
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.

Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 Re : Discusiones acerca de Eredan iTCG » Mascara de Hierro » 23-04-2011 13:39:34

malys no puede ser... porque historicamente mientras mascara de hierro destrozaba a los Zil y los traicionaba Malys esta juiciosito peleandose en los confines stupide el Hailwalker y el resto de la manada... asi que no... malys no es...

y en cuanto a que sea valentin... ME NIEGO ROTUNDAMENTE A DUDAR DE VALENTIN!!!!! como osan herir la honra de tan sagrado caballero del dragon!... ademas si fuera valentin para que esconderse como mago si podria esgrimir una copia oscura de quimera y sembrar terror en el corazon de los hombres... ademas quien quiera que sea el jefe de los Nehantistas preferiria traerlo stupide el rostro descubierto para que supieran que cayo en sus redes como Ardrakar...

asi que no... ni malys ni valentin... yo me uno a la cruzada de le enseñaron magia a telendar... tongue es mas probable...

#2 Re : Card Ideas/ Fan Art » Since discard just got even more cards.... » 18-04-2011 12:34:24

Ergonomic Cat a écrit :

Treacherous Mirror

Level 1

If the opposing character causes you to discard any cards, they discard an equal number.

Level 2

If any opposing characters cause you to discard any cards, they discard an equal number.

I hate the Circus

Attack +1

If this card is discarded from your deck or hand by an opposing card, all cards in your discard are placed back in your deck.  You may not choose this card to discard if there are any other choices.

This Will Hurt You....

Attack +1

If you are forced to discard any cards this turn, the opposing character suffers 1 direct damage for each card discarded.

Chain: More Than Me

More Than Me.

Defense +1

If you are forced to discard any cards this turn, you heal 1 point of damage for each card discarded.

Long Term Investment

Discard X cards from your hand.  Randomly add twice as many cards from your discard to your deck.


If an opposing card reduces your attack, add one card from your discard to your deck for each point lost (Maximum of 3).

Spiked Card Box
Craftsman Item

Attach this card to a character.  That character immediately suffers 2 direct damage.  When opposing cards would force you discard one or more cards, do not discard any cards.  The character with Spiked Card Box attached takes 2 direct damage.

Locked Card Box
Craftsman Item

Level 1

When an opposing card causes you to discard one or more cards, you discard one less.  You only draw one card at the end of your turn.

Level 2

When an opposing card causes you discard one or more cards, you discard half as many (rounded down).  You only draw one card at the end of your turn.

Level 3

When an opposing card causes you discard one or more cards, you discard half as many (rounded down).  Both players only draw one card at the end of their turns.

I liked these ones... maybe they could have a few "SELF DISCARD" effect like the spiked box... it would give the card more versatility than just F*ck up a discard deck... but I really like the Idea... we need something like this

#3 Re : Update list » Daily Quests + Amnezy Results! » 18-04-2011 12:27:01

I like the quest system... but I have a question... that means that after the 5th day we get no more bonus crystals? also if I log a 6th day in a row what do I get?

#4 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » 10,000,000 Games! WOW GUYS! :DDDDDD » 13-04-2011 14:22:03

bleachman a écrit :
jackal19 a écrit :
Cossette a écrit :

The Next Councilor is a Man... and I'm guessing its Iron Mask

I think your right maybe its part of the nehants to have a inside man in the high office
the first of their plan is of course assassinate ishaia

She will return! As a succubus/demon!!!! >:DDDDD

that would at least take the Ice part of her and she would just be a B*tch... XD

and why does everyone say that the crow are evil... they are just nice and decent politicians who are not afraid to plot against or kill their bip to take what they want... basically there is no difference with any other nice and decent politician that I know of... XP

#5 Re : Bugs » WTF! Kimiko attack can be modified » 12-04-2011 18:56:20

nahhh I don't really care... i was just pointing the WTF situation... it happened to a friend o mine...

