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#1 10-10-2010 22:27:48

Inscription : 10-10-2010
Messages : 25

Desert Nomads deck help please

Hi i recently started playing and get the game to a decent amount... i think tongue

My deck at the moment sits as

Youss level 2 (with 342exp)
Kararine level 2 (with 390exp)
Lodir level 2 (with 350exp)

Simple shield x1
Healing balm x1
Smart ass x1
Travel ration x1
Cubit chakra x2
Simple dagger x1
Weapon dance x1
Under the sun x1
The heart of battle x1
Seduction x1
Fight! x2
Do you feel lucky punk x2
Assassination x1
Guardian's spear x1
Blast x2
Discretion x1

im planing on levelling

lodir to the 0 spirit 6/9 attack 2 defence and 14 life version
Kararine to the 2 spirit 7/11 attack 0 defence and 16 life version (this will use up my assassination)

the other characters for nomads that i have are

ahlem level 1
milika level 1
orzine level 2

I am looking for any input I can get smile I will great fully appreciate any help I can get. ^_^

I have 1327 crystals (at the time I made this)
and to add to that (when I find a way to buy feez that will work for me ><)
level 2 moria the witchblade
level 2 pilkim
level 2 anryena

(I bought these 3 off the market so I should be able to sell them)

Thanks in advance and sorry if I said/done anything wrong in this smile

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