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#1 Re : Deck and Strategy » WitchBlade deck upgrades. » 20-11-2012 17:53:28

Definitely 2 more copies of Witchblade Trump.

Neutralization is a fine card if you go for the control strategy. In general it makes games against mages and courtiers easier, but I found that you have to go all-in on control if you really want it to work. Otherwise, 1 or 2 copies are fine, but go with 2 copies if and only if you're running Anazra too, otherwise it becomes too limiting.

We had a good discussion going with HurricaneMambo's topic:

Take a look there, tons of great advice.

#2 Re : Deck and Strategy » Witchblade Advice and Strategies » 16-11-2012 12:17:44

I sifted through my cards and I saw something with potential. I'm taking out Remember! and adding in this baby: [card]Mekarmor[/card]

It lets me do Crystal Dragon + Witchrage on the same turn, which maximizes its benefit, and also lets me lead with a Witchblade Secret before my actual card.

It looks awesome in theory.

Also, I got that Mage armor card off the Sap heart boss (+4 DEF, 3 fight duration) and I'm thinking of trying it out too for leverage against attack decks.

#3 Re : Deck and Strategy » Witchblade Advice and Strategies » 14-11-2012 18:06:12

It's the same, pekpekkypek

I don't know how honestly, most of the friends I have here are from FB requests.

As for the 5 cards, I settled for 1 more Neutralization, 1 Remember! and 3 Noz Secrets. Still missing the 2 Sliding cards though, market sales are pretty slow. tongue

#4 Re : Deck and Strategy » Witchblade Advice and Strategies » 13-11-2012 23:04:27

HurricaneMambo a écrit :
pekpekkypek a écrit :

I've been using a single Mental Prison and a single Immobilization in my version, but I'm liking your new sniper idea. I might tweak into this tonight.

EDIT: Some thoughts.

1. I don't know the card with the single copy on the upper right, beside Mental Prison. It appears to be a trophy card, but I am not sure. Would you object if it was Civil War instead?

2. This deck still has five slots open for ELO tournaments, which I like. I'll be able to squeeze in some personal favorites, like the 3rd copy of Witchrage and an extra Neutralization, and maybe some Witchblade Secrets. I wouldn't run the full 3 copies of Mental Prison though, 2 feels enough, because I think Mage matchups can mostly be answered by timely plays of Neutralization.

3. How does it feel not having the Witchblade Armors? In my experience they're pretty useful defensively.

4. The decks that beat you might be beatable with Extinction or The Door to Infinity as a single copy in this deck. Or maybe one copy of Tornado?

1) [card]Break the Second Chain[/card] is that single card. I find it useful if i need to pull out a sliding or another mental prison. As for the Civil War, Why would I object?  It's your deck.  It just seemed to be a little too unreliable.  It hardly did the kind of damage I'd need.  when I wanted physical, it'd do magic and vice versa.  And it would piss me off to no end if I used it with trump and it did direct damage.  That once-in-a-while super combo with Crystal Dragon was awesome, but banking on it got me killed more often than not.

2)Yeah, I don't know what 5 cards I should squeeze in to make it ELO competitive.  I can't wait until they make it back to normal life and 20 cards, if they ever will.

3)At first I didn't think I could win without them.  But with the lack of X cards like Dance of the Blade or Rain of Death in my deck, I found that they kind of jammed up my deck.

4)The Door to Infinity... The only card I feel I'm missing.  Can also be played a second and a third time via Break the Second Chain.

That's a true story regarding Civil War, when it decides to dick around and do direct damage. I thought that was just me being unlucky. tongue

I'm currently only missing 3x Sliding but otherwise it's complete. I plan to run this in ELO soon.

#5 Re : Deck and Strategy » Witchblade Advice and Strategies » 12-11-2012 18:15:09

I've been using a single Mental Prison and a single Immobilization in my version, but I'm liking your new sniper idea. I might tweak into this tonight.

EDIT: Some thoughts.

1. I don't know the card with the single copy on the upper right, beside Mental Prison. It appears to be a trophy card, but I am not sure. Would you object if it was Civil War instead?

2. This deck still has five slots open for ELO tournaments, which I like. I'll be able to squeeze in some personal favorites, like the 3rd copy of Witchrage and an extra Neutralization, and maybe some Witchblade Secrets. I wouldn't run the full 3 copies of Mental Prison though, 2 feels enough, because I think Mage matchups can mostly be answered by timely plays of Neutralization.

3. How does it feel not having the Witchblade Armors? In my experience they're pretty useful defensively.

4. The decks that beat you might be beatable with Extinction or The Door to Infinity as a single copy in this deck. Or maybe one copy of Tornado?

#6 Re : Deck and Strategy » Witchblade Advice and Strategies » 08-11-2012 18:35:23

HurricaneMambo a écrit :

@pekpekkypek - I'm not exactly sure what to suggest at this point.  How does it run?  Do you find yourself having too many bad starting hands?  What decks give you the most trouble?  Give me more details and I'll throw some more opinions your direction.

It's currently ok. I'm gonna play the hell out of it in ELO the next few weeks, until some new card releases appear I don't think I can make any changes that will work better apart from any current cards I may have missed that fit the 'control' strategy.

