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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
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Alright, so this is just an idea. Comment as you will.
Sorry if this has been suggested before, I've taken a quick look and don't think its come up before. So here we go.
Something I've been considering a lot is the dead end cards you end up with, one being [card]fog snake[/card], that sparked the idea in the first place.
So basically we have cards like [card]fog snake[/card], that don't end up anywhere, and no-one ever buys. We also end up with cards like [card]Fight![/card] which are useless very quickly. You already get untradeable versions since you get them out of starter decks, and they just take up room forever. As you open more packs, you get more.
But they all get experience. Technically you can say they've 'levelled'. They just don't turn into anything, and get a pretty red bar to taunt you with.
So this is the suggestion.
Allow for cards to be 'upgraded' into experience cards.
Cards that have full experience (for the level they're at) can be exchanged out for experience. So lets say you have a [card]Weapon Dance[/card] with full experience, you'd be able to exchange it for an experience card to be used on other things.
For higher level cards, you'd be able to get more experience. This is merely theoretical though. I doubt that a lot of the cards that you would actually level would be something you'd want to exchange at all, but it gives that option. This also allows for scaling of characters that you'd like to get rid of (maybe)
Let's say [card]Weapon Dance[/card] at full experience, can be exchanged for say, 10 xp. It's not very much, sure, but its worth a 2 games of experience, sometimes more.
So for a sort of scale:
Level 1 and '-' level cards: 10 xp (takes 160 experience)
level 2: 40 xp (takes 480 experience)
level 3: 100 xp (takes &*^$&** 1120 experience)
This is just an idea, and of course, the next level has to be worthwhile since its harder to do, so that's where these figures have come from. Anything higher then this isn't really worth considering, since you most likely do not want to exchange them for experience if you get them that far. Useless cards don't go that far.
Now, the cards I've named so far are mainly worthless ones that you'd want to get rid of. It gives you that option.
Now with that in mind, most likely you'd look at the cards and go 'I'd never play it in a deck, how is it supposed to get experience?' Well yeh, most probably not.
How about if you could do that with [card]Than The Sword[/card]?
It's not a very expensive card, copies come from starters, and it's usable.
Mage decks run it, so it'd be pretty well known, and most likely many people will have seen it. But even though it can upgrade(merge) it'll stay in its form with full experience being used in the deck.
This gives you an extra means of making experience per game, as the card slowly levels up as you play, it'll eventually be worth 10 xp for some other card or character. When it reaches that stage, you can cash it in for 10xp, get a new copy (or even use the one from the starter) and repeat the process. Your deck is still as powerful as before, and its making extra on the side.
There's only a few cards that can fit this category, since most top tier decks run very expensive cards, but there are some.
Also, the potential for this in the training room could be a positive change. Many new players spend their 5 games in agony in the training rooms because they get stomped all the way up the line. This sort of thing could encourage decks with less powerful cards (aka [card]Fight![/card] and [card]Weapon Dance[/card]) and weaker characters ([card]fog snake[/card]) that are clumping in collections of higher end players, that want to turn them into something useful while training up whatever characters they have.
You get a higher return of experience if even 10 of your cards are subpar but exchangeable. It means someone high levelled can run something like a newbie deck, for fun, play against newer players, get the experience bonus of the room, while earning much needed experience for whatever competitive deck they are making.
Each character is still getting experience, and these other cards that they are running on the side as filler will soon be worth 10xp each that can go into those same characters that they are painstakingly and slowly levelling up.
Now for the issues I think might turn up: (yes I've tried to go into these too)
price markups:
Since cards will start being bought out for this purpose, some things like 'TTS' would become more expensive, since its easy to cycle. Overall though, cheap cards should stay cheap, and expensive cards that don't cycle shouldn't move very much. Helps to keep the flood of the marketplace down a bit also. No-one wants to see 40+ 'Fight!' on sale every day that will never sell.
price drops in the marketplace for characters:
People tend to sell characters because the markup is good and this could influence the prices, but probably not. The experience exchange is limited by how many cards you can turnover, but a card that need 1120 xp still needs frigging 1120 xp... the process might have gotten easier, but its still a long time. The curve will probably change, though, with lower level characters, who are fast to make, being slightly cheaper, and the higher end characters being about the same, since it still takes a lot of patience to make them
and thus ends my rant. Thank you for taking the time to read (if you did)
playing O!IG at turn 3 will anule the effect of the bestials
Not anymore, it used to be bugged, now it doesn't do that anymore, you still get your bestial bonuses
again an issue i want to discuss, i don't see the importance of [card]oh i'm good[/card]
i mean your attack is already within the same digits after the first 3 rounds like
max 12/12 bloodsword 13/13 faceless and 10/12 fenrath with no equip or action cards
so why use it for example if youre against a deck that's also based on attack or against characters that have like 5/9 attack and you're just boosting up the opponent's attack, leaving it to chance is better than giving him a higher attack ...
Taking your example, say the 5/9 gets +7 attack for the turn (lets say +1 attack from turn order bonus, +6 from a chained combo for damage)
That means it becomes a 12/16, making it possible for them to kill say fenrath or bloodswod.
O!IG! makes it a 14/14, where its now impossible to kill either.
It's a difficult argument, but depends how lucky you are.
In the case of the other two, they benefit from +1 from it with full buffs, bloodsword becomes an 8/8 with +5/+0 so 13/13, same for faceless who becomes 14/14 (6/8 base makes him a 7/7, +2 from blood, +5 from fen)
you're right, it can be a double edged sword, so it takes some care to play.
