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#26 29-02-2012 06:16:42

Inscription : 24-02-2011
Messages : 740

Re : Shall we talk about those undercards!

Bmyarne a écrit :

On the topic of Poukos having him chain Gofer - Sinker.Its fine I suppose Im not sure people have a understanding to him. He is kind of tanky to start and the awesome bonus he has is being able to play a random freeze! I'd like to see more offensive water spells much like a burn in hell where your characters personal spirt doesnt matter.

Nice smile just what I've been waiting for...
hes the first "4 def" that came out on the pirate guild next is Galene and being the only "water guem" well except marzhin wink
I don't mind his stat 5/7 but that compensate to his high 4 def the problem is his 0 spirit and he only got 13 hp which is a perfect target for a 1 hit magic damage.
that's where his character flaw came in he cant damage hard 5/7 and he chains his gofer which activates at the end of the fight no benefits at round one and he may be dead next round.
he could have been appreciated if he can equip one [card]gofer-sinker[/card] at start of the game at least he made some purpose before hes down for the count.
thanks!  Bmyarne

Dernière modification par Cossette (29-02-2012 06:17:47)

Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?

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#27 29-02-2012 08:01:16

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 10-12-2011
Messages : 233

Re : Shall we talk about those undercards!

Cossette a écrit :
Bmyarne a écrit :

On the topic of Poukos having him chain Gofer - Sinker.Its fine I suppose Im not sure people have a understanding to him. He is kind of tanky to start and the awesome bonus he has is being able to play a random freeze! I'd like to see more offensive water spells much like a burn in hell where your characters personal spirt doesnt matter.

Nice smile just what I've been waiting for...
hes the first "4 def" that came out on the pirate guild next is Galene and being the only "water guem" well except marzhin wink
I don't mind his stat 5/7 but that compensate to his high 4 def the problem is his 0 spirit and he only got 13 hp which is a perfect target for a 1 hit magic damage.
that's where his character flaw came in he cant damage hard 5/7 and he chains his gofer which activates at the end of the fight no benefits at round one and he may be dead next round.
he could have been appreciated if he can equip one [card]gofer-sinker[/card] at start of the game at least he made some purpose before hes down for the count.
thanks!  Bmyarne

All sarcasm aside, pirates have enough cards on hand that could counter the claim that he couldnt find a spot in a pirate warrior deck. Im just trying to clairify my opinion that Poukos is an alright character. But the improvement I see could lay in the hands of being able to cast a spell or two.

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#28 29-02-2012 10:42:23

Lieu : SDM
Inscription : 10-12-2010
Messages : 1 191

Re : Shall we talk about those undercards!

Geez you need to control yourself  leorio. now on the topic about the priests  hmm it would look good if the merc priest suddenly have castes maybe the opposite of the nehantist since as stated they'll be sent to stop nehant so theyre theurgy can be the opposite of corruptions perhaps? like purification

Dernière modification par jackal19 (29-02-2012 10:45:03)

New englishchat:

"Tea is best enjoyed with your fellow monsters"
-Frederica Bernkastel

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#29 29-02-2012 12:35:07

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-01-2011
Messages : 200

Re : Shall we talk about those undercards!

If Poukos is a mechanist would be great (since he has the suits in the picture, looks like Galene suits) and if he is mechanist he can chain any pirate items if combo with Ica-Rusty and yeah another water spell that is guildless could come in handy...

Dernière modification par Roarky (29-02-2012 12:35:40)

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