Thanks for the help btw, these guys have come a long way from doing the Ice Shield + Rain of Death + Physical Attack shindig.

#7 Re : Deck and Strategy » Witchblade Advice and Strategies » 07-11-2012 19:35:31

This is what my list looks like currently:


Civil War
Mental Prison
2 Neutralization
2 Crystal Dragon
2 Short Crystal Sword
3 Noz Secret
3 Witchblade Armor
3 Witchrage
3 Witchblade Secret
3 Witchblade Trump

[card]Immobilize[/card] and [card]Mental Prison[/card] instead of Infiltration to be more surgical in controlling the opponent.

I'm only testing out Remember!, it can be anything really. I'd most likely go with Freeze! or Tornado if it doesn't work out. But it's a nice clutch card during late fights.

Otherwise, nothing really changed. It's true that Noz Secret is better than Magic Attack in this deck, mainly due to the potential damage increase, and the fact that it can chain while Anazra is alive.

#8 Re : Deck and Strategy » Witchblade Advice and Strategies » 06-11-2012 18:18:27

Great suggestions all around!

It's true that 3 Neutralizations are excessive, I'm cutting one out. Infiltration can actually sit at 1 copy too, which leaves me 2 free slots.

I now have 3 Witchblade Trump and 2 Crystal Dragon, so that's how I'm going to finish the game in theory.

I disagree with cutting Witchrages though. I use it more for the removal of Spells/Items than the extra damage, but the extra damage works well with Crystal Dragon.

Last week, Dissidence was banned in ELO, but it's easily one of my favorite cards in the whole game.

I never got Secret of the Crow though. That seems like a ridiculously strong card for controllish strategies.

I'm going to try out Procession when the prices drop some more.

Jeez, I'm so scatterbrained right now, it's just so encouraging that Witchblades get a unique style of their own and not just Spell+Attack (boring, Ice Shield + Rain of Death killed most characters back then). The last time I played Witchblades (A year ago I believe) I was doing the Dragon's Wit, Narwhal + Ice Coffin combo which was too funky.

#9 Re : Deck and Strategy » Witchblade Advice and Strategies » 05-11-2012 17:59:43

HurricaneMambo a écrit :

I've tried running a WB deck similar to yours, It's amazing against non multiclass mages, but it falls a little short of expectations against every other class.  If you still want to run it though, perhaps try adding a


or two?  It works well with [card]Neutralization[/card].

Oooh, I've never seen that card. It looks nice but the deck is tight as it is. What would you suggest removing for Procession?

Infiltration is really nice when you do Noz Secret + Infiltration (chain c/o Anazra) or Trump + Infiltration. It's also the key in Mage matchups.

Double Witchblade Secret punks so many plays it's not funny. To be honest the biggest problem I see are other Marauder decks, because Infiltration becomes useless against them (THey pump, you try to infiltrate) as does Witchblade Secret. Five dead cards.

Although, it's working better than I expected actually. And the Crystal Dragon (finally have them!) plus Trump + Civil War is hilarious when it goes off.

#10 Re : Deck and Strategy » Witchblade Advice and Strategies » 04-11-2012 16:29:01

As I recently found out that most of my Stormcrows (Crystal Storm + Vanish) deck is banned in the ELO mode tournament (Illumination, etc.) I decided to make a variant of Witchblade control. My version focuses on preventing the opponent from playing cards until I can set up and activate the Crystal Dragon + Witchblade Trump + Civil War combo. I'm still missing the Crystal Dragons though, but it works quite well in practice:


3 Neutralization
3 Witchblade Secret
3 Noz Secret
3 Witchrage
3 Witchblade Armor
2 Witchblade Trump -> Might go up to three copies if I drop Freeze
2 Short Crystal Blade
2 Infiltration
2 Dance of the Blade -> Will become Crystal Dragons soon! smile
Civil War

I'm trying to fit in a Door to Infinity when I get it, probably going to drop one Neutralization.

I'd love to run more controllish cards but I've been out of the loop for quite a while so I have no idea what cards there are that do similar things. I 've seen one trophy card that seems to do this (The Crow and the Emperor IIRC) but can anyone bring me up to speed regarding others? I have Peace Treaty (old trophy card that negates a non-Item card) and Dissidence (sadly banned) that I'm considering using, possibly dropping the Noz Secret cards altogether.

#11 Re : Deck and Strategy » Stormcrows [Compendium] » 03-11-2012 05:12:06

I just tried to register for the ELO tournament and what, Illumination is banned? 25 cards in the deck? That makes this thing so much slower. I just sold them off T_T

Gonna go with a Witchblade Control build, I guess. But for what it's worth, this 20-card version of the deck runs very very smoothly.

#12 Re : Deck and Strategy » Stormcrows [Compendium] » 29-10-2012 05:03:46

Another update. wink

Blanche of Arcania
Archmage Anryena
The Pythia

3 Crystal Storm
3 Illumination
3 Dragon's Wit
3 Vanish

Those 13 cards are what I believe to be the core of the deck. The remaining 7 cards are mainly depending on your preference. Personally, I opted for more ways to search for either Crystal Storms early or the Dragon's Wit + Vanish combo late, and a few ways to deliver AoE damage, so:

Lightning Bolts L3
3 I Hate Brawlers! -> Which I am still planning to replace with something else, I haven't found the perfect card yet.

