
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.

Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 FAQs » Lightning Bolts Lvl 3 » 07-02-2011 05:01:47

Réponses : 2

Since Lightning Bolts Lvl 3 is an AOE then why does the opponent still get to attack?
BTW The one who used and attacked was one of the new witchblades

#2 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Disconnections » 30-01-2011 20:23:55

Réponses : 1

Getting really sick and tired of disconnections. I've but in money to this game and it seems like the makers are more interested in releasing new cards every week to make more money than actually fixing the servers. I have attempted to play 8 elo matches in the last 30 min and lost 4 due to disconnections.

#3 Deck and Strategy » Potato Peeling. Useless? Or handy if used wisely? » 14-01-2011 16:14:57

Réponses : 2

Looking through various numbers of posts about pirate decks on the forums I have seen numerous times people asking what's the point of potato peeling. The truth is that potato peeling can be extremely powerful if used wisely.
Here's one example. First turn, you have the initiative. Select the characters which gives you the best advantage. Next throw down a potato peeling and chain off that. Choose one of your other characters and tap. This may seem useless but the truth is that the next time all your characters untap you will more than likely have two who are damaged and your opponent will have one untapped character with full health while the rest are tapped. You can either choose to send you fresh character in or send in one of the already damaged to their possible death. This may seem stupid but this strategy works. If lucky you can have killcrew first turn go. tap another character and throw up a resupply. next turn discard entire hand and if able drop one or two resupply. next turn all your characters are untapped. discard entire hand before and manage to either have phoenix in your hand before or draw it and another resupply. your character who hasn't seen battle the entire match will more than likely live due to the fact it only has 9 PT and full health.

#4 Re : Bugs » Wtf Crystals Lost?!?!?! » 13-01-2011 16:43:31

sorry i ment 115000. was tired last night. thanks for pointing out the error though

#5 Bugs » Wtf Crystals Lost?!?!?! » 13-01-2011 05:02:33

Réponses : 2

I posted a Lvl 3 Captain Al Killcrew on marketplace for 115000. I got a message saying it was sold for that much. I didn't get the full amount though. I checked my history and it says for only 24000! WTF is going on?!?!?!

#7 Re : Bugs » flames of the pheonix » 09-01-2011 04:50:58

Sorry anihilate but that's incorrect. The way flames works is how ever many powder tokens is on each character they get dealt that much damage minus there spirit. so 3 powder token - 2 spirit = 1 damage. if you don't believe me try potato peeling and flames. the character that doesn't have tokens won't get damaged

#8 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Manipulation. Possible misprint? » 26-11-2010 20:01:40

well then why does tea ceremony still work when one courtesan vs another courtesan and neither share a guild? i've had this happen against me many times

#9 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Manipulation. Possible misprint? » 26-11-2010 19:11:48

well if that's the case than why does it say any? also wouldn't that also apply for tea ceremony? I've seen one court uses tea ceremony on another court when neither share a guild and it still works

#10 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Manipulation. Possible misprint? » 26-11-2010 19:03:52

Réponses : 6

On manipulation it says that if ANY opposing character shares the same guild as your character -2 attack instead. My question is say you are kimiko against a merc and there is one kotoba onn the opposite team and you play manipulation why they only get -1 instead of -2?

#11 Re : Card Ideas/ Fan Art » Presenting The Weres. A new guild and class idea of mine! :3 » 21-11-2010 18:43:45

will the transformation cards change there class and race after they transform? it seems like a good idea i'm just wondering if i used DW on a transformation card and morphed my character into a wolf how that would affect the rest of my deck.

#12 Re : Card Ideas/ Fan Art » Life, the Disease » 12-11-2010 07:36:22

i know the card is broken. i was just experimenting

#13 Re : Card Ideas/ Fan Art » Life, the Disease » 10-11-2010 23:36:23

i realized that after i posted. i wanted to add more to it but some of the stuff isn't updated yet on card maker

#15 FAQs » How to post cards on forum? » 09-11-2010 23:20:44

Réponses : 2

Can someone please explain to me how to post cards on forum? I made a couple fan cards but can't hear what anyone thinks about them. Will someone please explain.

#17 FAQs » lottery tickets??? » 05-11-2010 22:02:03

Réponses : 5

lottery tickets???? i still have my lottery tickets? do i still need them? and if no then how can i get rid of them?

#18 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Has anyone ever noticed.... » 31-10-2010 16:27:27

Réponses : 1

has anyone ever noticed that the game is called eredan iTCG or eredan TRADING card game? They should change the name to eredan buy/sell card game lol

#19 Re : The Clans » [MSN] The Guild Thread + Applications [NEW MEMBERS and APP. RULES] » 31-10-2010 16:19:36

Name/IGN: Trent/Bushidotwo
Age/Gender: 22/Male
Location/Time Zone: Missouri/CST
Occupation: Unloads Trucks for Department Store
General About Me: Just moved to Missouri. Spend most of my time on Eredan because I have nothing better to do.
Card Game History: I love card games. I played a few MTG amateur tournaments where I'm from in Tennessee. I have also played other numerous card games like UFS, Dragonball Z, Yu-Gi-Oh, and just numerous others. I've been playing card games since I was ten.

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