#7 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » 10,000,000 Games! WOW GUYS! :DDDDDD » 12-04-2011 00:45:02

hutyro a écrit :

These past weeks were awesome,
one year celebration, nehantists appear, 10 million matches and the councilor Ishaia died

it is me or there aren't too many people mourning for the ice B*tch death?

#8 Deck y Estrategia » El dilema del Multideck... » 11-04-2011 08:41:01

Réponses : 6

Ok hace como unos 2 meses los dioses de las cartas me sonrieron y me dijeron "Kemmotar... hoy es tu dia de suerte" y solo para demostrarlo me pusieron un "Nuevo principio" y una Bruja del hielo, digo Ishaia (dioses protejan y bendigan a Angelica por matarla) en el mismo deck basico de 4 cartitas... las otras dos ni las recuerdo ni me interesan... pudieron ser 2 katanas o 2 salems para mi lo mismo daban en ese momento stupide tanta belleza legendaria en mis manos... y como estaba Urgido de Cristales y la dama del hielo y su corte nunca me ha interesado... los vendi... y me hice a mas de medio millon de cristales... y logicamente lo que a todo nuevo rico le pasa me volvi loco... quien no... asi que empeze a Armar decks a lo loco... hoy muchos soles mas tarde... ya cuando el dinero se fue... y la vida retorna a lo normal... y me encuentro stupide muchos de mis decks... que estan a nivel maximos (algunos comprados otros los subi de nivel golpe a golpe puño a puño) y aunque muchos me gustan para combatir en los salones de nivel pero me pregunto... ¿son utiles para Elo?... y cuando llegue a la conclusion de que no... ¿como los hago Competitivos en Elo?... asi que vengo ante ustedes o sabios gurus (trolls abstenerse) de Eredan para que me ayuden a transformar mis (no se asusten) 15 Decks a un nivel competitivo... o al menos para saber cuales no son ni seran competitivos...

la lista de decks es la siguiente

(les pido perdon los nombres de los decks estan en ingles porque asi los tengo en la lista... sorry)

Desert Nomads - Dark Sun Rising

[card]Kararine[/card] Nivel 3 (Eclipse)
[card]Iolmarek[/card] Nivel 3 (Eclipse)
[Card]Djamena[/Card] Nivel 3
[Card]Asceta[/Card] x 1
[Card]Ataque Coordinado[/Card] x 1
[Card]Aura de fe[/Card] x 2
[Card]Ayuda Divina[/Card] x 1
[Card]Bajo el sol[/Card] x 2
[Card]El peso del Pecado[/Card] x 3
[Card]Escapar a la muerte[/Card] x 1
[Card]Expiacion[/Card] x 2
[Card]Ganar por Astucia[/Card] x 1
[Card]Ganar por Fervor[/Card] x 1
[Card]Lanza de luz[/Card] x 1
[Card]Libro de las 3 verdades[/Card] x 1
[Card]Pocion de Furor[/Card] x 2

Desert Nomads - Keepers of the Tomb

[Card]The Sphinx[/Card] Nivel 4
[Card]Amhid[/Card] Nivel 3
[Card]Djamena[/Card] Nivel 3 (I love the girl)
[Card]...Sera tu Tumba[/Card] x 1
[Card]Aura de Fe[/Card] x 1
[Card]Ayuda Divina[/Card] x 1
[Card]Bajo el Sol[/Card] x 3
[Card]Colera Solar[/Card] x 1
[Card]concentracion[/Card] x 1
[Card]el peso del pecado[/Card] x 1
[Card]Espada del Templo[/Card] x 2
[Card]esta tumba[/Card] x 1
[Card]Exaltacion[/Card] x 1
[Card]Exorcismo[/Card] x 1
[Card]Ganar por Fervor[/Card] x 1
[Card]Lanza de Luz[/Card] x 1
[Card]Muralla de Fe[/Card] x 1
[Card]Orar por la sanacion[/Card] x 2
[Card]Pocion de Furor[/Card] x 1

