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#1 26-12-2012 14:59:31

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 27-01-2011
Messages : 337

Stone Linker Deck: Burners

Okay there are 2 ways to play this deck that seem pretty good; Stone Heart version or Burners version. I will post the Stone heart version in another thread unless someone beats me to it :P I have been running [card]Fire Elemental[/card] , [card]Water Elemental[/card] , [card]Catalyna[/card] for a while now very successfully. These cards will depend on your budget, mine is about 200k, but I got lucky with adventure and had a couple of fireballs and Blessing of the phoenix


[card]Fire Elemental[/card]
[card]Catalyna[/card] (Fire/Water Version)
[card]Master Maen[/card] (Fire/Air Version)


[card]Fire Stone-heart[/card] x3

[card]Fireball[/card] x2
[card]Rain of Death[/card] x1
[card]Blessing of the Phoenix[/card] x3
[card]Unlinkment[/card] x1
[card]Burning Crystal[/card] x2
[card]Tornado[/card] x2 
[card]Freeze[/card] x1
[card]Double Clay[/card] x2
[card]Fair Trade[/card] x2
[card]Air Stone-heart[/card] x1

Tornado can be useful with Air Guemelites and Unlinkment as well as Illumination

Feel free to tear this deck idea apart.

EDIT: Removed 2x Dragon's Breath. Replaced with 2x Fair Trade
Also keep in mind that Catalyna and Fire elemental cast fire spells without restrictions. Hence the Blessing of the Phoenix. Just clearing that up

Dernière modification par Dhaonrisemlan (27-12-2012 18:18:15)

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#2 26-12-2012 15:34:19

Inscription : 01-09-2011
Messages : 514

Re : Stone Linker Deck: Burners

How can you play Blessing of the Phoenix and The Dragon's Breath ?

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#3 26-12-2012 15:50:14

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 27-01-2011
Messages : 337

Re : Stone Linker Deck: Burners

Both Fire Elemental and Catalyna can play Fire Spells without restrictions.

But Dragon's Breath will deal no damage because none of the mages is Noz.

Oh I did not see that hahaha

Edit by Zurga : Multi-post is a bad behaviour. There is an edit button.

Dernière modification par Zurga (26-12-2012 16:14:10)

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#4 26-12-2012 16:09:31

Inscription : 10-09-2010
Messages : 2 039

Re : Stone Linker Deck: Burners

use the edit function to avoid posting again and again >_>

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