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#1 24-12-2012 09:37:52

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 03-02-2012
Messages : 462

December 25th: Cards withdrawn from the NewComer Booster


From tomorrow onwards, the card release of October 24th, will not be available in the NewComer Booster.

Here is the list of cards concerned:


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[card]Short crystal blade[/card]. Rare. One handed Sword. Noz'Dingard Envoys. Permanent. Dual Wield. Attack +2. Marauder: As this card activates, the next Items played by the opposing character are ignored. Witchblade: Chain Spell or "[card]The dance of the blade[/card]".

[card]Remember![/card]. Rare. Light Spell. Noz'Dingard Envoys, Mage. Duration: 2 turns. Your characters have Spirit +1 for each one of your dead characters and Defense +4 if you have at least one dead character. Witchblade: if you have less than 8 Health points, a Spell from your Discard Pile is played.

[card]Tornado[/card]. Rare. Air Spell (AoE). Mage. Each opposing character suffers 5 magical damages and has one chance in two to have one of his attached cards (unless the Spells) discarded.

[card]Tanaer of Arcania[/card] (3 evolutions, in all). On its last evolution: Uncommon. Character. Noz'Dingard Envoys. Mage. Human. Compendium. Spirit 2. Attack 4/7. Defense 2. Health points 14. At the start of the turn, if your Spirit is lower than 3, Spirit = 3. If you play "[card]The Art of Magic[/card]" or "[card]Water wave[/card]", a Noz Spell from your hand is played. Turns 3, 5 and 6: your Compendium have Defense +1 and Spirit +1.

[card]Witchrage[/card]. Uncommon. Action. Marauder. A Spell or an Item attached to your opponent is discarded. He has Defense -2 if one of your characters has a Weapon attached to him. Witchblade: He has an additional Defense -1 and suffers 3 physical damages.

[card]Noz Secret[/card]. Uncommon. Light Spell. Noz'Dingard Envoys, Mage. The opposing character has Spirit = 2 and Defense = 2. Witchblade: for each one of these characteristics that was above 2, Attack +2 or Defense +2. Chain [card]Witchrage[/card].

[card]Witchblade training[/card]. Common. Action. Noz'Dingard Envoys. Permanent. Permanent. Choose a female Mage and attach her this card. She gains Witchblade and Warrior. At the start of the fight, you can choose an Item from your Hand, it is played. Chain.

[card]Ketanir's hand[/card]. Common. Draconic Spell. Mage. Dragon Guemelite: if your Spirit is lower than 3, Spirit = 3. The opposing character has Attack -X where X equals your Spirit.

[card]Mak Dragoon Jr. Menu[/card]. Common. Item Food. Duration: 4 turns. As this card activates, heals 1 Health point and a Pet or an Item: Other from your Deck is played. If played after "Little job", this card is attached to the opposing character. At the end of the fight, Attack -4 and Spirit -2.

[card]Little job[/card]. Commune. Action. Each character in battle has his Attack or his Defense or his Spirit that equals his printed one. Chain Food.

Enjoy the game!

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