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#26 14-12-2010 16:02:26

Inscription : 07-12-2010
Messages : 86

Re : How to beat Melisandre~

hmm maybe because i edited the first post once already.. i couldn't find a way to edit the title.

could you change it into "how to beat melissandre" and move this to deck strategy thread please.

thanks big_smile

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#27 14-12-2010 16:43:50

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Pennsylvania, USA
Inscription : 16-09-2010
Messages : 225
Site Web

Re : How to beat Melisandre~

With the amount of off-topic content, it seems more appropriate in my opinion to start a new one, but meh.

My usual deck, due to my low amount of crystals from lack of recent participation, (oops,) is a high defense deck.  Xin, Asajiro, and The Mystic Slayer, Priesty type, the one with the higher defense.  Yes, it works.  No, don't ask.

I beat a max evo Sap when I had a bad draw earlier.  Melissandre, Ydiane, and Rargnor.  By bad draw, you see, I mean that I didn't draw ANY items until the 4th turn.  Only thing that kept me going was avoiding the only real threat, the hom'chai.  Barely got 2 more points of damage though on an all-character wipe.  Interesting game.

Point of my story is; even odd decks can stand a chance against her.

(Oh, further note, I'm "personally" surprised apoth's post is still even there.)

Dernière modification par XenoZangotta (14-12-2010 16:46:27)

Somewhere between happiness and dreading the Apocalypse.
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#28 14-12-2010 16:52:46

Inscription : 11-11-2010
Messages : 455

Re : How to beat Melisandre~

Its kinda funny how everyone wants something that gives them trouble to be "adjusted." Hmm lets see how this works for me...

I run Saps so certain decks and chars give me trouble. I do manage wins against them so I don't mind. I understand that in card games no matter how skilled you are your draws just won't come along sometimes.

lets see now how about...

-I dont think xin and asajiro should stack effects. def is way to high for me sometimes...les nerf dat plzkthnx
-Dagger master 3 has been a thorn in my side lately(im lookin at you papa frita tongue gg btw) dim it down to 1-2 dmg plox
-Spirit should cap at 3 so those rod rod combos dont always 1 shot me got it alllllrighty then
-I dont wanna stick an anathematize in my deck for just in case just get rid of ihas hmmmmmkay
-lastly if you are not affiliated with the sap heart guild your characters should start at 1hp.

That outta do it devs ill never lose a game again...cept maybe to courtsand mirrors but u havent made a sap court yet so I can scrape by from time to time.

-dont unlock ovs2 ever i have a feeling its just going to go from +1 to +2 and i will cry

Concentrate not on destroying your foe, but on obtaining your own victory. - Gouken

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#29 14-12-2010 17:09:03

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : How to beat Melisandre~

Meh, please try to keep this thread real guys. -___-

If this goes on, Bleachy will choppity chop chop.

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#30 14-12-2010 18:15:18

Lieu : Dublin - Ireland
Inscription : 12-11-2010
Messages : 456

Re : How to beat Melisandre~

raelian a écrit :

well i play zil and it is cappable of killing any of my chars but  will die pretty sure

same here

Teacher: Wake up Calvin! This is Geography class! In what state do you live in?
Calvin: Denial!
Teacher: I can't argue with that...

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#31 15-12-2010 11:51:59

Inscription : 06-12-2010
Messages : 617

Re : How to beat Melisandre~

Warhound90 a écrit :

And besides, other than Melisandre the sap hearts really dont have any stand out charcters. Even Keizen isnt all that good.

You obviously never taste double magic poison (mage keizan) followed by a bit physical attack or a weapon equipped keizan (ent) + magic poison.
Then tell me he didn't stand out hmm

Stop licking your wound, and start licking mine little puppies

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#32 15-12-2010 14:51:16

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 23-11-2010
Messages : 139

Re : How to beat Melisandre~

Ive actually used that very same strategy myself, many times and I have to say that still, in light of that, the sap hearts do not have as many strong characters as the other guilds do, in all reality, there is only one build of sap hearts that is both competitive and able to function without a discard pile full of equipment.

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#33 15-12-2010 15:03:41

Inscription : 06-12-2010
Messages : 617

Re : How to beat Melisandre~

Well there is only 2 build for the sap heart, either elfine-keizan or hom'chai build and the rest of the cards (Claw, Bearcupine) almost useless. The point is Sap really needs more char and main combo cards like QD IMHO

Perhaps the devs will add more card for the nature guys.. can't wait to build world-tree mages (if there are any). But still looking forward to it though roll

Stop licking your wound, and start licking mine little puppies

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#34 21-12-2010 17:32:47

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Colombia
Inscription : 21-12-2010
Messages : 225
Site Web

Re : How to beat Melisandre~

Gabriel_Caetano a écrit :
raelian a écrit :

well i play zil and it is cappable of killing any of my chars but  will die pretty sure

same here

i third that.
i have the pack deck with warrior-friendly bloodsword, fenrath and faceless. i've never lost to melissandre, sometimes all my characters die but all the opponents do too, thing is at the second round (turns 4 and above) fenrath boost all my character's attack due to hp loss, so i will always leave a bigger -# hp

The blank vast gaze which grins lay thin..
There's a higher sight to blindness kin.. [MSN].

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