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#1 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Why I love the weekly quests » 27-05-2011 17:21:22

On a slightly different note, it also makes you wish you could tweak certain characters just a tiny bit.

In this case I WOULD LOVE (but never expect it to happen) to see Gaya changed in two minor ways:

1) Change her race to Elfine-Nature Guemelite so that she adds to the bonus of the Amber Fetish of Protection.  It would also give her access to nature spells like devouring swarm, magic poison, and root.

2)  Make her a multi-class character at her final upgrade so she becomes a Craftsman-Warrior.  DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT give her an automatic second attack like Melissandre and Ydiane do.  Don't change her attack, defense, spirit, life in any way, but give her access to Quick Draw, and I guarantee that Sap Heart players will use her more often.

If I had to choose between which two changes to make, I would choose to make her a multi-class Craftsman-Warrior, if nothing else so I could use Hypnotic Melody + Quickdraw with all of my characters, and not just two of them.

#2 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Why I love the weekly quests » 27-05-2011 17:12:22

Réponses : 1

Alright, we've all done it.

We've looked at the weekly quest and thought, "there is no way this deck is going to be able to do this..." so we sit back, look at the deck build, and have to reconfigure our entire strategy to accomplish whatever challenge is currently going on.

Personally, I run a Sap Heart Elf deck, which I love.  But like all of the other Sap Heart Elf decks running around, I use Keizan for my third character.  (I've seen some variations, Elder Mailandar, Red Mark, etc... but Keizan seems to be the staple)

So for this week we have to "Attach 30 cards to your out of combat characters" which is obviously geared towards craftsman.  All of a sudden everyone who has a Foam Giant pulls it out, along with Jorus and Ramen, and everyone else double checks their deck to make sure their deck has To Lay Bare in it (or Freeze! for the mages)  But for the rest of us who don't have a multitude of different decks, or the crystals to build a brand new deck every week, we have to remake and rework our deck with what we have, and maybe a couple thousand extra credits to buy what we need.

In my case I embraced the "Elf" nature of my deck, and grabbed Gaya along with a couple of Amber Fetish of Protection and prepared to get beat into the ground over and over again until I managed to attach the 30 required items.  But it didn't quite work out that way (or at least it hasn't so far).

Remarkably, the deck works!  Gaya is extremely weak compared to my other characters, but her being a craftsman is actually fairly helpful.  Put an Amber Fetish on Melissandre, and all of a sudden she can cast Magic Poison, not to mention a +2 attack bonus usually on her very first turn.

So now I'm faced with a dilemma, Keizan is a nice character, he chains with every weapon, and the defense debuff he applies is a nice touch (gets in the way sometimes but you can't have everything), but he can't chain Hypnotic Melody.  Gaya can play her Amber Fetish, and she can chain Hypnotic Melody... but well, thats really all.

But to the point of the topic, the weekly quest is always challenging players to try new things, even things which they are sure don't have a chance of really working.  So not only are you playing with a new deck every week, you're fighting new decks as well, which means you don't get stuck in the same routine day after day.

#3 Re : Bugs » To Lay Bare » 26-05-2011 18:49:52

I just confirmed that there is a bug with [card]To Lay Bare[/card]+ [card]Good Jorusien[/card]when you make multiple attacks.

Everything gets taken off of the character for the turn, but when you make your second (or third) attack, the Good Jorusien's come back into effect.

So if you are using Melissandre Vs. Foam Giant with 3 Jorusiens on him, and you play To Lay Bare, your second and third attacks won't do any damage...

#4 Re : Bugs » Damage Bug » 24-05-2011 18:28:16

I just discovered another possible explanation:

If there are multiple effects which take place at the end of the turn at once, it seems the computer starts making errors.

I just saw a [card]Magic Poison[/card] + [card]Dragon Armor[/card]+ [card]Draconian Sword[/card] combo hit the board.  The end result showed a "Dead" character with 1 HP left.  I'm guessing if you managed to modify the character's stats in some way (such as with another Draconian Sword) the "Dead" character would be "resurrected"

Bottom line, if I see that a character "Dies" I'm mousing over the dead card to find out if they have a positive HP...