Depending on the opponent, it can be bad eg. the mirror where you know love and wars are played. But if you're playing against a deck that only plays say things like assassination and shuriken, which don't give 1 sided bonuses, it means they lose their high end damage, and takes luck out of the equation for working out their potential max, then makes love and war a guaranteed +6 damage.
But obviously, the one who gets the most benefit is Fenrath.
with 5 damage he gets +5/+0
O!IG! makes him a 9/9 with bloodsword, meaning he becomes a 14/14 instead of a 10/12 with maximum bonus from his own effect. so a 17/17 with Bestial, and a max of 23/23 with love and war.
A hypothetically effective sequence of play.
t1: bloodsword: love + war
t2: fenrath: bestial + defense card of some sort if neccesary, or just go offense
t3: faceless: Bestial + O!IG!
going into round 4, you should have:
Bloodsword at 13/13, fenrath at 17/17, faceless also on 17/17
and now love and war gives +6 atk to any of your characters
Those cursed items are going to be bad for you soon. As the decks you play against get better, the -3 life is generally going to be suicide. That and chaining bestial is strictly better.
Bestial activates immediately, so its worth +6 over 2 turns, as opposed to -3, then +5, and risking a character death, so a net gain of +2 over 2 turns for bigblade. and bestial is a viable chain for all characters, FOTH + bestial for bloodsword, bestial +anything for the other two.
The same goes for the armor, which is worth either -1 on its own, or a +2 only if you have the bigblade, and only on the turn afterwards since it doesn't activate immediately.
So that means that Bestial, on its own, is +6 over two turns, not including other cards it can chain into, while the cursed item chain combo is worth +4 over two turns and increases the chances of your character dying
You have no mage hate, and the characters have low enough spirit as it is, try to fit in a [card]Dark Stone Heart[/card]. I prefer DSH over [card]Nehantic Stone[/card] but its your call
[card]Tadaa! You're a Bunny![/card] is good, it keeps your fenrath alive, which is the key here no? It also screws up [card]kensensei[/card] which can potentially make a 19/21 character on turn 1.
3x Dances with Volks is overkill, its key reason for being in the deck, is to keep fenrath alive on either turn 4 or 5 (depending on if you went first and if your opponent has any idea what they're facing) If they don't take the chance to kill fenrath, just go hard and beat them on the damage race. Just be careful of AoE effects.
Last suggestion is to run [card]Obesity[/card]. Its an excellent card and you only get a -1 on one of your characters when in use (sometimes). It also chains actions so it stabilises your chain orders, a bit.
My record is +43 (Trackers), each jewel is +6 (if all characters are alive), each mask is 3, if you pull out shuriken at the start .. thats +2 each turn (or +12 for 6 round battle)
I imagine sap hearts (IHAS deck) being the fastest way.
The main buff is an action, not an item.
if you don't have 3 fist blade, forget it for now... best thing to do is abomination 6, telendar 3 and shadow 5, 3 fist blade and 3 living dagger, at least then you could have 1 dagger master on lvl3 and 2 on lvl 2
Just quickly, Dagger Master 3 is unique. You run lvl 3, its the only one that you can run in your deck. Unique ruling includes the other levels of the same card
This post wasn't a great post in the first place.
The only relevant point you mentioned is the one that they are working on.
The basis of the rest of your complaints is a mess of whining because you don't have maxed cards while others have gone through the process already.
There are Casual rooms, they are called the LEVEL ROOMS.
It's as casual as you're going to get, and there are plenty of players in the 11+ rooms who don't use maxed characters.
If you can't handle that, don't waste your opponents time by randomising into games just to leave, and play your 5 games a day in the training rooms instead.
The broken decks you've named are the ones that are reasonably balanced or are slightly underpowered. You obviously haven't got a clue about competitive play because you haven't mentioned any of the powerhouse decks out there in your rant, which are much more powerful and consistent.
You THINK that you have 100 more suggestions to make the game better, but your point of view comes from someone who just reached level 14 who apparently hasn't maxed their cards, and has only been losing games and whos first response is to come here to rant about losing. Very constructive feedback.
Learn to play the game, each deck has its strength and weakness. The whole basis of the game is finding this out and building your own deck accordingly.
Also, as hard as leveling is, considering that you've played against so many maxed cards already, its obviously possible. All it shows is that others have more patience then you.
If they've put in the work, why shouldn't you have to?
what about making up some thematic guilds, not only relating to the game guilds, but to style of playing, favourite cards...
sounds pointless... guilds are most helpful when its diverse
Name/IGN: Jasper/DarkexCal
Age/Gender: 22/male
Location/Time Zone: Australia/ +9GMT?
General About Me:
About me? =S er... I suck at this bit
I study, and play card games in my free time. Currently playing MtG, Eredan, and somewhat playing warstorm since it doesn't really take that much time anyway. Addicted to computer games, but jump on and off games frequently, mostly RTS though, but dabbled in FPS with team fortress 2
Card Game History:
Started out playing MtG, then took a shot at DBZ . Fell out of the card game craze then got sucked back into MtG again during high school. Of all times, got into Yugioh at the beginning of tertiary study, then sold it all off and now securely back into MtG.
Yugioh is such a bad game -.-
Maybe I jump games too often
might want to reconsider the bloodties when you can afford to swap them for something.
You take enough damage from the opponent to get your fenrath bonus running that the 1-3 health will usually be relevant to fenrath living on another turn. and if you didn't take enough damage to max it out, then your opponent is in trouble anyway.
Fenrath bonus lets you give as good as you get, but if you get given less, you can just go harder for longer and thanks for the extra life points
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