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#1 Re : Deck and Strategy » Pirate mages » 24-05-2012 00:22:12


Ok i removed

Flash for ward x1
Dance of the thunder snakes x2
Sky inhabitant x1

and added

lightning blade x2
Spark things off x2

Will take on board other suggestions of what i should have changed instead if u know better smile

#2 Deck and Strategy » Pirate mages » 23-05-2012 22:40:05

Réponses : 14

Hey im running a pirate deck atm and it seems to be running ok but is there anyway i can improve it?

It currently is

The Ugly Croc

Lightning rod x3
Lightning thrower x2
Artrezil's ring x2
Dance of the thunder snakes x2
Flash for ward x3
Struck by lightning x3
Sky inhabitant x2
Static charge x2

What can/should I change? atm i have about 130k crystals smile

#3 Re : Deck and Strategy » Noz mage deck help (don't know where to start :/) » 15-05-2012 21:15:01


Long cat is long....

Thanks for all the help tho smile

This is the deck now ^^

Archmage Anryena
Aerouant The Crystalomasncer
The Pythia

Crystal storm x3
Double clay x2

Dracionian Scepter

Dragon's wit x2
Vanish x2
illumination x2
Magic servent x3
Ice crystals x3

The deck works out amazing and the vanish trick works well with crystal storm to skip their turn smile

Thanks again

#4 Re : Deck and Strategy » Noz mage deck help (don't know where to start :/) » 15-05-2012 12:26:47


I think i'll build a compendium deck as steeliebob has made it sound interesting ^_^

#6 Re : Deck and Strategy » Noz mage deck help (don't know where to start :/) » 15-05-2012 11:53:45


Thanks for that smile how does this sound?

Archmage Anryena
The pythia

Crystal storm x3
Magic servent x3
ice crystal x3
double clay x2
drowning x2
illumination x2
magic study x2

Or should i switch Vearzar, Curirrel and Piguy out for something else?

#7 Re : Deck and Strategy » Noz mage deck help (don't know where to start :/) » 15-05-2012 10:56:39


Right now i have 86k but i have cards on sale for about 300k in total...

I already have some expensive cards from adventure like "the last word" and lightning bolts lvl 2 (got the stuff to make it) and i also have prophet that i can sell... Or use if he fits the deck.

#8 Deck and Strategy » Noz mage deck help (don't know where to start :/) » 15-05-2012 10:12:01

Réponses : 18

Hey i've been thinking of putting a Noz mage deck together but i was wondering if anyone could give me the themes they play so i can start on my deck build and know the way i'll head to build it.

Thanks to anyone who can help really appreciated smile

#9 Re : Deck and Strategy » Zil Dagger deck » 18-02-2012 17:59:16


Thanks alot for the help smile its really appreciated ^^

#10 Re : Deck and Strategy » Zil Dagger deck » 18-02-2012 16:24:07


See i have got

Saphyra the zil
The shadow
and both telendars (but i don't know which one is best)

(i don't currently have abomination but im working up to him slowly tho)

And i can think of this for the deck

Fist blade X3
The dagger of sufference X3

Dagger master lvl 3
At daggers drawn X2
Chink in the armour X2
Downward spiral X2
Slit throat X2
Stirring up hatred X2
Assassination X2
Time to die

But i've never really been good at designing a dagger deck and always ditch it in the end but i've wanted to play one since i started tongue

#11 Deck and Strategy » Zil Dagger deck » 18-02-2012 15:53:58

Réponses : 24

Hi im trying to make a good zil dagger deck but i don't really know where to start

Any ideas?

#12 Re : Bugs » Jealous Bug??? » 18-02-2012 03:40:04


I have but both got counted Bloodsword was the last i leveled.

Alyce requires to be fused both levels but both of them counted towards it i don't know what i'm doing wrong atm and its the only one i ain't got so i don't want to miss out on it hmm

#13 Bugs » Jealous Bug??? » 17-02-2012 23:06:34

Réponses : 2

Hi I'm trying to get the Jealous trophy but the counter is stuck at 4..

