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#1 26-02-2011 16:24:06

Inscription : 24-10-2010
Messages : 31

Discard Deck needs tweaking

[card]Salem[/card] Lvl. 3
[card]The Shadow[/card] Lvl. 4
[card]Abyssien the Devourer[/card] Lvl. 2

2x [card]Whip[/card]

1x [card]Cloning[/card]
1x [card]Freeze[/card]
3x [card]Panic[/card]
1x [card]Kiss of Death[/card]

2x [card]Disguise[/card]
3x [card]Look Away[/card]
1x [card]Protect the Weak[/card]
3x [card]Treacherous[/card]
3x [card]Theft[/card]

This is what the deck looks like right now I am doing well in the level rooms with it, I am level 11 but I feel like it is missing something and I can't figure it out so I was wondering what kind of suggestions you guys had for it. I am trying to get [card]Fallback[/card] and maybe [card]Tadaa! You're a Bunny![/card] but I can really only get them through the trophies because I spent the last of my cash on DSH to get The Shadow.

On a side note the new Abyssien is a total bomb! Since he hit level 2 he has not died yet. I also have yet to play against the really big decks yet though.

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#2 26-02-2011 21:41:20

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 24-09-2010
Messages : 126

Re : Discard Deck needs tweaking

I would drop [card]Kiss of Death[/card] and add [card]Anathematize[/card].

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#3 27-02-2011 01:18:38

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Discard Deck needs tweaking

I'd drop the whips all together, too.


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#4 27-02-2011 01:34:50

Inscription : 24-10-2010
Messages : 31

Re : Discard Deck needs tweaking

But if I drop the whips what would I put in, and I agree I do not really like the whips.

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#5 27-02-2011 01:43:49

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 24-12-2010
Messages : 119

Re : Discard Deck needs tweaking

mental syphon and a new start

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#6 27-02-2011 07:21:34

Inscription : 25-11-2010
Messages : 33

Re : Discard Deck needs tweaking

Personally I have been running a discard like this

Abyssien (I dont have the new one so i have the store bought version)

3x theft (love doing theft theft on tele)
3x panic
3x treach
3x look away
2x bunny
2x fallback
1x obesity
1x anath

I dont like shadow bc it makes you vulnerable to treach yourself. Then for 2 filler cards i pack a scheme and a watcher. (i think this is right its late and i don't have my deck up in front of me).

I beat most other discard decks with this.. the only things that really give me problems are low spirit decks or very high dmg decks. You could replace the obesity with a freeze I guess...

Anyhow this deck has done me well and I am at about an 80-85% win ratio with it.

Oh I dont have my siphon yet so that will make a difference too soon.

Dernière modification par jspruill (27-02-2011 07:22:07)

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#7 27-02-2011 17:54:46

Inscription : 11-11-2010
Messages : 455

Re : Discard Deck needs tweaking

Drop the whips, drop a treach. 3 Treach can be disastrous when facing a team with little spirit.

Add a Watcher(or ANS if you have one) 
Add a Fallback
Add a Bunny
Deliverance is a great asset in Discard. Late game I've had it completely nullify the extra turn a player would get. It also meshes very well with Devourer and can help you with bad hands and set up the potential to theft what they may be holding on to later, ANS for example.

Also don't base a decks strength in the level room. When you face another maxed deck in there sure use that individual match but the overall level room is certainly no place to measure the strength of a deck.

Concentrate not on destroying your foe, but on obtaining your own victory. - Gouken

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