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#1 Re : Deck y Estrategia » zombies everywhere! » 26-05-2012 23:05:45

Que tal, yo ya lo tengo armado el mazo.  Les pongo mis opiniones al respecto aver si están de acuerdo..


- Engañar a la muerte. Tiene sus "truquillos", hay que saber como jugarla. Pero demás está decir que una carta que revive gente no puede ser sobrevalorada.

- La habilidad de los combatientes, poder jugar la necrosis después de ver las 2 cartas del rival, muchas veces me salvó de morir y otras aprovechar para matar.

- Zejabel: mientras tengas tus otros 2 combatientes vivos, tiene reducción 2 a todo, más los abrazos y unos Golems de Arcilla es muy dificil que lo maten, además tiene cadena stupide engañar a la muerte y bueno, cualquier spell que quieras jugar, lo que lo hace muy versátil a la hora de decidir que cartas incluir para contrarrestar el metagame del momento que se juege.

- Seguro que hay otras, tendría que pensar más, si quieren agregar por favor sientanse invitados!


- Es un mazo complicado de jugar. Todo tiene sus momentos, muchas veces por jugar mal 1 carta, puedes perder todo el match. (Algunos, como yo, lo verán esto como un "challenge" lo que lo hace mas divertido (: )

- Falta de cartas para convertir en necrosis. Básicamente hay 1 sola forma de convertir cartas en necrosis: jugarlas (además de las 2 que te regala Zejabel al principio).
Esto hace tener que pensar en 2 o 3 turnos adelante que cartas vayas a necesitar, cuáles jugar y cuáles descartar. Además del hecho que te convierte en "Mano-dependiente" por lo que si tienes mala suerte, estas jodido.

- Poca habilidad para descartar items/cartas de los oponentes. La única carta que se incluye en este mazo (que no sea un spell) para quitar esa molesta tormenta de cristales o [card]wild buds[/card] es la acción [card]estan por todas partes[/card], que no se si han notado pero en el juego es una acción que dura 2 PELEAS. Lo que lo hace completamente lento, ya que si no empieza siendo una de tus 2 primeras necrosis, tienes que jugarla, esperar 2 peleas (para que vaya al cementerio) y recién ahí poder jugarla activando su habilidad, que por cierto es demasiado al azar (remueve 1 carta de cualquiera de los oponentes), que a su vez si tienes una disidencia, terror o perversion, bueno, ya sabemos lo que puede pasar...

Eso es todo lo que se me ocurre por ahora! A seguir practicando y tratando de subir en ELO! Espero que otros que jueguen stupide este mazo (y los que no tongue) aporten también sus experiencias y anécdotas.

Suerte para todos!


#2 Re : Bugs » Cutting all Ties and Fatal Countdown?! Not working! » 03-05-2012 17:56:53

Any news on this bug?

Seems that i'ts still not working as it should...

#3 Re : Bugs » Cutting all Ties and Fatal Countdown?! Not working! » 02-05-2012 06:58:34

FutureMesca a écrit :

[card]It's all fun and games...[/card] and [card]Paranoia[/card] also won't trigger.

Yes, I can avail for Paranoia, it doesn't trigger when your hero dies... (The draw 1 card extra next turn part).

Zurga a écrit :

Not on this one.
And, yes the staff is aware of the bug.
And yes, we expect a quick correction.
And, no not tomorrow, May 1st is Labour day in France.

Well, thanks for the update. Hope they'll fix it asap..

#4 Re : Bugs » Cutting all Ties and Fatal Countdown?! Not working! » 29-04-2012 20:15:40

Zurga a écrit :

It seems that if you kill the enemy that plays Cutting all ties or fatal countdown, the card doesn't trigger.
If the character is still alive at the end of combat, the card triggers normally.

Can we get any news/confirmation that someone is working to fix it?

I can again confirm that the problem is the one described above... (And it ALWAYS happens, when those conditions are met of course)

#5 Re : Bugs » Cutting all Ties and Fatal Countdown?! Not working! » 28-04-2012 01:43:29

OK. Tested it out all day.

The problem I'm having is when MY HERO DIES and I play Fatal Countdown.. The action doesn't get triggered and the opponent draws 5 cards next turn anyway.

Someone else having this problem?

#6 Re : Bugs » Cutting all Ties and Fatal Countdown?! Not working! » 27-04-2012 21:33:10

Maybe..? But it happened earlier today and it wasn't against the same deck always.. Seems that it's working better now though.. Still trying it smile

#7 Bugs » Cutting all Ties and Fatal Countdown?! Not working! » 27-04-2012 21:14:18

Réponses : 22

Hey I've been having this bug since this morning, playing [card]Cutting all Ties[/card] and [card]Fatal Countdown[/card] and they ARE NOT DOING WHAT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO DO.

Like the next turn after I play Cutting all ties the opponent draws 5/4 cards anyway (if playing Hate).... Same thing happens with Fatal countdown..

Is it just me or someone else is having this problem??

EDIT: Seems that SOMETIMES it happens and sometimes it doesn't..


#8 Re : Deck and Strategy » my eclipse deck (1800+ elo gauranteed, plus in depth strategy guide) » 25-04-2012 22:51:46

How can I get [card]Artrezil's Heritage[/card] ??  Can't find it on the trophy market :S

#9 Re : Deck and Strategy » Temple Guardians:No Graveyard » 25-04-2012 05:33:28

I'm building this deck right now. I already got the majority of the cards listed on the previous comments... And i'm testing them out a bit.

Any new thoughts with the new releases? Any new info on the matter? Anyone? ?? ? ?

#10 Re : Deck and Strategy » My Deck. Need advises (Nehantic Corruption) » 22-04-2012 17:43:19

Thanks for the reply.. These days I could only manage to get 1 Terror out of the marketplace.. it seems it's not coming up on the NewComers boosters that every1 is buying (d'oh).

And A new start is almost 1m crystals...

#11 Deck and Strategy » My Deck. Need advises (Nehantic Corruption) » 22-04-2012 17:15:40

Réponses : 2

Hi smile  I'm kinda new to the forum but I thought it was time to make my own questions and try to improve my gameplay based on your imputs, so thanks in advance smile

I've been playing with Compendium and Elfine bow's.. but I found this deck much more entertaining and fun to play... But it still has some very serious problems when it comes to dealing with Discard or Temple Guardians full of counters..

Here's the decklist:
Dimizar (Getting close to buying Receptacle though, couple more days smile
Iron Mask

1x Break the second chain
1x Clumsiness
1x Dissidence
2x Demon may rise
2x Demonic Portal
2x Desolation of the heart
2x My name is legion
3x Overconfidence
3x Revealing the secret
3x Vital Syphon


I do fairly good against Kotoba, DK's and such item-hit type decks, the combo with the Demon may rise and Demonic portal often wins it alone.

I was wondering what can I change/modify in regards to being more effective when it comes to dealing with Zil discard and also Nehantic discard decks..

Moreover my main problem is Temple Guardians, I can't stop loosing by perfect or just killing them 1 guy... If I don't counter Forced March quickly or don't see it coming, well, it's a real pain in the ass and an uphill match then on.

As I said, I would appreciate any kind of comments, corrections, insults, anything that would help me be more competitive.


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