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#1 FAQs » Attaining Quilingo before level 20? » 28-02-2011 06:22:26

Réponses : 1

basically as the topic says, is there a way to attain Quilingo before level 20, such as through a trophy?

Also what is the card "Let the master handle it"?? for the trophy "the hero"??

#2 Bugs » Lightning Rod » 10-02-2011 06:54:02

Réponses : 1

Lightning Rod does not seem to be working correctly. When Static Charge deals it's damage after it has already been attached, it does not add in the bonus from Lightning Rod.

#3 Re : Deck and Strategy » Wierd Pirate Deck... Need some idea's » 03-02-2011 21:46:55

i had tried lady yilith, but it completely changed the deck instead of a semi agressive deck that blows you up quick, it turned to a sit and turtle.. which is what all the decks out there are doing..

it's boring, at least seems to me.

supplying and FotP are in there as additional wins... add lots of powder, catch swaps the poweder to 1 character to save my others.... and supply gives extra +2 attack with pistols

#4 Deck and Strategy » Wierd Pirate Deck... Need some idea's » 03-02-2011 06:50:42

Réponses : 2

So i have been running a slightly wierd pirate deck, It does decent, but starting to use it in ELO and i am sitting around 1550-1600 and can't really get higher.. it's a fun deck but against the ELO room it seems to have problems.


2x [card]Catch![/card]
3x [card]Detonation[/card]
1x [card]Flames of the Phoenix[/card]
3x [card]Multitasking[/card]
2x [card]Pistolblade[/card]
3x [card]Port[/card]
3x [card]Supplying[/card]
3x [card]The Pirate Code[/card]

I really want to include powder keg as it fits the theme so nicely... but it's currently broken. Time Bomb seemed decent too but i saw myself ditching it, so not sure if it is worth trying again.

#5 Re : FAQs » Chaining AOE spells » 23-01-2011 19:15:44

perfect.. thank you...

do you suggest

1 lightning bolt level 3


3 lightning bolts level 2??

#6 FAQs » Chaining AOE spells » 23-01-2011 17:46:18

Réponses : 3

I have noticed I have been unable to chain AOE spells with mages. But I could have sword I had a match where someone chained "The last word" (?? +x spirit, where x =  defense) and then Lightning Bolt level 3...

Is it not possible to chain AOE? is there something you need to do to be able to do so?

Also wondering what is better to run, In your onion...

1x Lightning Bolt lvl 3


lower levels of lightning bolt in mass?

#8 Re : Deck and Strategy » Priest Deck needs help » 12-01-2011 18:21:11

pekpekkypek a écrit :

A thought, but I am not sure if it will work:

Since you're running books, you could try going with an Expiation + Aura of Faith combo. It might work better if Orzine was in there somewhere, if the combo indeed works you can get a permanent +6 attack by copying Orzine's Spirit with Expiation before playing Aura of Faith, and that's just with one book. Can anyone confirm if this combo does work?

The only eclipse character I am running is Djamena. At the moment each of my characters begins the game with 3 spirit. One book and they are all at 4. In your example I would have only 1 character with 3 spirit, then the other two would only be at 2. or maybe even 1 depending, i don't remember. LOL

Getting Djamena to have a +6 attack is rather easy. one book and 2 open mind (1 in discard) and you have it, or a +5 with one of the other 6 cards in the deck. I am wanting to fit in another sacred nova, so i will be removing a guardians benediction i believe.

As far as solar's anger, i tried that at the start. but the problem is, it makes all your characters no longer priests. so they can't use any cards from your deck. I may look at including 1 for once you upgrade yourself with aura, but even after it's always nice being able to play a heal 6 on any character with just open mindedness and divine light....

Is it worth adding more divine light? if so what would i remove?

#9 Re : FAQs » Spiritual Duel » 12-01-2011 18:07:08

ah thank you.. yes the description here and in game are different.

#10 Re : Deck and Strategy » Priest Deck needs help » 12-01-2011 08:36:12

ok, so i have been playing it for a bit, here is where it has headed to...

Suggestions welcome


3x Aura of Faith
2x Book of the Three Truths
1x Divine Light
3x Guardian's Benediction
3x Open-Mindedness
3x Protective Spirit
2x Sacred Nova
3x Spiritual Duel

#11 Re : FAQs » Spiritual Duel » 12-01-2011 07:58:52

[card]spiritual duel[/card]

it states "if your character's spirit is superior or double the opposing characters spirit"

which mine was in both cases..

#12 FAQs » Spiritual Duel » 12-01-2011 07:50:50

Réponses : 5

OK I am having problems with this card. It continually isn't giving me it's effect...

I just had a situation where

My character had 4 spirit, opposing character had 3, it did not change our attacks, even though my spirit was superior to his.

I also had a situation earlier where my character had 1 spirit and my opponent had 0, and same thing... no change to our attacks..

can someone explain this to me.

#13 Deck and Strategy » Priest Deck needs help » 11-01-2011 04:14:41

Réponses : 8


Aura of Faith x2
Book of the Three Truths x2
Guardian's Benediction x3
Protective Spirit x3
Solar's Anger x2
Spear of Light x3
That's an Order x3

Looking for a solo priest deck, is it viable? what would you edit/change in this build?

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