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#1 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » August 14th 212 : The Mekalchemist » 21-08-2012 12:33:48

Is this new character even worth all this trouble, and I'm not worried about Mekarmor, becuase I got a foil one last year, I just want to know before I go spend $30 in feez, is this character worth the money and all the trouble to get?????

#2 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » August 16th 2012 ; Back to Noz'Dingard » 21-08-2012 12:25:51

Just wanted to know does "back to noz" activate each of your character's turn bonus when they are played, or just the character it's equipped to?????

#3 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » July 25th 2012 : Ourenos / Almaria Card Release » 26-07-2012 21:30:05

genesyx a écrit :
sMuuth a écrit :
Cossette a écrit :

R.I.P to Erevent will join the undead party

woot new necromancian !! big_smile

now if only they can get their teeth onto Master Mage Pilkim =,=

Thou shall not mention thy Master-Mage!!!!!!

#4 Re : Deck and Strategy » Dark Kaes » 25-07-2012 22:43:09

steeliebob a écrit :
Ryken a écrit :

I'm pretty sure [card]It is Time[/card] WILL kill him, regardless.

Why would you put It is time in a Kaes the malevolent deck? lol

Lmao, he's just trolling guys, he knows what's going on!

#5 Re : Deck and Strategy » Hey guys » 17-07-2012 18:42:45

Master Noz Mages FTW, My Win/Lose Ratio With This Deck Is 310W/40L, It Hits Hard & Fast!

It Consists Of,

Master-Mage Pilkim
Archmage Anryena Or Erevant

#6 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » June 20th 2012 : Card modifications » 25-06-2012 03:05:39

Stormholt a écrit :
Damncaster a écrit :

go die somewhere else i didn´t point to mages BUT THEY ALSO NEED CHANGES, don´t cover common cards liek dragon champion because it ain´t that bad to be common, that guild as a caste (DK) that as weapons, usess magic, high defense and freakin healing

If u whant more i can give more

Plus stop being an iddiot because only 2 guilds can use that freakin stone, unless they release a stoen for all u can´t use that

This is true, these DAMN [card]The Dragon's Breath[/card] can kill a guy with 2 Spirit in 1 hit, and its only 1 card, you can use 2 in a freaking chain! There's should be a maximum of damage... Its OP, and they dont nerf it, becuz Noz are the favorite guild of the boss >.>

Ok but what's the odds of having 2 dragon breaths in your hand.....2(cards)/20(cards deck) chance, so how is that broken???? yall just noz haters in here!

#7 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » June 20th 2012 : Card modifications » 25-06-2012 02:59:58

SilentDemi a écrit :

Im really having a hard time seeing why people are complaining about Noz cards being ''Overpowered''

& I 2nd That Bro...It's Just Alot Of Noz  Haters In Here....Losers!

#8 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Questions - Answers : the mid year point. » 15-06-2012 18:20:46

#1 You should know that old players laugh at this really hard. Back in the ol' days your cards only received 5 to 7 exp for each fight, and training room also give the same amount of exp but limited to 5 fights per day!, as a consequences the price of a fully levelled character go through the roof ex. Fenrath 30k+ , Faceless and Bloodsword 18k ea, abomb 600k ea, keizan 96k. Feerik understand this was slow and decided to double it and triple later on the exp.

#2 This had to be done to avoid multi-account to transfers cards or crystals, nuf said

#3 agreed, some du****s somehow love to delay the inevitable, and the sluggish *no offense* animation didn't help either

I agree 100%, so lets all agree on my 3rd question then, lol!!!!!!!!

#9 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Questions - Answers : the mid year point. » 15-06-2012 02:16:36

I have a few questions myself,

#1 - leveling cards up takes wayyyyyy tooooo long, I feel there should be a quicker option to level up cards, such as a mercenary legendary character (so it can be used with any guild) that can only be used in the training room, and increase overall exp by 50% if you lose the match or 100% if you win the match, and maybe when you instant sell a card that has a value of 25 crystals can also be sold for a 25xp card, any card that has a value of 250 crystals can also be sold for a 250 xp card, and any card that has a value of 1250 crystals can also be sold for a 1000 xp card, and a 250xp card!

