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#1 24-10-2010 20:58:02

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 24-09-2010
Messages : 13

advice on attack priest nomad deck

Chars: Karaine level 3 good/priest , Isomark level 1 at mo but going good , orzine lvl 1


devine fist x1
devine intervention x1
exalation x2
protective sprit x 3
solars anger x 2
solaris x3
spritual attack x 1
team spirit x2
win using fervor x2


book of truth x1
desert skimitars x2

This has been basicaly thrown together at the moment and im still trying to work on it
i just need a little guidence plz.

[Bleachman: Moved thread to appropriate forum. smile]

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#2 25-10-2010 13:35:00

Lieu : St. George, NB, Canada
Inscription : 26-08-2010
Messages : 910

Re : advice on attack priest nomad deck

CUrsed bigblades work well as attack cards for 3 preists.

If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?

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#3 25-10-2010 16:38:39

Inscription : 25-10-2010
Messages : 41

Re : advice on attack priest nomad deck

This is one of my favorite decks. smile Only recently had put it together for the trophy card challenge, and have had a lot of fun playing it.

Now, originally my deck was Iolmarek, Orzhine and Ahlem all at level 1. And I preferred them that way also, actually.

I have found Spiritual Duel to be the key card in this deck. And probably not for what you may think, it's mostly it is to take the enemies attack away from them, and give them the crummy one that your priests come with.

(I am still trying to level kararine in order to see if she works, but I worry her attack may be too high to truly be useful.

3x Spiritual Duels  -  Key cards to this deck to weaken your opponent, and to gain atk for yourself.

2x Sacred Nova  -  These have been incredibly useful, but the large RNG to it, really makes me want to somehow replace it.

2x Spiritual Attack  -  I feel this is the perfect combination for Spiritual Duel. I have gotten first turn kills with this combo vs. High attack opponents.

1x Exaltation  -  I think the better versions would do more, but this is what I had. Also, I have been contemplating two of these, but I am not quite certain it would be worth it. Healing is not the main idea of this deck.

1x Scroll of weakness  -  Another key card to keep your priests alive. I should really put two in here. Using the chain off the following Scroll of Immobility and you are safe and sound.

2x Scroll of immobility  -  These serve two purposes really, one to give your priests a little defense, and second to take care of those annoying high defense decks. Since most of your opponents that have high defense tend to have low attack, this gimps your spiritual duels. Also, this is a good replacement vs. high defense opponents, as it could potentially lower it more.

1x Protective Spirit  -  I should probably have two, not quite sure. Even though most of the cards are theurgy's, I feel this chain could hinder you also if you need a scroll to survive the round.

1x I hate Brawlers  -  This should probably be 2 also, as it is almost always a chain.

The rest of the cards I have used in and out.

Seduction  -  Very handy for getting your attacks through, But Spiritual attack is better in every way.

Under the sun - If you can afford the -1 spirit (And still keep double your opp's score) then this is a great across the board defense reducer.

Ascetic  -  Probably should be a must have card. But it sits dead if opponent doesn't use them. And dead cards in this deck are dangerous.

Divine Fist  -  I have actually liked this card. Was using two and both did very well, but it's a gamble. Usually you want to chain it and if your opponent doesn't it becomes useless

Book of three truths - Really only needed vs. mage decks, so it can be a dead card, and reread above about dead cards.

Guardian's Benediction  -  useful for high spirit opp's, gives you def, has a chain. Good card, but I like Brawlers more, even though it could be a non-chain.

That's an order  -  Handy for Ahlem to get some extra healing off. But I always felt it gave the opponent more advantage then myself.

In any case that's how I see the deck, and where it goes. I have gotten a couple of perfects, and I have a better then average win rate. My hardest wins are actually vs. witchblades. Everything else I can usually hang in there.

Now if you are lloking to just get the trophy for this week, this deck will almsot surely get you there. I did it in two days, with many hours of break inbetween. PLus playing it helps others try to get their trophies.

Mind you, you will also get a lot of people who quit. People really don't like giving their attack power away, especially when they are given a 2/5 in return, and then their own character has 2 hp's left and yours only lost 4.

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#4 27-10-2010 20:32:22

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 24-09-2010
Messages : 13

Re : advice on attack priest nomad deck

Bump !
still need help

i have put in 3x spiritual duels

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#5 12-11-2010 11:35:03

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : advice on attack priest nomad deck

Here is my version for improvement ideas:

Kararine Level 3 (Priest Version)
Iolmarek Level 3 (Non-Eclipse Version)
Ahlem Level 3 going to Level 4

Theurgy (Attack):
1 Sacred Nova
2 Solar's Anger
3 Spiritual Duel

Theurgy (Heal/Support):
3 Exaltation
3 Protective Spirit
2 Team Spirit

Action (Attack):
3 Solaris

Action (Support):
2 Ascetic
1 Sunburn

Somehow I feel it is lacking something. At times it truly shines due to Spiritual Duel and I find Solar's Anger works very well at 2 where 1 priest is attacking while others just keep on with heal support.

[card]Team Spirit[/card] is quite an overlooked card I think. It prevents other players to single-handedly kill my characters by spreading the damage while healing the damage using [card]Exaltation[/card]. 2 is a decent number as it is worthless towards late game.

[card]Solaris[/card] will help the attacking priest to keep his/her health up once it has converted to a warrior through [card]Solar's Anger[/card]. Tried using [card]Cursed Bigblade[/card] makes me realise my Ascetic is worthless while the next turn activation slow the deck down too significantly. And as the nomads have 0 defense, the 3 damage sometimes just kill off my nomad towards late game (essentially making the Bigblade a dead card).

Perhaps I should replace [card]Protective Spirit[/card] with Win Using Fervor? Or even more 'potential' damage through [card]Sacred Nova[/card]? Though I felt Sacred Nova is a hit and miss thingy (more often a miss even against a 1 spirit character lol tongue). Admittedly, Protective Spirit does boost my Exaltations.

More ideas will be good. I feel that a priest attack deck has quite a potential in the future. Not sure if replacing Ahlem with Orzine is a better route even (given that she is not a Solarian making some cards useless).

Dernière modification par magius (12-11-2010 16:21:40)

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#6 12-11-2010 15:21:45

Inscription : 08-09-2010
Messages : 744

Re : advice on attack priest nomad deck

May as well swap in some win using Ferver because you need 2 to level Exhaltation and Exhort faith.

IGN: Shrei VonWeisheit
Mercenaries and trophies are underrated.
PS: I'm insane big_smile

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#7 12-11-2010 18:22:31

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : advice on attack priest nomad deck

Anihilate a écrit :

May as well swap in some win using Ferver because you need 2 to level Exhaltation and Exhort faith.

Let's say the deck has [card]Divine Light[/card] in place of Exaltation. Wouldn't that be having too much healing and no attack? Don't forget that you have [card]Solaris[/card] to help with individual healing already.

What about increasing my attack options through [card]Sacred Nova[/card] although the damage range sucks? I really cannot think of anything else apart from that. [card]Divine Fist[/card] is too situational and prohibit you from chaining (you can at least get the bonus or none at all). Exorcism is great against non-human but does not chain, making the deck slightly slower (which is bad IMHO in a healing/attack deck).

Bah... they just need more Divine Anger Theurgy or even Destiny Theurgy. [card]Assassination[/card] sounds appealing but with only 1 Marauder I don't see a place for it (and you have [card]Divine Fist[/card] anyway in place of that).

Dernière modification par magius (12-11-2010 18:23:12)

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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