#13 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Guess Who's Back... » 17-10-2012 22:49:18

Just recently got back into the game, too.

I think I'm one of the few people who remember what it was like to level characters that only received 1xp per game (2xp if you won)! tongue

And I remember you, Breezy.

#14 Re : Deck and Strategy » Thunder King Deck » 31-12-2011 05:07:26

It wasn't worth it IMO, the Thunder King is really weak without his gear, and even when fully geared he is still only slightly above average.

#15 Re : Update list » Adventure Mode (beta) » 28-12-2011 05:57:42

Apparently the Strength of... items are preventing me from registering my OP LUCYAN! deck into the amnezy tournament. What gives? I'd have thought they'd give us fair warning. sad

#16 Re : Deck and Strategy » help with first Noz'Dingard deck » 26-12-2011 18:16:50

OHanicide a écrit :

Use Dandy, Pilkim, Alishk (Draconian ver.)
Use Invisiblility to pump up Pilkim and Alishk's def and use Mirage or Illusory protection to pump up def more the hit em with the fangs... Usually get a bout a 11-15 defense. Cheap effective deck.

I made this deck once. Fun, but I found that Pilkim, Alishk (dragon version) and Zahal work better. I consider myself as somewhat of a Noz connosieur. ;D

If you can manage it, Zahal, Chimera, and The Dragon's Champion work really well for a 2-card investment in the deck. Illumination is also nice, and if you can get Dragon Armors and Armor Invocation that'll be great too.

My current Noz deck uses Archmage Anryena instead of Pilkim because it doesn't have Dragon Fangs in it.

Archmage Anryena
Alishk (Dragon version)

Draconian Staff
Lightning Bolts lv3
Armor Invocation
3 Dragon Armor
3 Power
3 Than the Sword
3 Magic Attack
3 Mentalism

I'd run The Last Word instead of Power if I could. Too expensive. tongue

#17 Re : Deck and Strategy » Adventure - Strategy Advice » 26-12-2011 18:06:13

Versus the Sap Heart boss I find that priests (especially Lady Yllith) works really well, as long as you have Mercy and Stitches in your deck as you effectively nullify his damage-dealing and he reshuffles your deck for you.

#18 Re : Deck and Strategy » Official ELO Strategy Discussion » 26-12-2011 18:02:57

So what about that new banlist, eh?

I like it. Time to rock Helena.

#19 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Destiny Foil! » 24-12-2011 18:23:16

EwokDan a écrit :

I would have thought it'd be better to foil a card you can later sell, if you wish?

It's not everyday we get to see foil Helena running around the level rooms. I think I'm the only person that has one. smile I'm brainstorming a deckbuild for her, maybe with Witchblades and that new spell that gives mages +2/+3 permanent attack.

#20 Re : Update list » Adventure Mode (beta) » 24-12-2011 18:20:42

I just beat the Sap Heart boss with this:

Lady Ylith
OP Lucyan (Priest)

3 Vengeful Lianas
2 Zarazam's Eye
3 Stitches
3 Mercy
3 Epic Fury
3 I Hate Brawlers!
2 Grand Divine Scepter

Recycling heals for the win! It was a slow slog but we made it. Mercy is incredibly useful versus Living Nature spam.

I got the mace, the strength, Cutting all Ties and No Quarter! as prizes. It was an excellent and lucky haul! Which got me thinking:

If I get so lucky that I obtain three copies of Strength of the Sap Hearts, I'm assuming I can use all three in one deck and stack them on one character?

#21 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » scared people!! » 24-12-2011 17:23:43

EwokDan a écrit :
pekpekkypek a écrit :

EDITED: I came across as a douche, so apologies.

Personally, I leave any game when my fiance tells me to do some stuff around the house.

You mean asks you right? If my wife told me to do something i'd take offense...................then do it ^^

Language barrier non-withstanding, yes I do mean asks. But we both know that when the woman of our life tells us to do something we do it anyway haha! tongue

#22 Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Destiny Foil! » 24-12-2011 17:22:22

Réponses : 12

So, what did you do with your destiny foil card?

I'll start.


EDIT: It's not showing the foil version! Bummer! tongue

#23 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » scared people!! » 24-12-2011 16:20:37

EDITED: I came across as a douche, so apologies.

Personally, I leave any game when my fiance tells me to do some stuff around the house.

#24 Re : Update list » Adventure Mode (beta) » 23-12-2011 18:03:53

So, what are they going to do about the Foam Giant + Strength of the [Guild] issue?

#25 Re : Deck and Strategy » the 1 character tourney » 18-12-2011 15:06:30

My take is:

Lady Yllith
Grand Divine Scepter
Swiftfoot Boots
Ill Omen
2 The Grand Hunt
3 Rampart of Faith
3 Mercy
3 Stitches

Can't 1-shot this.

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