Kotoba - Black Birds

[Card]Karasu Kage[/Card] Nivel 4
[Card]Gan'so[/Card] Nivel 3
[Card]Toran el Regente[/Card] Nivel 4
[Card]Amuleto[/Card] x 2
[Card]Armonia del Buscafalla[/Card] x 1
[Card]Desacuerdo[/Card] x 3
[Card]Diversion[/Card] x 1
[Card]Karajutsu[/Card] x 3
[Card]Katamaru[/Card] x 1
[Card]Reflejos Ilusorios[/Card] x 1
[Card]Regencia[/Card] x 1
[Card]Tatamijutsu[/Card] x 3
[Card]Tsume[/Card] x 3
[Card]Viaje[/Card] x 1

Kotoba - Ninpo

[Card]Amaya[/Card] Nivel 3 (Guemelita del trueno)
[Card]Tsuro[/Card] Nivel 3
[Card]Hime[/Card] Nivel 3
[Card]Armonia del Buscafalla[/Card] x 1
[Card]Arte del puño de hierro[/Card] x 3
[Card]Baston ![/Card] x 1
[Card]Emblema de abatidor[/Card] x 3
[Card]Flamafer[/Card] x 1
[Card]Furor del buscafallas[/Card] x 1
[Card]Katamaru[/Card] x 2
[Card]Meditacion del Buscafallas[/Card] x 1
[Card]Mascara de abatidor.[/Card] x 3
[Card]Odio a los Noz[/Card] x 1
[Card]Pase de Arma[/Card] x 1
[Card]Shuriken[/Card] x 2

Mercenary - time is what is time

[Card]Apostol del destino[/Card] Nivel 3
[Card]El Eternal[/Card] Nivel 4
[Card]Relojero del destino[/Card] Nivel 3
[Card]Bolsillos Repletos[/Card]
[Card]Celeridad[/Card] x 3
[Card]envejecimiento[/Card] x 3
[Card]Finta[/Card] x 3
[Card]Orden de Marcha[/Card]
[Card]Salto en el Tiempo[/Card] x 3
[Card]Zona de Control[/Card] x 3

Noz - Blades of the Witches

[Card]Anazra[/Card] nivel 4
[Card]Eglantyne & Moira[/Card] Nivel 3
[Card]Naya[/Card] Nivel 3
[Card]Ataud de Hielo[/Card] x 3
[Card]Cuchilla Bruja[/Card] x 3
[Card]Escudo de Hielo[/Card] x 3
[Card]Espada de Luz[/Card]
[Card]Luz de Esperanza[/Card] x 3
[Card]Armadura Draconica[/Card] x 2
[Card]Proteccion de hielo[/Card]
[Card]Tableta de cristal[/Card] x 2

Noz - Guardians of the Dragon

[Card]Valentin[/Card] Nivel 3
[Card]Kounok el Profeta[/Card] Nivel 4
[Card]Zahal[/Card] Nivel 4
[Card]Ataque Magico[/Card] x 3
[Card]Chakra de Cubit[/Card]
[Card]Colmillos de Dragon[/Card] x 2
[Card]Espada draconica[/Card] x 3
[Card]Honor encontrado[/Card]
[Card]La pluma es mas fuerte[/Card]
[Card]armadura draconica[/Card]
[Card]pase de arma[/Card] x 2
[Card]Presencia del Dragon[/Card] x 3
[Card]Que espada[/Card]
[Card]ya es hora[/Card]

Noz - the Invisible Dragon

[Card]Dandy[/Card] Nivel 3
[Card]Erevent[/Card] nivel 3
[Card]Alishk[/Card] nivel 3 (version dragon)
[Card]Ataque magico[/Card]
[Card]Bola de fuego[/Card]
[Card]Colmillos de dragon[/Card] x 3
[Card]Enjambre devorador[/Card]
[Card]Espejismo[/Card] x 2
[Card]Invisibilidad[/Card] x 3
[Card]Proteccion de hielo[/Card]
[Card]Reciclar la Magia[/Card] x 2
[Card]Reflejos Ilusorios[/Card] x 3
[Card]Sabiduria del Dragon[/Card]
[Card]Veneno Magico[/Card]
(Este deck es idea original de alguien mas... lo saque de este foro... le agregue un par de cosas)

