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#1 Re : Decks et Stratégies » Cds » 21-05-2011 20:59:29

Smelcc a écrit :
SlyTechs a écrit :

bah je joue le trio classique CDS quoi...Melissandre, Ydiane, keizan...Les faveurs de laube, cest bien, mais tu le met a la place de quoi? si c la carte anti-sorcelames, c a peu pres la seule chose pour laquelle je vois quelle puisse servir, et encore mettrais pas une carte juste pour contrer les sorcelames, qui sont ridicules soit dit en passant...jai deja OS les trois sorcelames les 3 premiers tours en ayant au moins 2 elfines en vie, vois pas linteret de Faveur smile

Wa, ça veut donc dire tu affrontais un deck sorcelame en carton. Bravo!Bravo!

Sinon, Sheitan, j'ai plus ou moins essayé ta config cette aprem, avec des [card]dague d'ambre[/card], mais j’accroche pas vraiment. Ça n'a pas la gouache qui fait la force des elfines, et le malus du [card]Le grêlé[/card] est sympa, mais étant donné qu'il affaiblit l'attaque min., ça reste de l'aléatoire (et ça, j'aime pas trop).

carton, ouin, ca se peut, mais quand tu en rencontres au moins 150 sur 250 parties, du bas et top ELO, bah je sais pas les distinguer honnetement les cartons des murs...a moins que tu me donnes du concret, ca reste les meme sorcelames avec leurs lames, pluies, eclairs 3 et machins qui varient entre Attaque Magique, Assasinat, I hate brawlers (dsl, le nom mechappe en francais) et Prestige, ND et Nehant. Comme jai dit, jai fait le top 3, top 2 si javais pas perdu 60 points en deux matchs haha. Mais bon, ca reste un bon matchup qui se joue au 2-3 points de difference. Faut bien je rencontre un BON deck sorcelame, mais dsl, je sais pas c koi tes criteres.

Pour revenir au sujet, dagues senchaine sur keizan et melissandre, deja que keizan il a pas trop de combo, la dague aide, surtout sur les grosses defenses a la koto, genre 2 dagues, 2 poisons sur du 10 defense et 1 Esprit, bah il creve quoi smile Mon deck marche bien alors, a moins que qqn me sorte les arguments solides, ca restea tel quil est mon deck. Je dit ce que jai fait, aux gens de decider si c bon ou pas smile

#2 Re : Decks et Stratégies » Cds » 20-05-2011 17:17:53

Hyperion a écrit :

tu joues quelles elfines? Mélissandre, Ydiane et ... ?

PS: [card]faveur de l'aube[/card] est l'anti-sorcelame, les sorcelames jouent très souvent 2 cartes différentes (objet/sort ou objet/action ou action/sort), ce qui te permet de te protéger et de OS plus facilement.

bah je joue le trio classique CDS quoi...Melissandre, Ydiane, keizan...Les faveurs de laube, cest bien, mais tu le met a la place de quoi? si c la carte anti-sorcelames, c a peu pres la seule chose pour laquelle je vois quelle puisse servir, et encore mettrais pas une carte juste pour contrer les sorcelames, qui sont ridicules soit dit en passant...jai deja OS les trois sorcelames les 3 premiers tours en ayant au moins 2 elfines en vie, vois pas linteret de Faveur smile

#3 Re : Decks et Stratégies » Cds » 19-05-2011 22:07:52

en gros, si tu joues CDS, joues elfines, 2 Dagues ambres, 1 Arc Elfine, 3 obesite, 2 rester en retrait, 3 poisons, 3 Attaques et melodies, 1 Storm. Jai fait le top 3 la semaine passee avec ca...alors inutile de mettre des faveurs ou autres...cest un deck tres simple, pas cher du tout, et disons qu avec 70% de victoires, ca nique pas mal de trucs, meme les tops...a part les maudits pretres qui heals sans arret...sinon jai presque jamais perdu contre Nomads aggro ni kotoba....les mathcups difficiles, c les Zils aggros (si ta pas les obesites ou rester en retrait) et le trio de Witchblades...c assez serrez, mais si tu OS, et tu joues smart, tu devrais gagner plus que perdre. Contre les decks types Yilith, mangepierre et Eternel ou Ateb, bah tu prie quil na rien, et que tu OS ces persos premiers tours, sinon, bah oublie ca, impossible smile

