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#1 14-01-2011 16:14:57

Inscription : 31-10-2010
Messages : 24

Potato Peeling. Useless? Or handy if used wisely?

Looking through various numbers of posts about pirate decks on the forums I have seen numerous times people asking what's the point of potato peeling. The truth is that potato peeling can be extremely powerful if used wisely.
Here's one example. First turn, you have the initiative. Select the characters which gives you the best advantage. Next throw down a potato peeling and chain off that. Choose one of your other characters and tap. This may seem useless but the truth is that the next time all your characters untap you will more than likely have two who are damaged and your opponent will have one untapped character with full health while the rest are tapped. You can either choose to send you fresh character in or send in one of the already damaged to their possible death. This may seem stupid but this strategy works. If lucky you can have killcrew first turn go. tap another character and throw up a resupply. next turn discard entire hand and if able drop one or two resupply. next turn all your characters are untapped. discard entire hand before and manage to either have phoenix in your hand before or draw it and another resupply. your character who hasn't seen battle the entire match will more than likely live due to the fact it only has 9 PT and full health.

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#2 14-01-2011 18:49:08

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 15-09-2010
Messages : 322

Re : Potato Peeling. Useless? Or handy if used wisely?

Potato peeling is a way of avoiding pirates nuke, so one of your chars live then everybody else dies.

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#3 14-01-2011 21:23:18

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Pennsylvania, USA
Inscription : 16-09-2010
Messages : 225
Site Web

Re : Potato Peeling. Useless? Or handy if used wisely?

Yeah, about round 4 after 3 rounds of supplying, etc, throw a potato peeling on one person and have the last nuke everything.

Somewhere between happiness and dreading the Apocalypse.
See where your character cards stand against the full list.

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