Noz - Crystal Storm

[Card]Archimaga Anryena[/Card] Nivel 3
[Card]Aerouant el cristalomante[/Card] Nivel 4
[Card]Alishk[/Card] nivel 3 (dragon)
[Card]Armadura de Dragon[/Card] x 3
[Card]Bola de Fuego[/Card]
[Card]Capa Camaleon[/Card] x 2
[Card]Cetro Draconico[/Card] x 3
[Card]Colmillos de Dragon[/Card]
[Card]Espada de Luz[/Card]
[Card]Invocacion de las Armaduras[/Card]
[Card]Que espada[/Card] x 3
[Card]Relampago[/Card] nivel 3
[Card]Tempestad de cristal[/Card] x2

Pirate - Parley

[Card]Ganchillo[/Card] nivel 3
[Card]Ojo de Gema[/Card] nivel 3
[Card]trebol[/Card] nivel 3
[Card]Ataque Coordinado[/Card]
[Card]Barril de explosivos[/Card] x 3
[Card]Baston ![/Card]
[Card]Codigo de la pirateria[/Card] x 3
[Card]Dominar al Adversario[/Card]
[Card]Flama del fenix[/Card] nivel 2
[Card]Kata de las Armas[/Card] x 2
[Card]Narval[/Card] x 3
[Card]Pabellon negro[/Card]

Pirate - Raise Sails, set Course

[Card]Armada[/Card] Nivel 3
[Card]Trebol[/Card] Nivel 3
[Card]Capitan Al la triste[/Card] Nivel 4 (Polvora)
[Card]Abastecimiento[/Card] x 3
[Card]Atrapa![/Card] x 3
[Card]Caja de Municiones[/Card] x 2
[Card]Codigo de la pirateria[/Card] x 3
[Card]Dominar al Adversario[/Card]
[Card]Flama del Fenix[/Card] nivel 2
[Card]Listo a tiempo[/Card]
[Card]Pabellon Negro[/Card] x 2
[Card]Pistochuchillo[/Card] x 2

Sap Heart - Blades of the Elves

[Card]Ydiane[/Card] Nivel 3
[Card]Melissandra[/Card] Nivel 3
[Card]Gaya[/Card] Nivel 3
[Card]Al azar[/Card]
[Card]Arco Elfine[/Card] x 2
[Card]Armadura de corteza[/Card] x 2
[Card]Ataque Rapido[/Card]
[Card]Balsamo de cura[/Card]
[Card]Caza de monstruos[/Card]
[Card]Daga Simple[/Card]
[Card]Fetiche Protector[/Card] x 3
[Card]Jorusien el Malo[/Card] x 2
[Card]Melodia Hipnotica[/Card] x 3
[Card]Tratado de Paz[/Card]

Sap Heart - Forest Fire

[Card]Granizardo[/Card] Nivel 3 (escojan cual)
[Card]Kei'zan[/Card] Nivel 3 Mago
[Card]Hablamente[/Card] Nivel 4
[Card]Armadura de corteza[/Card]
[Card]Daga Simple[/Card]
[Card]En medio hostil[/Card] x 2
[Card]Enraizar[/Card] x 2
[Card]Flecha incandescente[/Card] x 2
[Card]Incendio[/Card] x 3
[Card]Lluvia incandecescente[/Card]
[Card]Partir como explorador[/Card] x 2 Nivel 2
[Card]Por las flechas[/Card]
[Card]Proteccion de los Bosques[/Card] x 3
[Card]Veneno magico[/Card] x 2

Zil - 3 Ring Circus

[Card]Abyssien el devorador[/Card] Nivel 3
[Card]Salem[/Card] Nivel 4
[Card]Kriss[/Card] Nivel 3
[Card]Agarrar a traicion[/Card] x 2
[Card]Desaparicion[/Card] x 3
[Card]Desviar la Mirada[/Card] x 3
[Card]Espada Tenebrosa[/Card] x 3
[Card]Whip[/Card] x 3
[Card]Panico[/Card] x 3
[Card]Vuelo[/Card] x 2