PS: Rester en retrait cest bon aussi contre Zils, Nomads, Witchs et surtout miroirs smile melodie hypnotique et rester en retrait ca fait des bonheurs parfois smile

#4 Re : Deck and Strategy » Discard decks » 16-03-2011 05:53:50

Nurvus a écrit :
para a écrit :
aarorocks994 a écrit :

I have the deck that kills discard decks all discard decks do to my is speed up the process. I use the hom'chai sap heart deck using items have a soul and a lot of items
. All these decks really do is discard my items for me! LOVE IT! hope this may have made you look into the deck

unless you get screwed over by theft and then they prestige IHAS tongue

Unless you Obesity their Prestige, or Moneyed or Watcher your IHAS before they remove it. tongue

One card sums IHAS decks - Anathematize...Good Game smile

#5 Re : Deck and Strategy » Discard decks » 15-03-2011 05:10:21

i play discard deck, and i do win alot...ALOT. Although its boring...i run Ishaia, Salem, Abussien devourer. 3 Manipulations and 3 Ice barriers for defense, the rest is discards, 3 panic, 3 treacherous, 2 theft, 2 cloning...

What i fear, is the damn Port decks, if i dont get a good hand to kill some Ports, or multitasking, i pray i discrad fast enuf and live through the few turns...Also, Frenzy helps to get rid of Port, but other than that, i have no idea how to beat them, i have yet to come across one good, fully equipped port deck.

For Witchblades, i dont see how they can kill you, i lost once only, and thats because i had no Manipulations or Barriers in 3 turns, and he had his 3 Blades and yeah...aside that, they are very manageable. So far, no Zil or Koto, or Tracker deck has beat me, at least until 1800...Even with New start, you always have Anathematize, which should be in very deck IMO, stops ANS and items have a soul, and so far, i havent lost much...

use Freeze on pesky items, or overly boosted Foam Giants smile I need a Prestige in my deck, and a New Start, and Hungry Void to say that its full, but those 3 cost over 1.5 mill feez...soo i cant afford them yet

#6 Re : FAQs » Elo » 25-01-2011 04:39:05

its so hard getting anywhere near 1800 elo, let alone 2000 for Ateb or the chance to win a measly 4k crystals...i wish tourneys would come back

#7 Re : Suggestions » over kill. » 20-01-2011 05:20:49

wow, u havent seen Time to Die and Celerity combo, have you...or Last Word and Than the sword, on Pilkim turn 1...or Last Action, Void, Bolts lv 3...

#8 Re : Suggestions » Starter Decks for All Guilds » 19-01-2011 00:53:28

Its a good idea, but as mentionned, it can be double bladed:
- Assasination
- Fireball
Just these two cards are OP

But, if every1 has access to them, they can make a better deck, and more decks would be seen in tourneys and ELO...Like 3 assasination or 3 RoD....havent seen people win with ONLY takes other cards too, but at least wont discourage new players from the 60k per copy in the market...

Also, that would hopefully make market prices lower, since you can get them in Starters, but make them UNSELLABALE, even if they merge at some point. So it will be fair for all, not seeing RoD sell for like 10k...And you would still need Daggers, Warrior furys, New start make a complete, fully operationnal, tournament worthy that would just help out ppl

So yes, make starters for Feez, and from more Guilds

#9 Re : Suggestions » Make the Destiny Duo (Watchmaker and Apostle) saleable » 19-01-2011 00:44:15

The point here for Watchmaker being so high? The double XP event. Was it bad? Hell no, was fun, helped alot of people. Why does Watchmaker sell for so much? Unlocks good high end chars, and with the XP event, they can be accessed alot faster. But, Apostle does the same, although not so good unlocks, but still does unlock some. Anyways, the event is OVER...done, finished...Why keep the price up still?

