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#1 28-10-2011 13:28:21

Inscription : 25-09-2010
Messages : 28

Market - Why minimum

What does the forced minimum provide for the markert?

It doesn't touch or worsens the inflation issue as well as the monopolism issue.

So far it's proided me with a lot of expired sales though they were put out at the minimum.

Sounds like a tool for market manipulators to keep things off the market.

Dernière modification par Tankdave (28-10-2011 13:30:23)

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#2 28-10-2011 13:41:52

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Market - Why minimum

It is to avoid distortion in the prices.

The range is done around a medium value corresponding to the effective sales of the cards.

For the new cards, the price is fixed arbitrarily corresponding to the rarity of the card. It avoid to have a very big price or to lower price for new cards.

When there is a sale, the referencing price is adjusted to the value of the sale, if there is no sale for 24 hours, the price is adjusted to lower level. This is done one time each 24hours.

Before the newcomers boosters, the new cards were very rare in the market (small number of card).
Now, the new cards are relatively more common.
There is so a lot of common cards from late releases.

If you can not sell your cards, it is more likely that the price is not the one other people are ready to buy.
In few days, you probably have a better price for them to be sold.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#3 28-10-2011 13:45:14

Lieu : St. George, NB, Canada
Inscription : 26-08-2010
Messages : 910

Re : Market - Why minimum

It'll regulate the market. Non-sales like the one you mentioned will drop automatically over time to a market equilibrium price. This way, it excludes manipulation, which, in a small market, is easily attained.

Think of it like a "not so invisible hand" of economics at work. It's a little slower than a large free-market model, but given the small market, it should work well.

If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?

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#4 28-10-2011 13:57:45

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : Market - Why minimum

The weirdest thing is that nearly 1 week and the price just dropped from 17K to 14K? Perhaps there ARE some people willing to pay it for that price O_o oh well... smile

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#5 28-10-2011 14:04:31

Lieu : St. George, NB, Canada
Inscription : 26-08-2010
Messages : 910

Re : Market - Why minimum

magius a écrit :

The weirdest thing is that nearly 1 week and the price just dropped from 17K to 14K? Perhaps there ARE some people willing to pay it for that price O_o oh well... smile

Obviously is.

If the supply meets the demand, the price will stay.

You might not be one of those that are willing to pay at that price, but if there is enough to support the market, it'll stay.

If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?

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#6 28-10-2011 14:06:08

Inscription : 31-03-2011
Messages : 1 575

Re : Market - Why minimum

Probally there are..

I personally, belive that while the new comers was a nice idea, too many people bought only it, due to the new releases being good.

Things should get more normally on prices once it's over. I would suggest that if the idea is implamented again, put a limit of new comer booster people could buy each week..

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#7 28-10-2011 14:08:05

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Market - Why minimum

Or choosing an entry price for new cards lower than the current values.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#8 28-10-2011 14:24:56

Inscription : 31-03-2011
Messages : 1 575

Re : Market - Why minimum

I don't ming the new cards being expensive, what I didn't like very much, is in some cases there are more than 300 of them for sale...

What forced on all cases people sell their new cards at minimum price. Because there were so many of them.

I'll keep my opinion that if the new comers are repetead or maintained, a maximum of 1 or 2 booster be avaliable for player each week.

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#9 28-10-2011 15:09:23

Inscription : 25-09-2010
Messages : 28

Re : Market - Why minimum

How exactly does preventing me from selling a common like [card]Avalonian Shield[/card] for days and days at anything under 20.000 prevent anything? Sounds more like a means -for- market manip. Keep trades happening at over 20K and the price is fixed. With the price getting kept at that high level where only the desperate being taken advantage of (and manipulators keeping it there) trade.

I get the top price thing, but how could it possibly hurt anyone if I want to give away what's mine for 15.000, 10.000 or 1000?

What bad thing could then occur if there was no forced minimum?

Dernière modification par Tankdave (28-10-2011 15:12:19)

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#10 29-10-2011 00:01:32

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 11-11-2010
Messages : 273

Re : Market - Why minimum

Their system only works because it tracks sales.  If you were to sell below the minimium the system I think isn't built to think about what it's selling for, just if it's sold.  If it sells the max goes up so someone could manipulate the market selling one every 24 hours low to push up the roof so they can buy up and sell it for higher.

This somewhat prevents that but it's not the best solution.  Rather the max price should be based on a % above the average price the card is selling for in the last five days.  If it hasn't sold in the past fives days, it drops a % amount period.  This would allow no minimium since the only ones that would be selling would set the new max price.

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#11 31-10-2011 23:01:35

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : New York City
Inscription : 24-09-2011
Messages : 304
Site Web

Re : Market - Why minimum

Tankdave a écrit :

How exactly does preventing me from selling a common like [card]Avalonian Shield[/card] for days and days at anything under 20.000 prevent anything? Sounds more like a means -for- market manip. Keep trades happening at over 20K and the price is fixed. With the price getting kept at that high level where only the desperate being taken advantage of (and manipulators keeping it there) trade.

I get the top price thing, but how could it possibly hurt anyone if I want to give away what's mine for 15.000, 10.000 or 1000?

