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#1 Deck and Strategy » Malwein?? » 06-02-2013 08:15:33

Réponses : 1

why doesnt this guy lose to discarding?

#3 Deck and Strategy » Adventure mode craftsman deck » 05-02-2013 19:11:32

Réponses : 0

whats a good cheap craftsman deck for adventure mode?

#4 Deck and Strategy » Dark tower farming question » 05-02-2013 04:16:51

Réponses : 1

to get the elementals do i need to beat to golems first or will farming the boss be enough? (note i havent beaten the golems or slime)

#5 Re : Deck and Strategy » Farming bosses mini guide (imput from other players needed) » 04-02-2013 19:55:18

It really depends on the boss. also what is your definition of cheap? i could probably get you a cheap one under 30k the biggest are the indegestions  which are about 5k each

#6 Re : Deck and Strategy » Farming bosses mini guide (imput from other players needed) » 04-02-2013 08:09:04

I recommend discard. it works on a lot of bosses and farming yields a lot of prizes.

#7 Re : Deck and Strategy » Farming bosses mini guide (imput from other players needed) » 04-02-2013 04:46:54

ive seen it in some builds so it may. also alyce costs alot to upgrade salem and kriss have been used as discard guys

#8 Re : Deck and Strategy » Farming bosses mini guide (imput from other players needed) » 04-02-2013 02:52:40

it depends on characters. My character lists costed about 90k crystals (abyssien 55, alyce 25 psychurgist 10) cards were cheap though

#9 Re : Deck and Strategy » Farming bosses mini guide (imput from other players needed) » 03-02-2013 23:57:29

for the dark tower are all the possible rewards obtainable just by beating the boss or do you have to beat the other 2 to get other cards

#10 Bugs » Library problems » 02-02-2013 02:41:07

Réponses : 1

when im playing my demonic portal deck and i end up with 0 cards in my deck i use edriannes ability and then i get 2 cards in my deck. i still lose next turn because of a deckout.

#11 Re : Deck and Strategy » Farming bosses mini guide (imput from other players needed) » 01-02-2013 06:22:14

snakekill321 a écrit :

The Sands of the Arena
Boss: Amenzy
best deck used:  Kaes The Malevolent on her since she turns your characters into mercenaries. a Lady Yilith deck may work too because she can counter Amnezy's insane turn bonus. Theya with Fog hydra and Master Mystic Slayer (Even if she goes first she will choose against order bonuses so Theya will always go second.)
Enemy Decklist:
Spoils from her:
Notes: Watch out for insane turn bonus

The value of the nomads
boss: Beetle dude (dont know his name)
best decks used: Discard (abyssien the devourer, Salem, The psychogurist/alyce) eclipse
Enemy Decklist:
Notes: Do not attach cards to him or he will recycle his graveyard

The Value of the sap hearts
Boss: Grand deer
best decks used: Mystic slayer deck, Craftsman deck, Demonic portal/corruption deck.Queen, Craftsmen
Enemy Decklist:
Notes: good portal decklist:

iron mask

Demon May Rise x2
Demonic Portal x3 (Key card)
I Hate Brawlers x2
Magic Attack x2
Perversion x2
Recycle Magic x2
Revealing The Secret x2
Wanted! x3

The ursend guild
Boss: Mystic slayer's shadow
Best decks used: Craftsman deck, Discard deck.
Enemy decklist: 3 assassination 2 dagger of sufferance 2 living dagger 2 dismemberment
Notes: if using discard do not use salem boss gets a +3/+3.
Craftsman decklist for good results: Queen of Avalonia

3 Good Jorusien
3 Hot Noodles
3 Odds and Ends
3 Cup of Life
3 Cursed Sorcerer's Books
1 Crown of the Border
1 Light and Shadow Shield
1 Sacred Avalonian Blade
1 Triumph
1 Clans Ring
1 Skyward Boots

The Value of the Noz
Best deck used: Corruption deck, Eclipse
Enemy decklist

The treasure of Zahal
Boss: Nehant dude
Best deck used: Just about any
Enemy decklist: Lots of corruption
Spoils: very basic commons uncommons
Notes: a very easy boss to farm but rewards are subpar

The dark tower
Boss: Slime/Golem/Tracker/etc
Best deck used: Master Mage Marzhin deck (slime) Pack deck (Slime) Discard(golem) Portal (tracker)
Enemy decklist:

The Ritual
Boss: Inferno
Best deck used: Demonic portal
enemy decklist:
Spoils: Perversion, High value nehant cards
notes: Cards like interval to get past turn 5 are great to avoid his -3 ability
trophy cards liek sentence and break the second chain help alot

Thread of time
Best decks used: Discard (abyssien, alyce and salem)
Enemy decklist:

The Value of the Zil
Boss:The devourer
Best decks used: Discard, Portal (little hard) eclipse
Enemy Decklist: Lots of beatdown

The Value of the kotoba
Boss: Zxia
best decks used: Sap heart mage deck corruption deck, eclipse
Enemy decklist:
Notes: If using sap heart mage i recommend 3 flowering

#13 Re : Bugs » game page stuck » 31-01-2013 03:11:42

this sucks x.x i missed my daily quest and i missed a few matches needed for the event card

#15 Re : Deck and Strategy » Farming bosses mini guide (imput from other players needed) » 30-01-2013 07:57:52

ill update op tomorrow once i updated my discard with the shadow cape its working great against the high attack decks

#16 Re : Deck and Strategy » Yilith the fury » 28-01-2013 18:09:03

what rares have people gotten from her? i just got my first and it was fist blade

#17 Re : Deck and Strategy » Yilith the fury » 28-01-2013 06:26:55

i can. she always discards things attached to her

#18 Re : Deck and Strategy » Yilith the fury » 26-01-2013 18:00:31

has anyone figured out her hidden abilities?

#19 Re : Deck and Strategy » Yilith the fury » 26-01-2013 01:52:56

she really isnt that hard if your character has a high spirit and you can lower her attack. look away is helping greatly i tried tsoutai but i think the best way to do this is with discard

#20 Re : Bugs » Adventure mode not loading » 25-01-2013 19:21:23

yes its not as slow or laggy but sometimes it is still unresponsive

#21 Re : Deck and Strategy » Yilith the fury » 25-01-2013 18:03:20

discard deck with alyce psychurgist and ATD or any high spirit dude. then just 3 trecherous 3 panic and 3 indegistion i have her beat by turn 4 so long as she doesnt get uper lucky with the nova crap conjuring also helps

#22 Suggestions » Random Confrontation parameters » 25-01-2013 05:11:37

Réponses : 0

Is it possible to put in some random confrontation filters? im not a big fan of being only 1600 elo with about 50 % victory going against someone who is 2000 elo with 70% victory.

#23 Bugs » Adventure mode not loading » 25-01-2013 05:09:54

Réponses : 2

is it me or are there times when youll spend the energy but the thing never loads

#24 Re : Deck and Strategy » discard questions » 24-01-2013 09:30:29

im kinda resided to just farming inferno so i guess just a good elo deck. is there a cheaper card to use aside from cloning?

#25 Deck and Strategy » discard questions » 24-01-2013 03:39:31

Réponses : 3

so after weeks of daily quests farming and all out gaming i finally can afford a lvl 3 alyce. my question is are discard decks stilla viable force to be reckoned with or worth investing in?

also whats the best line up?

i think the standard for sure is abyssien the devorer

but other contenders are alyce kriss salem and the psychogurist

right now im using salem and the psychurgist and abbysien i plan on taking out salem for alyce.

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