I agree with the Make certain cards in store for fixed price...That should of been the case of Apostle and Watchmaker, since they unlock so many things. Personally, i find Helena, and Erevent a hell of alot more useful than that Watchmaker, and they sell for what, 18K max...Yup, Noz decks are very powerful too, and dont need a lv 6 character as of yet...So make watchmaker 30-35k...That would make sense

Also, there are like what, 5-6 people having Watchmaker in the market now...Dont buy from them, ask them to lower price, and eventually and hopefully, it will

And yes, some cards have weird price tags, like Gluttony 20k, Obesity one point, Gluttony was higher...Even characters that used to be 40k (Fenrath) sell for 6k at max lvl...I would pay 1-2k more, and have it maxed, than level it up...Some cards like RoD, The last action, Abomination and such...they are worth their price because its too damn expensive to get them, or too long to level, but Watchmaker, thats absurd...It unlocks characters, true, but takes forever too

#10 Re : FAQs » Godfather after the fact? » 19-01-2011 00:13:46

i see no reason for it to go up...Event is over, but its still 200k...Thats the price of legendaries like A New Start, and honestly, thats way better than a stupid watchmaker that used to be 50k

#11 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Ridiculous prices » 19-01-2011 00:06:24

i understand that it was because of the event, but 200% rise is just not right...i mean, event is over, can prices drop anytime soon? like, there is no point for them staying that up, its even worse than when a new Guild comes out...

I have nothing to say bad about that event, its great, made my eternal...but thats just so sad there is still inflation

#12 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Ridiculous prices » 18-01-2011 14:00:54

i agree with all, especially the weird prices from levels...Gluttony and Obesity is a good example, but the issue is kinda pointing to some events. I see how watchmaker can be high, since it allows Abomination and such cards to be unlocked, but 200k is ridiculous...i dont see how an event should raise the price so much. And waiting...ya right, until next event that triples xp? watch the prices then...i dont see how some cards that are also popular get a somewaht 20% increse, or 50%...but 200%, and for a Watchmaker...come on, rather buy A new Start or some other legendary...

#13 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Ridiculous prices » 18-01-2011 06:32:49

well, how did it change, i mean its pretty bad quadrupling a price...its becoming unfair kinda

#14 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Ridiculous prices » 18-01-2011 06:05:53

Réponses : 18

Title says it all...

Anyone find that some prices went up like crazy this last week?

Watchmaker 200k ?? from 50k

Assasination 75k??? from 40-50k

Like come on...what is that, plus i bought so many packs lately, have not got any of those, got 2 fireballs and 2 Prestige...but no watchmaker...cmon, i need to finish my tempus

#15 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » 4 Packs suck you say? Well here is proof everything is possible~ » 17-01-2011 14:32:31

he made my prestige foil, a little after it came out...was the first on the market too smile

#16 Re : Decks et Stratégies » Les marqueurs Poudre » 11-01-2011 06:24:29

Pirates et marqueurs poudre...Bon, c'est un bon concept, mais c'est aléatoire...Quest ce qui arrive si Ravitaillement sort pas, ou si on joue Armada, et on a pas initiative...ou bien, on a initiative, mais pas de ravitaillement...Sans oublier que le mec, si il est smart, il sort Armada avec 3 Marqueurs tour perd les siens, se fait taper pour 5 pv, tour 4-5, il prend armada encore, avec un perso avec des marqueurs, les enlevent aussi...Deja, on perd bcp de marqueurs, et Flame du Phenix sert a rien...C'est un deck fun a jouer, mais aleatoire, peut etre a la chance detre rapide comme Noz, mais cest une nouvelle sortie, alors ca reste a faut aussi bien poser nos trucs quand il faut, et disons que tue le deck si on perd flame de phenix...Cest pas un deck Top elo, mais fun a jouer...surtout en match miroir...voir 30 marqueurs sur les persos, c cool tongue