Zil - Shadows

[Card]Telendar[/Card] nivel 3
[Card]Silene[/Card] nivel 3
[Card]Selene[/Card] nivel 3
[Card]Asesinato[/Card] x 3
[Card]Daga Simple[/Card] x 3
[Card]Dominio de la daga[/Card] nivel 1
[Card]Dominio de la daga[/Card] nivel 2
[Card]Dominio de la daga[/Card] nivel 3
[Card]Escapar a la muerte[/Card] x 2
[Card]Espada Tenebrosa[/Card] x 3
[Card]Ganar por astucia[/Card] x 2
[Card]Laminas de puño[/Card] x 3
[Card]Listo para el combate[/Card]

hay otros pero esos no entran en discusion porque les falta aun mucho para siquiera dar pelea en las salas de nivel...
agradesco cualquier comentario... y si alguien leyo todo el post, GRACIAS POR EL TIEMPO

#9 Re : Update list » A tragic and mysterious death... » 11-04-2011 07:47:36

Off topic to the clues but In Topic to the thread... I can't be more happy to hear the ice biotch is dead... is like a dream came true

#10 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » 10,000,000 Games! WOW GUYS! :DDDDDD » 11-04-2011 07:46:13

bleachman a écrit :

Eredan iTCG has finally hit 10 Million played games! Let's celebrate! big_smile

YAY!!! PARTY!!!!!

hey it's first year tomorrow and 10M games today... what a nice week... this deserves free Fe'ez XD (hey I can hope)

#12 Re : Update list » A tragic and mysterious death... » 09-04-2011 11:55:14

I just got number 7 and yes it has to be level 3... if you have a few crystals do as I did... buy a level 3 angelica fight a battle... use assessination and then... sell her back if you don't want her around your collection... it's quite simple

#13 Re : Update list » A tragic and mysterious death... » 08-04-2011 21:43:10

apoth a écrit :

Got all mine. #3 was the only one I couldn't guess (cause I didn't have assassinate card, had to spend 65k just for this event, and yes you have to use it to get the trophy).

how did you get number 7?

#14 Re : Lista de Actualizaciones » iTCG: Un enigma a resolver! » 08-04-2011 21:33:45

que Angelica sobreviva no es un requisito para el numero 7 lo sabre yo...

alguien sabe como sacar el numero 7?

#16 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » anyone else get a bunch of crap with their nehantist booster? » 08-04-2011 13:41:43

To be mean and to Show that it is bare luck... this is the Booster I just Opened

  • *[card]Perversion[/card] Nehants Collector (Oh! Big surprise... Ironic mode off)
    *[card]Dark Fury[/card] Nehants Rare
    *[card]Dark Light[/card] Without Guild Uncommon
    *[card]Curse you ![/card] Without Guild Uncommon
    *[card]Amhid[/card] Desert Nomads Uncommon
    *[card]Lil Laddie[/card] Pirates Uncommon (or so it says... my 10 lil useless say otherwise)
    *[card]Obscure[/card] Zil Common
    *[card]Scroll of weakness[/card] Without a guild common
    *[card]Random[/card] Without a Guild common
    *[card]Anagram[/card] Nehants Common
    *[card]Revealing the secret[/card] Nehants common
    *[card]In your face![/card] Without a guild common
    *[card]Nehant's Protection[/card] Nehants Common

as you can see I got 4 Nehants... and a bunch of other stuff but mostly Crap... yet the rare was a Nehant Card and I got some usefull cards... me is happy with the booster...

but I'm a lucky bastards with boosters... I usually have good luck with them... ask my 2 Ishaias... in the same day

#17 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Eye for an Eye » 07-04-2011 18:57:31

it is avaliable at the Store for 3000 crystals and you must be level 6 to be able to buy it...

just click the button cards on the store and you will see it...