#2 - I feel like when you put a card on sale, it should be put on the market instantly, (or 10 minutes max) also I feel like the price of a card should be reseted every week if no copies of that card was currently on the market that week (will fix the art of tracking problem) and the price will decrease by 100 crystals for every hour, until it's sold or removed from the market by the seller, and finally I feel like 5% of the 10% sales tax taken from every sale on the market should be put towards a lottery at the end of the week, and every player that sold a card that week will recieve a lottery ticket, there will be 3 winners. The first place will recieve 50% of the lottery, second place will recieve 30% of the lottery, and finally third place will recieve 20% of the lottery.

#3 - Battles are wayyyy tooo slow (varying anywhere from 5-15 minutes), there should be an option to increase the game speed by at least 10-25% by either having the option to downgrade the graphics, or etc.

I have more ideas but I'll save them for now!!!!!

#11 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » June 13th 2012 : Xianren / Runic Warrior Myrina » 13-06-2012 15:49:11

Nurvus a écrit :
NightmareJoke a écrit :

actually he is a red panda, not a racoon x)
and it was obvious that akutsai was out, since the power of the two others are required.

Thanks for stating the obvious after the fact.

I'm saying I'm disappointed they designed a character that, because of his abilities, throws Akutsai to the trash bin.

They could've designed a character that favors Akutsai in a certain kind of deck, Hime in another, Ayaku in another, etc.

However, Akutsai may be useful in decks that use [card]Vital Point[/card].

Yea R.I.P Akutsai.....i still thinks his lvl 3 is better!

#12 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » June 13th 2012 : Xianren / Runic Warrior Myrina » 13-06-2012 14:24:34

soulst3al3r a écrit :
catcatcat a écrit :

What a terrible release for the Kotoba.  Those poor Tsoutai

kotoba warriors just aren't viable anymore and this release did not help any. the warriors still have no defense against mages and the tsoutai caste did not get anything particularly game-changing in this release

Yeah your right the tsoutai need a card like wild buds, ecstasy, and weapon at will for tsoutai spells, lol then 2-3 months later we watch them get nerfed, honestly i think the tsoutai are a special caste, and more tsoutai cards should be like ayako with her healing and defense, but yeah the tsoutai are getting cheated, they need some more game changing cards!

#13 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Is Annoyance The New Art Of Tracking? » 12-06-2012 06:51:43

Réponses : 4

What's Up Guys I was currently making A "The Pack" deck for fun, and for about two days, I've been stalking the market for 3x [card]Annoyance[/card] & I'm yet to even find this the new [card]The Art Of Tracking[/card]? Or is it just bad timing?.....share your opinions, & thoughts!

#14 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications » 10-06-2012 04:56:09

Damncaster a écrit :
Poptolev a écrit :

Honestly I am for nerfing ... a lot of it. I personally own a wild buds deck.
There is just one thing, one little tiny thing I dont get.
They nerf almost everything except ... Noz ? And Noz is THE most broken thing out there as far as I am concerned. It just seems like a dumb move.

The day they nerf Noz mages will be the happiest day of the entire Eredan history


#15 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications » 10-06-2012 04:54:57

soulst3al3r a écrit :
Nurvus a écrit :

kilcosu, soulst3al3r, etc...

Why the hell are you discussing your losses when you don't even know what the hell the changes are going to be?

You look like a bunch of old hags discussing how the sky is falling.

lol dont give a rat's ass about what you think...As I've said before there is no way they're gonna make wild buds better. Just because you're not affected by this doesnt mean you can berate me for complaining about the potential changes. It's my right to voice my opinion. So just shut the f*** up b***h an just go back and suggest more stupid shit in the suggestions board cuz that is what you are good at.

Hahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Tell em bro, I agree 100% I just lost 200k seling my ecstasys off, so I feel your pain, btw if this nerf doesn't affect you, stay the f*^& out this room! plain and simple!

#16 Re : Deck and Strategy » Nehant Ecstacy Or Noz Master Mages???? Explain Why! » 10-06-2012 04:50:44

Stormholt a écrit :
scooter a écrit :

Wow... this means I blame you for Feerik nerfing ecstasy about a week and a half after I bought my deck... and I read a later post that said players will only be getting so much crystals back.. (i.e. way less)... great premonition big_smile Don't we all just love losing about 300k all at once XD

Man, this was not a premonition... Ecstasy is a Anti-Game card, i aways said that, you just need to be a little inteligent(i'm not calling you dumb) to know that feerik would nerf it sometime... They do just like this:

" Lets create a super OP card, so players die hard buying feez to get it, then we Nerf it, becuz it is so OP "

This card was a Joke, and u guys that bought Ecstasy, were only Puppets

Remind the law of the hustler:

If its too good to be truth, it is

Avatar Sol'ra was the same thing, NEVER go with OP things, things that is Invencible...You'll only loose Cx, now, i cant tell you anything but:


And you my good man are 1000000000000000000000000000000% correct, my fault for not listening, next time I will!

