14

Inscription : 14-09-2011
Messages : 722

Re : PatchNote

squamation a écrit :

i cnat even sell my hundawa more than 1600 when there's ones already on the market for 12000

Really? I sold mine today for 5000.

really weird. it is also level 3

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#19 28-03-2012 03:08:28

Lieu : Michigan
Inscription : 28-02-2012
Messages : 408

Re : PatchNote

same goes for crystal storm. it cant go higher than 1600 but there are ones on the market for 20k

possibly from cards put on the market before price changes?



after further investigation yes... prices dropped significantly for those wanting to put new cards up. stage 3 [card]zahal[/card] has dropped to 1600 as well...

now i guess i wait to sell anything worthe selling...

but i wonder why cards like [card]the last word[/card] werent affected by the max price drop?

Dernière modification par kilcosu (28-03-2012 03:23:04)

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#20 28-03-2012 04:14:39

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 17-10-2011
Messages : 237

Re : PatchNote

kilcosu a écrit :

same goes for crystal storm. it cant go higher than 1600 but there are ones on the market for 20k

possibly from cards put on the market before price changes?



after further investigation yes... prices dropped significantly for those wanting to put new cards up. stage 3 [card]zahal[/card] has dropped to 1600 as well...

now i guess i wait to sell anything worthe selling...

but i wonder why cards like [card]the last word[/card] werent affected by the max price drop?

All cards on the market are there from before the new marketplace changes.  Give it a day or two for those that are on the market already to not sell and then nothing will be on the market because the max price is so low.

The only thing I don't get about the new market is whether or not the max price ever drops.  From the description, it seems like the max price either stays the same or goes up

Dernière modification par catcatcat (28-03-2012 04:16:12)

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#21 28-03-2012 06:13:03

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 22-05-2011
Messages : 265

Re : PatchNote

Everyone is complaining that the new market is way too slow to sell higher or they can't get enough profit from selling. But nobody realize that if everyone can sell high that means cards will be much more expensive. And the next thing you know everyone will complain the market is too expensive to buy anything. I welcome this new changes but I'm hoping it will solve the unbalance market and not worsen it by resulting to an inflation. Only time will tell if this market change is a success or not.

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#22 28-03-2012 07:34:35

Inscription : 24-02-2011
Messages : 740

Re : PatchNote


Dernière modification par Cossette (28-03-2012 07:35:06)

Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?

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#23 28-03-2012 08:49:27

Lieu : SDM
Inscription : 10-12-2010
Messages : 1 191

Re : PatchNote

Time to observe if this market changes will mean something for a change

New englishchat:

"Tea is best enjoyed with your fellow monsters"
-Frederica Bernkastel

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#24 28-03-2012 09:22:21

Inscription : 08-05-2011
Messages : 45

Re : PatchNote

Many of you (sellers) are complaining because you have to sell your cards at a lower price, well you were very happy to sell cards extremely expensive and its no surprise that there would be complains.

PS: Good for you XD.

Never do evil that a good may come of it.
Give a thief enough rope and he will hang himself.
The greater the sinner, the greater the saint.

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#25 28-03-2012 10:25:41

Inscription : 06-03-2012
Messages : 41

Re : PatchNote

kisama a écrit :

Many of you (sellers) are complaining because you have to sell your cards at a lower price, well you were very happy to sell cards extremely expensive and its no surprise that there would be complains.

PS: Good for you XD.

Well. I am new here and i need the crystals for the selling for my deck (unmonted).
Now, with this patch i cant do nothing. Cant sell my rares and people dont selling the rares i need.
They blocked the market for a week (2-3 days for no activity on some cards (unless a boy sell it at a ridicolus price and other buy it) and more to go up with the real cost).

Really was so difficult to put the initial base of the cards to their mininum of the market at the moment? :S

Dernière modification par pevi (28-03-2012 10:27:09)

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