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#1 22-04-2012 17:15:40

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 22-04-2012
Messages : 11

My Deck. Need advises (Nehantic Corruption)

Hi smile  I'm kinda new to the forum but I thought it was time to make my own questions and try to improve my gameplay based on your imputs, so thanks in advance smile

I've been playing with Compendium and Elfine bow's.. but I found this deck much more entertaining and fun to play... But it still has some very serious problems when it comes to dealing with Discard or Temple Guardians full of counters..

Here's the decklist:
Dimizar (Getting close to buying Receptacle though, couple more days smile
Iron Mask

1x Break the second chain
1x Clumsiness
1x Dissidence
2x Demon may rise
2x Demonic Portal
2x Desolation of the heart
2x My name is legion
3x Overconfidence
3x Revealing the secret
3x Vital Syphon


I do fairly good against Kotoba, DK's and such item-hit type decks, the combo with the Demon may rise and Demonic portal often wins it alone.

I was wondering what can I change/modify in regards to being more effective when it comes to dealing with Zil discard and also Nehantic discard decks..

Moreover my main problem is Temple Guardians, I can't stop loosing by perfect or just killing them 1 guy... If I don't counter Forced March quickly or don't see it coming, well, it's a real pain in the ass and an uphill match then on.

As I said, I would appreciate any kind of comments, corrections, insults, anything that would help me be more competitive.


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#2 22-04-2012 17:25:04

Inscription : 08-11-2011
Messages : 79

Re : My Deck. Need advises (Nehantic Corruption)

well i would say add 2-3 [card]terror[/card] against Temple guardians and the only way to defends your cards against discard is The new start..i dont think any other possebilitys for corruption deck against discards...but Terror is a pain for temple guardians because its force to discard forced match or anything else what they have...thats whyi hate corruption deck when i face against them with my Sap heart wild buds deck.Hope i helped you a bit

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#3 22-04-2012 17:43:19

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 22-04-2012
Messages : 11

Re : My Deck. Need advises (Nehantic Corruption)

Thanks for the reply.. These days I could only manage to get 1 Terror out of the marketplace.. it seems it's not coming up on the NewComers boosters that every1 is buying (d'oh).

And A new start is almost 1m crystals...

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