#17 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications » 09-06-2012 03:45:35

Stormholt a écrit :
CAPTUSA a écrit :
Stormholt a écrit :

Now i understand feerik... players just think about themselfes, you just say that, becuz you got a Noz Mage deck, you think that they dont need to be nerfed, becuz YOU will loose money, Sorry sapphon Zurga, becuz of all the things that i said, now i understand the point of feerik...

I also had a ecstasy deck, and I'm taking a bad loss with this nerf, so I do also feel the burn, but life moves on!

I said to you dont do the Ecstasy deck, i said that it going to be nerfed... Now dont cry!

Oh yeahhhhhhhh you did....damnnnnnnnnnnnnniiittttttttttttttttttt!

#18 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications » 09-06-2012 00:11:50

Stormholt a écrit :
CAPTUSA a écrit :

Whoa Whoa Whoa lets leave the noz alone, their just poor mages!

Now i understand feerik... players just think about themselfes, you just say that, becuz you got a Noz Mage deck, you think that they dont need to be nerfed, becuz YOU will loose money, Sorry sapphon Zurga, becuz of all the things that i said, now i understand the point of feerik...

I also had a ecstasy deck, and I'm taking a bad loss with this nerf, so I do also feel the burn, but life moves on!

#19 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications » 09-06-2012 00:10:42

Calandra a écrit :

congrats CaptUsa for a nice Quadro-post... never seen this before... and each and every comment could have been without the 'complete' quotation as well as being put into one simple text... you really strive for domination in this thread... go go maybe you ll even get a mo- mo- mo- moonnnster post -post -post

Bro I 'm just being active, what's the problem with that, just because I like expressing myself aswell as my opinions on the forums, you shoot me down?????? whatever bro!

#20 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications » 08-06-2012 23:09:12

kilcosu a écrit :

well goodbye to the whole competitive tempus. the ONLY reason why they could even stand on one leg was because of dilemma. this is so stupid and I literally just finished my wild bud deck so thats going to get nerfed too naturally.

4 out of 5 of my decks are now becoming useless to even have in my inventory because of this nerf, the updated deck count, and the general uselessness of decks that have any semblance of build up to them. THANKS FEERIK. good to know that my DK's can still survive the test of time

Well top teir decks switch all the time, just like in yu0gi-oh, remember when blackwings, lightsworn was on top, then they got hit with the restrictions, that's life bro, luckily i just sold my wild buds deck, tempus deck bcuz i sensed something like this will happen soon, tooo bad I didn't see ecstasy in this nerf too, but oh well, a couple more months more broken cards will be added in the game...soooooo yeahhhhhhhh....the cycle will continue!!!!!!

#21 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications » 08-06-2012 23:05:57

harshness is fucking op, rly op. with this in your deck, you beat EVERY mage deck to 100%. spirit to 0, less dmg, +6! attack and chain.. there are many countercards ingame, yeah, but this easy card fucks up a lot of diferent decks completely, and it was the best thing to nerf it. just to compare, if there would be a spell, which gives the enemy -10 attack, it would fuck up so many decks too, and as long feerik doesnt release such a card they should nerf harshness

That's exactly 100% true, i only managed to beat 2 out of 9 eclipse deck running harshness with my master-mage deck, the mages are no where near op, the only way to really ensure a ohk is 2x dragon breaths, rain of death is real dicey especially against them damn demon hunters, but hey this is a game and in games things change, if you don't like it, just quit....I'm angry but i will continue to play eredan becuz it's the best online card game (with all the bugs)!