#5 Bugs » Damage Bug » 24-05-2011 17:37:52

Réponses : 1

I've recently noticed some strange things happening with damage.  Specifically, character who are out of combat receiving damage when no AoE card is in play, or characters who were dead being "resurrected"

The most recent one being a fight vs. dragon knights, when I've managed to a character, who is then dead for all of the next fight, but then comes back to life with 2 hit points at the end of the next fight.

What I believe is the cause is the Draconian Sword that on activation heals 2 health points is somehow healing characters who are out of combat.

It's extremely frustrating when you make a decision based on certain characters being alive on your side, or dead on your opponents side, only to have a bug or error change what has occured in the past.

#6 Bugs » To Lay Bare » 23-05-2011 18:05:54

Réponses : 1

Was this card nerfed recently?

Currently the card reads "All effects of Items attached to the opposing character this turn are ignored."

In the past I have used it to destroy Foam Giant + Craftsmen decks that apply everything to Foam Giant.  But recently I played against a character who did the same with Red Mark, and it didn't work.

Set was as follows:

[card]Melissandre[/card] Vs. [card]Red Mark[/card], turn 5
Red Mark has a couple of [card]Good Jorusien [/card]on him, and I'm trying to get around them, in addition to his high defense.

I play [card]Hypnotic Melody [/card]+ [card]To Lay Bare[/card]
He plays [card]It Is Time [/card]+ [card]Scouting The Area[/card]
After all of the calculations are finished, Red Mark has 4 defense and my first attack goes through just fine, but for the second attack I deal zero damage, instead of the 2 that I thought I would get.

At first I thought it was a glitch with the second attack, but then I noticed that the wording implies the items have to have been played this turn, and in order for it to ignore the effects of ALL items attached to the character it would have to read "All effects of Items attached to the opposing character are ignored for this turn."

I don't know if the Jorusien's were in effect for my first attack or not, but based on the fact that I lowered his defense with [card]To Lay Bare [/card]I can only assume that the wording is wrong, and a bug did occur, or else the card was nerfed and I didn't notice it at time.

#7 Re : Card Ideas/ Fan Art » A Sap Heart Caste » 11-01-2011 14:38:42

Like I said, it was more for fun than for anything else big_smile

Thanks for the replies though.

#8 Card Ideas/ Fan Art » A Sap Heart Caste » 10-01-2011 22:57:17

Réponses : 11

I currently run a Quick Draw elf deck, Melissandre, Ydiane, and The Claw, and have noticed that most other decks are all Caste Bound, and it occurred to me that there the Sap Hearts don't have a Caste, but are more divided by race than anything else.

So, I've decided to create my own big_smile called the Raiders

First, Melissandre, Ydiane, and Elfine gain the caste "Raider" and the Elfine Bow becomes their Caste weapon.

Second:  A couple new Heroes:
Lothian - Marauder - Elf - Raider - level 1
Spirit: 1
Attack: 6-8
Defense: 2
Hit Points: 11
Attack +1 against Marauders.
Turns 1, 4, 7:  Attack +1
Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Lothian - Marauder - Elf - Raider - Level 2:
Spirit: 1
Attack: 7-9
Defense: 2
Hit Points: 11
Attack +1 against Marauders.
Turns 1, 4, 7:  Attack +1

Lothian - Marauder - Elf - Raider - Level 3:
Spirit: 1
Attack: 7-9
Defense: 2
Hit Points: 12
Attack +1 against Marauders.
Turns 1, 4, 7:   Attack +1
Most find the life of a scout to be lonely, it just gave Lothian time to hone his skills.

Lady Atlana - Mage - Elf  - Raider - Level 1:
Spirit: 2
Attack:  3-5
Defense: 2
Hit Points: 9
Turns 2, 4 and 6:  Spirit -1 to +1
She draws her magic from the earth itself.

Lady Atlana - Mage - Elf - Raider - Level 2:
Spirit: 2
Attack: 4-6
Defense: 2
Hit Points: 10
Defense +1 if Bogun is in play.
Turns 2, 4 and 6:  Spirit -1 to +2

Lady Atlana - Mage - Elf - Raider - Level 3
Spirit: 3
Attack: 4-6
Defense: 2
Hit Points: 12
Defense +1 if Bogun is in play.
Turns 2, 4 and 6:  Spirit -1 to +.
Her magic was always unpredictable, its only grown more wild.

