
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.

Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » November 29th: Wake The Guardian of the Council Up! » 29-11-2012 16:23:51

Just got wiped 3rd by a rat that plays wild buds and a free magic poison everyturn. even though the bosses are random I'm not trying to put up with that crap again. SKIP.

#2 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » The straw that broke the camel's back » 23-11-2012 22:06:10

Réponses : 8

Hi I've been a loyal player for several years now but to be honest I'm getting sick of this game. I've grinded for 2 years now all the while trying to stay comepetive with what meager resources i have. To put it bluntly this game is crap now. All the cards are ridiculously over powered the fundamentals of this game are completely lost to decks that seriously sit back and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING until they play their 1 big win card and sweep the board. Every other game its slowly waiting for a pirate deck to get flames of the phoenix or waiting for a sap heart deck to get a goddamn wild budsor a nebsen solra avatar deck waiting to get a supernova.

seriously Feerik WTF are you doing?

this game is just massive amounts of direct damage and AOE spells. Lightning Bolt is now considered balanced compared to some of the crap you've released recently.

You cant advance for shit in the ELO and since you changed it to the top players only get crystals its virtually impossible to get anywhere in this game. the only people who can remotely even come close to winning the amnezy tournament are people who have already won it. Not to mention if you want to break a 1700 elo score you NEED a legendary, to keep up with the other legendaries, which go for over 300k in the damn market place.

I can't even try to have fun in the damn level rooms because i either have to fight a shulong, a kaes or a damn black witch WHICH ARE NOT FUN TO PLAY AGAINST.

this game went from being a joy to play in which i told my friends they should play into a frustration.

#3 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Thoughts for Feerik » 23-11-2012 21:50:44

this game better do something quick i've been loyal for quite some time and kept my mouth shut on most occassions. the fact that its virtually impossible to break 1650 elo without a goddamn legnedary is getting ridiculous.

#4 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » November 23rd: Tournament of the Million - Treachery » 23-11-2012 21:46:48

please give me back my 10k you made me waste with a false concept. IGN KEYBO because right now all im doing is losing and i couldve done that in amnezy tounrey for free this is ridiculous. 50% chance my ass.

#5 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » November 23rd: Tournament of the Million - Treachery » 23-11-2012 21:39:41

so does the deck switch actually hapen AT ALL i built an entire deck around this concept played 10 games and it hasnt switched once

#6 Bugs » Balastar and bracelets » 31-10-2012 14:46:57

Réponses : 0

Every time i use balastar's ability to return mechanical bracelets to my hand when i replay the bracelets it does not let me chain. this seems to only be a problem if the ability is used since when i opt not to use it bracelets chain normally.

#7 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » September 24th 2012: The Clan module! » 24-09-2012 11:39:23

YES finally a reason to stop raging over the souvenir room. I am looking for clanmates IGN: keybo.

#8 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » September 21th 2012 - Complete your collection » 21-09-2012 19:33:59

holy crap! these cards are grossly overpirced even with the 50% off. Hell i already wish i could convert some of these event cards into much needed crystals because i don't even use 1 of Egg of the border i have, let alone the 6 in my collection .(i Grinded that easter event like a boss)

#9 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » May 28th 2012 : News » 28-05-2012 23:49:46

at least now you can level up 50 cars at the same time instead of 20.

#10 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » April 25th 2012 : King Hrimnir' Tomb » 02-05-2012 20:34:27

I'm not one to usually complain but seriously i've beaten this guy well over a dozen times (since the bug was fixed) and the king still hasnt dropped and the non-king drops i get have been garbage (seriously a Fight!?)

#11 Re : Deck and Strategy » My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this » 16-02-2012 06:02:53

Currently working on the passer by quest feel free to friend me its: Keybo

#12 Bugs » why isnt ecstasy banned » 15-02-2012 21:39:18

Réponses : 0

ecstacy is banned for the amnezy tournament and yet i faced a guy who played one

#13 Re : Bugs » Cursed Black Armor » 28-01-2012 20:02:36

wow so much for thinking this card was good. seriously there's a huge difference between 2 guys in battle and everyone in play. This company should just try Google translator because it can't be worse then the guy they have already

#14 Bugs » weapons at will not properly banned » 06-10-2011 22:55:57

Réponses : 0

i've played multple games against kotoba decks, in the elo rooms, that have played the card weapons at will, which is on the ban list this week. just pointing that out.

#15 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Feedback and opinions on the Magus Event. » 07-07-2011 21:02:39

I think my biggest issue with this event is that eredan advertises itself as a free game. And 90% of it is. I played through the easter quest (love the hydra btw) I grinded out to get as many eggs as possible. I did the man hunt I got dhan and 8 commons I was content with that. Why? Because it was free, as the game advertised.

I don't care if people drop a ton of money on the game and get better cards. I don't care if i get romped in the amnezy tournament every week because a Kotoba deck plays 20 straight rares I can't afford. But when you create a new and interesting part of the game. Something completely different from; play your deck get beat by better deck. something that really looks fun, and made it so only certain people can play it and not every player, well thats not free. Now no one will argue that (but they will because its the internet)

I like this game. I've actually spent money on theis game. which is something I NEVER DO in a browser game. hell, after this week when this event is long forgotten and the flaming and whining ends, i will still continue to play. But as a player i feel left out.

And considering the prices this games boosters are in comparison to a real game with tangible cards this is a slap in the face. (I know this game is french so conversion to the euro is high but damn its nearly ten bucks for one 12 card booster.) and releasing this the day after new card day without any warning is, well its kinda a dick move.

In short just please show a little more consideration for your casual players. The people who want to take part in this game and have fun. I know you want to make money and by god feel free to go out and do it. but don't ostracize some of your players from events.

also im pretty sure the reason this forum doesnt get much traffic is because its in french and a pain to navigate ( i am willing to accept that there is an english one somewhere and i completely missed it but this is completely off topic)

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