#22 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications » 08-06-2012 23:00:11

elmariachi17 a écrit :

I cannot express the extent of my sadness. all the nerf cards affect the decks that i  currently own. while i do agree that cards like ecstasy, wild buds and dilemma deserve a nerf, i am just disgusted by the way the whole thing is being handled. the last time a nerf occured, the way feerik gave out compensation was very unfair. solra was worth more than 100k before the announcement of the ban, and panic selling forced prices down to around 50k. feerik then set the compensation payment as, correct me if im wrong, 60k. thus someone who owned a solra suddenly had his card devalued greatly because of the nerf.

Ok. So now my concern is with ecstasy, a card that I and other players also have.
The thing with this current situation is that feerik is also giving out a 30% discount on all boosters. this means that a whole shitload of cards will pile up, including ecstasy. before the announcement of this nerf, ecstasy was worth a solid 180k. shortly after the announcement, about 6 hours or so ( as i am writing this) it is worth 110k.  In 6 hours my expensive card has been devalued by more than 33% and will undoubtledly fall even furthur, given the fact that nehant cards are worth a lot and more ppl will buy discounted nehant boosters. what i greatly and sadly fear is the price that feerik will put in as compensation. based on the solra experience, i know it will not be much. hell, i suspect even 60k would seem fair to feerik, after all the devaluation of the card is done with.

So, is this fair to players who have bought ecstasy?
I say no. Because if feerik is the one who has messed up with ecstasy, i say why should the people who bought ecstasy be punished? If someone is listening, please for the love of god, do not break the heart of the people who love this game and put in a shitty compensation.

A suggestion, if i may, is to give an option of having the card retaken but at the exact cost the card was bought, instead of the price of the card after all the panic selling. ie i bought my ecstasy for 120k. i think it is fair to allow it to be taken back for the exact same price, ( no tax please) instead of a rundown 60k or so.

I love this game. Please handle this thing very carefully, or many people will get upset

Well I owned 3 ecstacys and it hurt me very much to sell them for 100k, but trust me feerik is gonna price it at 80k max, so i rather make a couple cents more, even though I paid  170k per ecstacy 510,000 crystals in total, which means i'm going to lost just about 200,000 crystals, making me very angry!!!!! but hey my noz mages are still safe, if feerik even thinks about touching the ni=oz mages, I will quit, i swear, bcuz noz mages are so versatile to play with, and never gets boring (lose, or win) but hey we all knew this day was coming, and it's very hard for us to accept!

#23 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications » 08-06-2012 22:54:38

Stormholt a écrit :

Well actually now everything come clear, Feerik hate the Nomads, hate the Sap hearts, WHY they dont nerfed any Noz card???? And these Zil whit 3 kinds of ignoring cards??? Really, look at Mage master Pilkim, the only counter is Harshness, nerfing it is really a bad idea... They should nerf Pilkim, 4 of spirit and recicle magic? Come on... They should took their eyes to the legendaries...

Iro and Receptacle do not reach the feet Pilkim and Zil... Receptacle is good, but well Iro should be good... But now they nerf the Weapons at will? Really, if they'r going to nerf OP decks, they should start by Zil and Noz, the both are very OP and i saw any change!

Whoa Whoa Whoa lets leave the noz alone, their just poor mages!

#24 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications » 08-06-2012 19:11:40

UIA a écrit :

Nerf Ecstasy, Heartrending dilemma, Wild buds = good idea

Nerf Fatal Countdown, Weapons at will : eh whatever, if they nerf WAW they might as well nerf IHAS while they're at it, doesn't really make any sense either way to me these cards are easily countered

Nerf Harshness : terrible idea. While they're at it lets see some nerfs to noz blasters in recompense:)

Cursed Blades of Yses, Cursed Armor : guessing they going to get a buff, its hard to make them any crappier than they already are, strange choices though

I agree Harshness is a bad idea to nerf, and their nerfing the nehants cursed items, not those other cursed items, and I agree WAW needed to stay in the game, cuz besides the new war guem trackers, and demon hunter, kots are garbage, and their ld is a joke, and how dare you say touc the legendary noz mages, they shall stay the same, they are not broken just very good, and they usually get os anyway, but hey feerik this is a arrow thru my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!

#25 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » June 8th 2012 : New editions, promotions and modifications » 08-06-2012 19:04:32

Xervos a écrit :

Noone says about nerfing the cards. It would be modified, so it would either be improving or the other way around so lets just wait.

You must be crazy....they nerfing every card they named, I just brought 3 got damn ecstacys for 170k each, what the hell can I do now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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