Bogun - Warrior - Golem - Hom'Chai - Level 1
Spirit: 0
Attack: 5-8
Defense: 1
Hit Points: 11
Gain Chain if you play a Hammer.
Turns 1 and 6:  Attack +1
Atlana never had any children, so she made one of her own

Bogun - Warrior - Golem - Hom'Chai - Level 2
Spirit: 0
Attack: 6-9
Defense: 2
Hit Points: 12
Gain Chain if you play a Hammer
Turns 1 and 6:  Attack +1
Most Golems have to be modified, Bogun simply grew.

Bogun - Warrior - Golem - Hom'Chai - Level 3
Spirit: 0
Attack: 6-9
Defense: 3
Hit Points: 13
Gain Chain if you play a Hammer
Turns 1 and 6:  Attack +1
The Hom'Chai never accepted him, until now.

Third:  Some new cards:

Nature's Fury:  Spell - Nature
All Nature Guemelites you control gain Attack +1 for this turn and the next, if Played by a nature Guemelite, attack +2 instead.
Don't mess with Mother Nature.

Amber Bandage:  Item - Amulet - Hom'Chai
Activates Immediately.
+1 H.P. at the end of each fight.  Lasts 5 turns.
Crafted from the blood of the ancients, their power is still potent today

Stealthiness:  Action - Warrior - Marauder - Permanent
Your Opponent has Defense -2.
Now you see me, now you don't.

Tracking:  Action
Attack -1 to +3.
Defense -3 to +1.
Trying to sneak up on an enemy can sometimes have disastrous effects.

All in all, this is more for fun than an actual suggestion, but I like the way it turned out.  I tried keeping the cards fairly balanced, open up some new opportunities for different strategies, and stay true to the game at the same time.

#9 Re : Deck and Strategy » Possible Witchblade Deck, What do you guys think? » 07-01-2011 03:10:41

Okugi a écrit :

BTW. What do you think about mixing this stuff up when lvl 15, adding helena and mix in some assasinations+time do die, ambushs and remove. Moira and Eglantyne fused ofc then.

My only problem with doing that is the deck then has to be completely scratched and rebuilt as a marauder deck.  I'd be tempted to say take out all spells at that point just to avoid dead rounds with Helena.  I was looking at Helena, Bomzar (lvl 3), and Moira/Egl fusion as a deck to be built around helena.  Of course, bomzar is a mage/warrior not a marauder, but that can be worked around.

Not only do you have to completely rebuild the deck, but your turn bonuses really get screwed if you your opponent goes first.

Turn 1, they choose Eglantyne and Moira, you get nothing for the next two turns,

Turn 4, you choose Anazra
Turn 5, they choose Helena,
Turn 6, you get Eglantyne and Moira
Turn 7, repeat turns 1-3 (minus deaths of course)

So for 6 turns, you only get 2 turn bonuses before you throw in It Is Time and Thats and Order!

As for my answer to the original question, I'd go with:
Eglantyne and Moira (fused)

you have the same turn bonus problem as before but because Bomzar is a Golem-Mage-Warrior he fits in really well with the Witchblades.  He can use Blade of the Witch, cast any spell, andf still do decent physical damage.

I currently have Eglantyne and Moira, Anazra (lvl 3), and Apostle of Destiny (lvl 2) trying to get the "Dazzling" trophy and get Apostle up to level 3 so I can get Pilim to level 4... planning on switching her out with Bomzar myself once I finish.

#10 Re : Card Ideas/ Fan Art » Courtesan Char and Weapon Idea » 07-01-2011 02:52:49

I think the idea of having a Priesty Courtesan will make them just a little bit OP, especially in a deck that has Councilor Ishaia and Hasna, Angelica, or Kimiko
(Would have to be Ishaia and Angelica if Noz and Sap Heart)

Think:  Overwhelming Victory gives all of your Nomad Character +2 Health, acting as a cheap (relatively) AoE heal for all of your characters.  Add Divine Light or Exhort Faith and you'll have 6 AoE heals in your deck, plus all of the buffs that come with Courtesans in general.