#19 Re : Deck and Strategy » The craftsmen » 30-11-2010 05:40:52

try going in french forum, read Sylvus thread...he has a deck around them, but you needs The Eternal, Apostle of destiny and watchmaker...its just long enough to level the Eternal, soo go over and read it, but i think Tempus are a tad too slow

#20 Re : Deck and Strategy » Sphinx » 28-11-2010 22:25:18

i guess play Kararine, Sphinx, Amhid with the Grave combo, along with Solaris and is up to could also play Heals with Ahlem, since he is also Temple guardian. Other than that, you can just sell him for around 100k, which is what i will do smile

#21 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Eredan Training Group aka [ETG] » 28-11-2010 00:25:49

SlyTechs a écrit :

Eredan IGN: SlyTechs
Current level: 11
Gaming time: anytime, when i go in facebook

please any1 add me or let me know...i feel like leveling Tempus from lv1...soo even in normal matchs, we could arrange fights

#22 Re : Deck and Strategy » My Tracker Deck » 21-11-2010 16:05:39

Why in the world would you put 2 shuriken? Put 3 Assasination, Time to die, 3 Warrior Fury, 3 keep your guard up and 3 Life devourer, Anathemaztize for those Items have a soul decks, Obesity and/or sunburns....try it our with what money you have, but 1 Shuriken is more than enough with all the chainable cards u have

I will not run malyss for some reason, because you cant use the assasination and Warrior, it is better to have those along with Tracker Masks to live through first turn kills IMO.

You can play them in 2 ways, defense or offense. Defense, you play Malyss with all masks, Ice barriers and blabla...Offense, no Malyss, 3 assasination, Warrior fury, life devourers...your pick

#23 Re : Deck and Strategy » Easy Peezy, Quick and Easy: Sap Soulstorm » 16-11-2010 06:00:40

Mike_Magnus a écrit :

Hey Sly, sorry about that ragequit comment.  It's just that it said you had left the game.  That's happened to me before, too.  It would have been a great game.  Maybe we should try again sometime

meh, this deck fails alot...cant really win much...but you cant imagine how joyful it is for me to see a full koto deck lose to my lv1 deck in a tourney...ohh boy, guy must be pissed...20 attack, and 18 defense hero just like that...he must cry alot lol

#24 Re : Deck and Strategy » Dragon's wit » 16-11-2010 05:04:07

no dragon armor in a DK deck? Delete your deck please, and play something else...if you think it is unnecessary in a DK deck, dont play DKs at all...its like saying I dont play assasinate in a Zil deck....or Manipulation in Courts...Get your stuff right plz

#25 Re : Deck and Strategy » Dragon's wit » 14-11-2010 18:51:40

Screwy a écrit :
SlyTechs a écrit :

i wouldnt play 3 of each Solar and Pally hammer...because u have only 3 dragon no point

ok so i was thinking something like this

[card]Kounok the Prophet[/card]

3 [card]Draconian Sword[/card]
3 [card]Dragon Armor[/card]

3 [card]Magic Attack[/card]
3 [card]Dragon's wit[/card]
2 [card]Solar's anger[/card]
2 [card]Paladin's hammer[/card]
  [card]all is fair in love...[/card]
  [card]...and war.[/card]
  [card]smash that iron![/card]

hmm although not much slot left for action cards hmm

id put 2 Magic attack, remove 1 pally hammer, put another set of All is fair in love...and war combo...and i was playing Tadaa! your a bunny and fallback, or you can add obesity...try different stuff, i  dunno really the best DK deck...they kinda rare

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