
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 20-06-2012 07:53:10

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 10-04-2012
Messages : 8

Link to FB

Okay I know it might sound dumb, but I cannot link my Eredan account to my facebook account, and I would like those extra trophies...

I am not dumb I know to click the big "Link my facebook account" button on the top right of the game screen, though when I click it I get "An error occurred while linking your accounts" in a message box.. I have tried to link on Chrome, Firefox, and IE.. I have been trying for the past six months ~. 

Please help.. Thanks!

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#2 20-06-2012 10:59:25

Inscription : 14-02-2012
Messages : 524

Re : Link to FB

scooter a écrit :

Okay I know it might sound dumb, but I cannot link my Eredan account to my facebook account, and I would like those extra trophies...

I am not dumb I know to click the big "Link my facebook account" button on the top right of the game screen, though when I click it I get "An error occurred while linking your accounts" in a message box.. I have tried to link on Chrome, Firefox, and IE.. I have been trying for the past six months ~. 

Please help.. Thanks!

all i know is:
- you better login fb then login eredan then try to link it
- make sure your fb account never join the eredan before
- more than that i cannot help
first time i sign up eredan is from fb

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