What bad thing could then occur if there was no forced minimum?

Exactly Bro, I Have 5 Avaloanian Shields That Won't Well Cuz I Cant Put Them Up For 15K To Make A Quick Sale, That Market Price minimum was a very bad idea, I don't care what no one says, if there are 105 shields on the market place for 22,000 each where's the competition to sell for the lowest price, I swear this pisses me off, got damn staff!

Yesterday Was History,
Tomorrow Is A Mystery,
Today Is A Gift,
That's Why It's Called The Present!

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#12 01-11-2011 02:31:01

Lieu : SDM
Inscription : 10-12-2010
Messages : 1 191

Re : Market - Why minimum

i believe someone is using this system to manipulate certain card prices for example time blast with its ridiculous price thats still remains as it is for nearly a week now

New englishchat:

"Tea is best enjoyed with your fellow monsters"
-Frederica Bernkastel

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#13 01-11-2011 19:30:05

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 07-12-2010
Messages : 273

Re : Market - Why minimum

I told them this was going to happen:

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#14 02-11-2011 02:19:33

Tempest Poet
Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-07-2011
Messages : 150

Re : Market - Why minimum

The main problem is not the idea itself, but how the actual implemention works.

24 hours w/o a sale to let the prices drop? Thats way to much time. You have to consider the amount of ppl playing, sure there are desperate players.

For a more fluid market-situation, the time should drop to maximum 6hours, if not 4hours.

I don't think the new market system is bad, i do like it. As long as it does what it supposed to be. Disabling Monopolization of cards and prices, without hurting the market itself. But thats not yet the case.

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#15 04-11-2011 10:40:33

Inscription : 25-09-2010
Messages : 28

Re : Market - Why minimum

"Disabling Monopolization of cards and prices, without hurting the market itself."

Throughout all of the staff responses, it's explained, if you look at it carefully, how the -maximum- limit tries to achieve this. Never once, still, is it explained why the -minimum- limit is needed. The minimum limit does nothing for disabling monopolies: rather only provides a perfect new tool.

Wai u no cut minimum limit, staff?

What would happen bad or worse-than-now when you'd let me sell avalonian shield at 12.000 ?

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#16 04-11-2011 11:14:16

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : Market - Why minimum

500+ unsold Time Blast at 14K and counting...

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#17 04-11-2011 11:16:36

Inscription : 31-03-2011
Messages : 1 575

Re : Market - Why minimum

Yep, and yet they maintain  the new comers.. Come on the idea was nice, I enjoyed it a lot, but the execution of it sucks bad, the effect on the mark is horrible. Please remove this booster from the shop.

And increase the price dropping rate, if a card for example has more than 200 (just an example) of it for sale.

Dernière modification par Paladino.:RR:. (04-11-2011 11:18:07)

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#18 04-11-2011 12:00:57

Gent M
Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 08-07-2011
Messages : 318

Re : Market - Why minimum

I think the new packs are a great idea. I hated the fact that with the old premium or guild boosters I would only get cards that I already had. With this booster system I have a great chance to find new cards that I am missing from my collection.

So rather then removing the boosters maybe they should find a way to better balance the influx of new cards and the lower selling limit so that players that dont have hundreds of thousands of crystals won't feel like they are making a bad deal when buying these new cards. (just an example - ancient staff was stuck at 5100 for days even thought it's only value is to upgrade Eikytan)

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#19 04-11-2011 12:05:08

Inscription : 31-03-2011
Messages : 1 575

Re : Market - Why minimum

I like the maintaince of act packs, but the new comers one is a bad idea, it created too many of the same card...  They should limit how many new comers booster each player can buy per week.

This way there will be more of the release cards in the game but the game wont be overflooding with them.

I mean, I've been trying to sell my Requiem and my queen since last wenesday for the minimum price all the time. Can't do it..

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#20 04-11-2011 13:00:59

Lieu : SDM
Inscription : 10-12-2010
Messages : 1 191

Re : Market - Why minimum

or the better solution remove the minimum price limit there problem solved and btw the act boosters are great why remove something that works for once

New englishchat:

"Tea is best enjoyed with your fellow monsters"
-Frederica Bernkastel

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#21 20-11-2011 01:32:48

Inscription : 08-09-2010
Messages : 744

Re : Market - Why minimum

magius a écrit :

500+ unsold Time Blast at 14K and counting...

They say Tempus is the only thing that can squat over Scragh

IGN: Shrei VonWeisheit
Mercenaries and trophies are underrated.
PS: I'm insane big_smile

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#22 20-11-2011 04:09:00

Lieu : SDM
Inscription : 10-12-2010
Messages : 1 191

Re : Market - Why minimum

Anihilate a écrit :
magius a écrit :

500+ unsold Time Blast at 14K and counting...

They say Tempus is the only thing that can squat over Scragh

lol those blasts have drop significantly too bad the old ones like aging is increasing though

Dernière modification par jackal19 (20-11-2011 04:11:22)

New englishchat:

"Tea is best enjoyed with your fellow monsters"
-Frederica Bernkastel

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