#18 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Some kind of gallery with ALL cards? » 07-04-2011 18:07:35

Zurga a écrit :
kemmotar_Veon a écrit :

If you give me a few weeks I am updating the Wiki card database by myself... right now you can find the Story cards of the 3 acts updated and also the epic character cards are already working... if everything goes as I want to tomorrow I will have all the epic cards updated and also will begin to update the guilds in alphabetical order so I guess the Desert nomads will be up and running tonight... you can find this DB here

Kemmotar, I'm happy to see someone taking this subject in the English Wiki.
Just a short notice :
In French, we have put a line with the English name to allow French players able to speak english to communicate in an easier way on this forum. Dantesan had done some amazing job in translation and then, some name are not direct word to word translation ("[card]Do you feel lucky punk ?[/card]" should be "call the Luck" in word to word translation for example).
The first idea was to have the name in all languages.
There is no need to put the name twice (title and below).
You can put the French name, the name in another language or nothing at this place.

that's my idea to put the name of the card in each languaje but I want to finnish the DB first then I will begin to make those small changes... also I want to make a few additions to the Caharacter cards such as a Small description of it's role in the story so far and wich cards does it appears... it would help to show how every character interacts with each other... it's just an Idea

bleachman a écrit :


Wow awesome job you did there! Thanks so much for your contribution. <3

dantesan a écrit :

Fantastic work there kemmotar_Veon!

I will show this to my colleagues. I'm impressed by the amount of hard work you have put in to this!

Kudos to you! … ic-win.jpg

thanks Bleach and Dantesan I was tired of not finding a Database so I just decided to make a Database by myself... I used the French DB as a base to star and I have been translating and updating it little by little... my best Guess is that I will be finnishing it in 2 or 3 weeks... as far as I know today I will finnish the Desert Nomads and the Kotobas... if everything goes as I want to

#19 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Some kind of gallery with ALL cards? » 06-04-2011 20:11:39

If you give me a few weeks I am updating the Wiki card database by myself... right now you can find the Story cards of the 3 acts updated and also the epic character cards are already working... if everything goes as I want to tomorrow I will have all the epic cards updated and also will begin to update the guilds in alphabetical order so I guess the Desert nomads will be up and running tonight... you can find this DB here

#20 Re : Deck and Strategy » the invisible dragon » 05-04-2011 13:21:01

I would change pilkim for Erevent... his +2 to defense vs. marauders it's quite good... also his bonus to damage spells is quite a good addition...

it's working fine to me right now

#21 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » I'm updating the wiki but I need a few favors » 03-04-2011 01:38:29

Ok Day one goes away and I finnished editing the Epic Characters and the Story Cards... go around and check...

if there is anny mistake please tell me I will work on that tomorrow... also I hope that tomorrow all the Story Cards will be up and ready also I guess I will start to edit the Guilds...

cya around... wait for comments

#22 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » I'm updating the wiki but I need a few favors » 02-04-2011 23:19:39

it wasn't but it's now...

still I need a few favors... I only have the guild cards... I can't find no where the nonguild cards... nor the trophies so again... does anyone has the URL of the Trophies?

#24 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » I'm updating the wiki but I need a few favors » 02-04-2011 17:07:26

I was thinking of the links to the images in english... so I can put them in the english wiki... but thanks anyway... that gives me a list of how many cards do I have to seek...

#25 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » I'm updating the wiki but I need a few favors » 02-04-2011 15:31:31

Réponses : 9

I'm creating a Card Database for the English wiki but I need a few favors...

I can find the cards level by level of the most of the cards but others as Ateb and Malandrin wich aren't in the marketplace escape my grasp... so can anyone help me with these?

also the promo cards also are good in avoiding my grasp... anyone with those can please give me a link to them?...

oh and also need help with the legendary ones... those you buy in the store with crystals... i don't know where to find them beyond lvl 1...

also there is a question I would like to ask... I may be able to update the story translating it from the spanish story... would there be a problem with that? or you guys don't mind and should I update it?

thanks for your comments... cya around

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