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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 FAQs » Link to FB » 20-06-2012 07:53:10

Réponses : 1

Okay I know it might sound dumb, but I cannot link my Eredan account to my facebook account, and I would like those extra trophies...

I am not dumb I know to click the big "Link my facebook account" button on the top right of the game screen, though when I click it I get "An error occurred while linking your accounts" in a message box.. I have tried to link on Chrome, Firefox, and IE.. I have been trying for the past six months ~. 

Please help.. Thanks!

#2 Re : Discussions about Eredan iTCG » Just had to tell this to someone who would care.. » 09-06-2012 07:47:47

Knowing many who have spent money on this game..
4 Packs give legendary cards, i.e spend 7,000 fee'z get 1 - 2
Newcomers is super rare, i.e. spend 20,000 fee'z get 0 - 1
Guilded are almost as bad as Newcomers.. No further data..
Experimented and succeeded: After battle of Guilds go back and forth between the discount and the 4 card to get 4 card legendary cards surprisingly quickly.. (Not tested enough)

... Best choice 4 cards by far!

#3 Re : Deck and Strategy » Nehant Ecstacy Or Noz Master Mages???? Explain Why! » 09-06-2012 07:34:36

Stormholt a écrit :

Man, you can invest on it, if feerik nerf it, they gonna put a option, to sell it by the a nice price(just like they done to Badboard and Living nature) but IF they nerf it, and i really think that they will, you will get a Refund...

Wow... this means I blame you for Feerik nerfing ecstasy about a week and a half after I bought my deck... and I read a later post that said players will only be getting so much crystals back.. (i.e. way less)... great premonition big_smile Don't we all just love losing about 300k all at once XD

... In another note,

TheRainMan a écrit :

You obviously don't paly extasy, or you just play it very bad.
Because if you would be expierenced with extasy you would now that azaram is not the best option.

I highly disagree I run Shadow, Aza, and Torment and I have beaten your described set up about 9 to 1.. (at least 30 matches) ... it's just knowing how to play each setup..

#4 Bugs » The Dark Tower » 06-06-2012 15:42:55

Réponses : 1

On the mission where you must fight Past, Present, and Future, the text says that past deals 5 and heals 5 on odd turns, however, I realized that he deals 5 on even (didn't fight him on odd so I'm not sure if it is one all or just backward).

#5 Re : Deck and Strategy » Pirate mages » 25-05-2012 02:36:12

kilcosu a écrit :

I don't rage quit but god I hate facing lightning mages. I know exactly what there going to do before it happens and I don't have a deck to really stand up to the deck style. they are the scissors to my paper

... really any dissidence like card destroys them even if you don't have turn order like it is said before, lighting attracts pulls but the second one won't and will not do damage..

#6 Re : Update list » B-day -6 » 16-04-2012 21:36:39

New Hares
Spirit 0
Attack 7/11
Defense 4
HP 14


#7 Re : Update list » The Anniversary Week » 11-04-2012 06:24:57

Stormholt a écrit :
scooter a écrit :

New Guild, 100%. The marketplace has the blank already. The very last thing in the video says 8 guilds.. Soon to be 9?

Mercenaries aint a guild.

Hmm, they were in guild contest.. I know they are not a guild so 8 is new.
Also, most likely the new guild will be either:
A. Extraterrestrial (don't know her name but one char is "not from this world")
or B. A mercenary-like guild. (maybe something to stop nehantists from "breaking chains")

#8 Re : Update list » The Anniversary Week » 10-04-2012 20:35:40

New Guild, 100%. The marketplace has the blank already. The very last thing in the video says 8 guilds.. Soon to be 9?

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