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#1 Re : Bugs » Facebook trouble » 10-11-2010 17:57:39

Im having the same problem
plz hlp

#2 Re : Deck and Strategy » advice on attack priest nomad deck » 27-10-2010 20:32:22

Bump !
still need help

i have put in 3x spiritual duels

#3 Deck and Strategy » advice on attack priest nomad deck » 24-10-2010 20:58:02

Réponses : 6

Chars: Karaine level 3 good/priest , Isomark level 1 at mo but going good , orzine lvl 1


devine fist x1
devine intervention x1
exalation x2
protective sprit x 3
solars anger x 2
solaris x3
spritual attack x 1
team spirit x2
win using fervor x2


book of truth x1
desert skimitars x2

This has been basicaly thrown together at the moment and im still trying to work on it
i just need a little guidence plz.

[Bleachman: Moved thread to appropriate forum. smile]

#4 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » why i can't use lightning bolt lvl 3 » 09-10-2010 18:29:13

it kinda sucks that its unique it messes my deck up when it hits level 3 hmm
i need to save for burn in hell x3 hmm

#5 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Mage deck advice » 09-10-2010 10:29:26

thanks for all the advice and i do think there is too many AOE in

and zuran i use fire alikish and the deck is more ov a spellslinger deck than draconic maby u think another mage instead ov pilkim i onlyu use him for the sprit +2 order bounus

also i have swaped the 2 i hate brawlers for win using magic

#6 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Mage deck advice » 08-10-2010 18:37:15

Réponses : 6

anrenya , allikish , pilkim


burn in hell x3
illusory reflection x 3
static charge x1
arcanium x 1
i hate brawlers x 2
lightning bolts (level 2) x 2
lightning bolts x1
fireball x 1
burn in hell x2


mystic staff x 2
grand staff x1
mirage cloak x1

Okay this deck is having trouble mainly against zill. need some advice on how to improve on this deck. Its played to gain sprit using staffs n cloak then attack but its not working too well

#7 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » need advice on wich blade / mage deck » 28-09-2010 19:57:00

my chars die too quick. I have now put in 1 ice barrier instead of recycle
and i will try to level up chars and sell to make cash for deck thanks

#8 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » need advice on wich blade / mage deck » 28-09-2010 14:01:59

Thanks for deck advice but i play a totaly dif style realy im all for magic attack dmg.
maby thats my problem i dno lol

#9 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » need advice on wich blade / mage deck » 28-09-2010 12:25:42

Was going for witchblade but found couldnt play it that well. So im going for 3 mages

up2 now i have

[card]aerouant the crystalomancer[/card]
[card]alishk the pyromancer[/card]

[card]guardian's benediction[/card]x2
[card]than the sword[/card]x3
[card]the pen is mightier...[/card]x2
[card]static charge[/card]x1
[card]illusory reflection[/card]x2
[card]unleash hell[/card]x2
[card]lightning bolts[/card]x2
[card]smoked arrow[/card]x3
[card]recycle magic[/card]x1

this deck does not play well at all can u guys give me some advice to fix this plz.
its basicly based on do most dmg with spells then take them out with unleash hell.

#10 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » need advice on wich blade / mage deck » 27-09-2010 15:09:37

Réponses : 8


changed deck to mage but still need some advice on it.


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