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#1 27-05-2011 17:12:22

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 23-12-2010
Messages : 14

Why I love the weekly quests

Alright, we've all done it.

We've looked at the weekly quest and thought, "there is no way this deck is going to be able to do this..." so we sit back, look at the deck build, and have to reconfigure our entire strategy to accomplish whatever challenge is currently going on.

Personally, I run a Sap Heart Elf deck, which I love.  But like all of the other Sap Heart Elf decks running around, I use Keizan for my third character.  (I've seen some variations, Elder Mailandar, Red Mark, etc... but Keizan seems to be the staple)

So for this week we have to "Attach 30 cards to your out of combat characters" which is obviously geared towards craftsman.  All of a sudden everyone who has a Foam Giant pulls it out, along with Jorus and Ramen, and everyone else double checks their deck to make sure their deck has To Lay Bare in it (or Freeze! for the mages)  But for the rest of us who don't have a multitude of different decks, or the crystals to build a brand new deck every week, we have to remake and rework our deck with what we have, and maybe a couple thousand extra credits to buy what we need.

In my case I embraced the "Elf" nature of my deck, and grabbed Gaya along with a couple of Amber Fetish of Protection and prepared to get beat into the ground over and over again until I managed to attach the 30 required items.  But it didn't quite work out that way (or at least it hasn't so far).

Remarkably, the deck works!  Gaya is extremely weak compared to my other characters, but her being a craftsman is actually fairly helpful.  Put an Amber Fetish on Melissandre, and all of a sudden she can cast Magic Poison, not to mention a +2 attack bonus usually on her very first turn.

So now I'm faced with a dilemma, Keizan is a nice character, he chains with every weapon, and the defense debuff he applies is a nice touch (gets in the way sometimes but you can't have everything), but he can't chain Hypnotic Melody.  Gaya can play her Amber Fetish, and she can chain Hypnotic Melody... but well, thats really all.

But to the point of the topic, the weekly quest is always challenging players to try new things, even things which they are sure don't have a chance of really working.  So not only are you playing with a new deck every week, you're fighting new decks as well, which means you don't get stuck in the same routine day after day.

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#2 27-05-2011 17:21:22

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 23-12-2010
Messages : 14

Re : Why I love the weekly quests

On a slightly different note, it also makes you wish you could tweak certain characters just a tiny bit.

In this case I WOULD LOVE (but never expect it to happen) to see Gaya changed in two minor ways:

1) Change her race to Elfine-Nature Guemelite so that she adds to the bonus of the Amber Fetish of Protection.  It would also give her access to nature spells like devouring swarm, magic poison, and root.

2)  Make her a multi-class character at her final upgrade so she becomes a Craftsman-Warrior.  DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT give her an automatic second attack like Melissandre and Ydiane do.  Don't change her attack, defense, spirit, life in any way, but give her access to Quick Draw, and I guarantee that Sap Heart players will use her more often.

If I had to choose between which two changes to make, I would choose to make her a multi-class Craftsman-Warrior, if nothing else so I could use Hypnotic Melody + Quickdraw with all of my characters, and not just two of them.

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