So you'd end up with decks like:

Councilor Ishaia
Chancellor Kezaria

3x Overwhelming Victory
3x Divine Light
3x Versatility
3x Manipulation
2x Potion of Seduction
2x Ice Barrier
1x To Lay Bare
1x Anathematize
2x players choice

It would still have some of the same issues that Courtesans currently have with a slow deck build and a much faster deck, or a really bad hand, would be able to knock it out fairly quickly, but I find the idea of having that many more AoE heals just a little bit OP.

Also, from a purely flavor/story line point of view, I kind of think of the Sap Hearts as being wild and very unfriendly to the 'civilized' cultures, and not very open to the idea of courtesans.

And I agree that it doesn't make much sense for him to be a Dragon Knight, and again from a purely story line PoV it would make more sense for him to be aligned with the Desert Nomads being that they are all about Priests and Theurgies.

As for the weapon, I like the concept, but find it unrealistic.  In the end, its a weapon, and should either leave the attack alone, or boost it, not hinder it.  I could see it being changed a little bit though:

Councils Gavel:
One Handed Weapon - Hammer
All Theurgies played by this character gain +1 effect.

Councils Gavel (lvl2):
One Handed Weapon - Hammer
Attack +1
All Theurgies played by this character gain +2 effect.

#11 Re : Card Ideas/ Fan Art » Golems... Their own Caste? » 23-12-2010 21:39:37

2 x Vampiric Dagger...
3 x Idol of Life...
3 x Firon...
3 x Good Jorusien...
3 x Ramen Noodles...

#12 Re : Card Ideas/ Fan Art » Dark way theurgies » 23-12-2010 21:04:11

From what I've seen though, priests seem to be the positive buff class
(while mages are the damage class)

I agree, Mages seem to be the major damage dealers while priests are buff and support classes.

And I like the idea of "Ignore Pain" but I'd change it to "Self Sacrifice" where you can choose to heal another character by inflicting damage on yourself:

Self Sacrifice:
Take X damage.
Another character of your choice gains X*2 life.
X = your characters spirit.

You could make x a random number, but the wording gets really awkward, and since your not taking damage that was already dealt (by your opponent) but actually damaging yourself to do this, it makes it a little bit more balanced.

Another idea might be to something like Spell Reflect where another character takes damage for your current character.  Or even possibly a character replacement.

Over Protected:
Choose another character to take your place in the current battle.

The Chain would be there for the other character to use, the difficulty I see with this is that you wouldn't be able to play a class specific card for that character... and you'd have to configure it so that the card doesn't activate if it's played on a character with the improper class;  example: a Theurgy card on a Marauder (because a priest is playing the card).  On the other hand, i would say not being able to play class specific cards makes it a little bit more balanced; your taking away your opponents choice of combatants, but you're loosing a lot of versatility in that characters ability to fight.

#13 Card Ideas/ Fan Art » Hold Nothing Back » 23-12-2010 20:22:16

Réponses : 1

Basic Card Idea that would go really well with Quick Draw:

Hold Nothing Back (level 1):
Both you and your opponent lose 2 Defense.

Hold Nothing Back (level 2):
Both you and your opponent gain Attack +1 and Defense -2.


#14 Re : Card Ideas/ Fan Art » Tracker Weapon it would be nice » 23-12-2010 20:16:35

Shuriken is an amazing weapon for Trackers, and one I personally hate.

Gain +2 Attack, Chain, goes back to your hand at the end of every turn.

In my opinion it actually needs to made a little bit weaker, by doing any number of things.

1) Remove the Chain effect on it.
2) Make it Unique.
3) Set it so that if a Character dies, the Shuriken goes to the grave with the character.

The third is my favorite option as it keeps it as a fairly powerful card but gives your opponent a better chance of getting rid of it. 

As for making it Unique... not a fan of the idea, but it would make it a rarer draw in game - nothing more annoying than going up against a tracker deck who plays Shuriken on their first turn.

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