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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
Ever thought about where Aigle got this deck from ? i told him about it in the german eredan facebook group and showed it to him.
k sorry then didnt know that nice work with the idea btw
No good... No evil... Just a Judge
It´s all about Mastery!
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Except I didn't get my idea anywhere other than my mind.
If my idea is a carbon copy of your Last Man Standing then cheers
By the way, this card has a little overkill potential, so a few cards can be replaced by anti-magic cards:
- [card]Mask of Quercus[/card] Lv2
Dernière modification par Nurvus (07-04-2012 20:20:44)
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No sry not your deck thats completly new i never saw that before
I was talking about The Last Man Standing deck damncaster mentioned.
Die meisten Menschen sind unglücklich, weil sie, wenn sie glücklich sind, noch glücklicher werden wollen.
When I get sad I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead.
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it´s supa cool, most time u get perfect hand at turn 1 and 1 hit K.O at turn 2
No good... No evil... Just a Judge
It´s all about Mastery!
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Actually I just realized The Sachem doesn't need a Beast to die.
A Hom'Chai works too...
Another thing is that The Sachem's Printed Attack remains 3, he just has a bonus +4/+3 Attack...
Wich means Butterfly Collar sucks for The Sachem.
So my new idea is simpler:
- The Sachem
- Rargnor (gives +1 Attack and +1 Spirit while dead)
- Moarg (gives +1 Defense and +1 Spirit while dead)
1x Kei'zan's Choice
3x The Warrior's Heritage (Both Hom'Chai dead = +2 Spirit, +3 Attack and +1 Defense Turns 3+)
2x Naginata (Lv2)
2x Agonda's Shell - Pew Pew
2x Mask of Quercus (Lv2) - Anti-casters
3x Keep the Customs
3x Zarazam's Eye
4x Other Useful Stuff You Can Think Of
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Actually I just realized The Sachem doesn't need a Beast to die.
A Hom'Chai works too...Another thing is that The Sachem's Printed Attack remains 3, he just has a bonus +4/+3 Attack...
Wich means Butterfly Collar sucks for The Sachem.So my new idea is simpler:
- The Sachem
- Rargnor (gives +1 Attack and +1 Spirit while dead)
- Moarg (gives +1 Defense and +1 Spirit while dead)
1x Kei'zan's Choice
3x The Warrior's Heritage (Both Hom'Chai dead = +2 Spirit, +3 Attack and +1 Defense Turns 3+)
2x Naginata (Lv2)
2x Agonda's Shell - Pew Pew
2x Mask of Quercus (Lv2) - Anti-casters
3x Keep the Customs
3x Zarazam's Eye
4x Other Useful Stuff You Can Think Of
that´s a real weapon and defleccion
Dernière modification par Damncaster (08-04-2012 02:29:40)
No good... No evil... Just a Judge
It´s all about Mastery!
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Anybody like to post this Last Man Standing Deck? I wouldnt mind seeing it?
If my Truth doesn't match your lie it doesn't mean I'm lying....and just because our lies match, doesn't make them the Truth.
Committed to Sap Hearts and Pirates
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Thats the way I play it
Last Man Standing
[card]Keep the Totems[/card]
[card]Elder Mailandar[/card]
This are the most important cards the deck is based on.
3x [card]Hom'chai effigy[/card]
3x [card]Offering to the World-Tree[/card]
3x [card]The warrior's heritage[/card]
This cards are just to have some chains
3x [card]That's a real Weapon![/card]
2x [card]Keep the Customs[/card]
so 6 slots are left i filled them with these cards
1x [card]Hibernation[/card] ([card]Winterschlaf[/card] doesn't show the english card...)
1x [card]The best Defense...[/card]
1x [card]Sacrifice[/card] ([card]Opfer[/card] same problem here)
1x [card]The secret of the crow[/card]
1x [card]Dissidence[/card] ([card]Dissidenz[/card] here either...)
1x [card]The Hungry Void[/card]
i have problems with mages so i might change [card]The secret of the crow[/card]
and [card]Dissidence[/card] for 2x [card]Deflection[/card]s
(thanks for the advice damncaster)
Dernière modification par Pit_017 (08-04-2012 12:37:37)
Die meisten Menschen sind unglücklich, weil sie, wenn sie glücklich sind, noch glücklicher werden wollen.
When I get sad I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead.
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Ahh someone used hom'chai other than a IHAS deck ehhh...instant originality!!! lol. No but the deck looks good. I kinda strayed away from hom'chai because of how common IHAS deck were becoming, but its nice to see them used in another way.
If my Truth doesn't match your lie it doesn't mean I'm lying....and just because our lies match, doesn't make them the Truth.
Committed to Sap Hearts and Pirates
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