I have leveled


All from level 1 to 3

Silene up to the shadow (lvl 4)


Elysia half way trough lvl 2

The counter isn't going up anymore hmm anything i can do to fix this

Thanks in advance

#14 Re : Deck and Strategy » Kimiko » 12-12-2011 17:04:10


would lightning bolt lvl 3 be a good idea for ishaia i know her ability doesn't work with it but she has high spirit alot of the time and it would work with tea and kimikos AOE? smile    thanks btw smile

#15 Deck and Strategy » Kimiko » 11-12-2011 11:46:49

Réponses : 8

Hi my fave card is Kimiko but i have no idea what deck to use her in

i have around 250k anyone know a few decks that i can look at for some advice how to use her to the full advantage

THANKS in advance smile

#16 Re : Deck and Strategy » The pack deck » 31-10-2010 10:47:43


thanks smile

ok heres the deck now smile

This is my pack deck


Bestial X3

All is fair in love... X2
...and war X2
Blood ties X3
Dances with volk X2
Fly off the handle X3
Gluttony X2
Dark stone heart
oh im good X2

When i get time to die and assassination should i take out a all is fair combo? and i don't have enough feez to get storm's mission yet tongue

#17 Deck and Strategy » The pack deck » 31-10-2010 00:12:12

Réponses : 16

This is my pack deck


Bestial X2

All is fair in love... X3
...and war X3
Blood ties X3
Dances with volk X2
Fly off the handle X3
Gluttony X2

this leaves 2 spaces i was going to put in

Time to die (i have the trophy mission just not done it yet tongue)

Is this good or should i swap things and until i get assassination what would be a good replacement for them?

thanks in advance smile

#18 Re : Deck and Strategy » Desert Nomads deck (need help to fill) » 29-10-2010 07:38:56


ok thanks smile

but wouldn't 2 desert scimitars break the temple swords?

#19 Deck and Strategy » Desert Nomads deck (need help to fill) » 28-10-2010 22:28:29

Réponses : 2

Hi smile im looking for guidance or help to fill this deck the cards i have in it the now are


(i have a youss that i will level after aziz is maxxed to make spinx smile)

Exaltation lvl 1
Win using favour X2

(doing it the long way but cheaper way)

under the sun X2
Travel ration
Temple sword X2
it is time

that leaves room for 11 more cards

but i dunno which cards any ideas?

i have 35,527 crystals atm and a good couple of cards for sale so im not looking to buy really expensive cards

Thanks in advance smile

#20 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » xp? » 21-10-2010 21:13:26


Thanks for both replys big_smile

Samson XL ***bip*** right i meant characters and that will help alot smile

Rathedan thanks for that it will also help when i need it smile

thanks again smile

#21 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » xp? » 21-10-2010 17:41:18

Réponses : 4

How is the experience a character gets calculated for a match? Is it random or do u have to do certain things?

Also what is the fastest way to level cards except from using experience cards?

#22 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Desert Nomads deck help please » 10-10-2010 22:27:48

Réponses : 0

Hi i recently started playing and get the game to a decent amount... i think tongue

My deck at the moment sits as

Youss level 2 (with 342exp)
Kararine level 2 (with 390exp)
Lodir level 2 (with 350exp)

Simple shield x1
Healing balm x1
Smart ass x1
Travel ration x1
Cubit chakra x2
Simple dagger x1
Weapon dance x1
Under the sun x1
The heart of battle x1
Seduction x1
Fight! x2
Do you feel lucky punk x2
Assassination x1
Guardian's spear x1
Blast x2
Discretion x1

im planing on levelling

lodir to the 0 spirit 6/9 attack 2 defence and 14 life version
Kararine to the 2 spirit 7/11 attack 0 defence and 16 life version (this will use up my assassination)

the other characters for nomads that i have are

ahlem level 1
milika level 1
orzine level 2

I am looking for any input I can get smile I will great fully appreciate any help I can get. ^_^

I have 1327 crystals (at the time I made this)
and to add to that (when I find a way to buy feez that will work for me ><)
level 2 moria the witchblade
level 2 pilkim
level 2 anryena

(I bought these 3 off the market so I should be able to sell them)

Thanks in advance and sorry if I said/done anything wrong in this smile

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