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Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress: http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.
Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
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Caution: Exceptionally, on this card release, two character have been modified. Thunder King and Sevylath are now affiliated to the Avalonians. The cards which correspond to these two characters have been withdrawn from the market so you can choose if you decide to sell them or not.
[card]Sanctified hammer[/card] (2 evolutions in all). On its last evolution: Rare. Hammer One hand Weapon Item. Mercenaries, Ice Elf, Human. Permanent. Attack +2. At the end of the fight, if you are Avalonian or Priest, heals 1 Health point per physical damage you have dealt. "Sevylath": Chain. Your characters heal 2 Health points.
[card]Political spying[/card]. Rare. Action. Courtesan. You gain your opponent's Guilds and Castes. Choose a card in the opposing Discard pile, it is played.
[card]Waste of time[/card]. Rare. Action. Time. Choose a card attached to a character, it is discarded. Turns 7 and more: you can choose up to 2 cards instead of one. 2 Time Spells from your Discard pile are withdrawn from the game. Chain Time Spell.
[card]Ysild[/card] (3 evolutions in all). On its last evolution: Uncommon. Character. Mercenaries. Warrior. Human. Avalonian. Woman. Spirit 1. Attack 7/9. Defense 3. Health points 14. Gain Chain if you play an Armor or a Jewel. Draw one more card during the draw phases. Turns 2, 4 and 7: Defense +2 and Spirit +1.
[card]A just cause[/card]. Uncommon. Quest Action. Unique. Permanent. At the start of the turn, if one of your Avalonians has upgraded to level 6 or more, he heals 7 Health points and 5 opposing cards in play as well as this card are discarded.
[card]Ice skin[/card]. Uncommon. Action. Ice Elfe. Duration 3 fights. Defense +1 and +1 to magic damage dealt. A "Northern Lights" or an "Amethyst Blizzard" from your Discard pile is placed in your Hand. Chain if 3 Ice Elves are alive.
[card]Chivalrysation[/card]. Common. Action. Duration 6 turns. Choose one of your Avalonians and attach this card to him. He gains one Level until the end of the game. At the start of the fight, an Armor from your Hand is played if you don't have one attached to you and a Weapon from your Hand is played if you don't have one attached to you.
[card]Interval[/card]. Common. Time Spell. Mage. Defense +2 and Spirit +1. At the end of the turn, the turn counter advances an additional Turn. If the number of the current turn is superior to 7, an additional Defense +3, otherwise, at the end of the turn, the turn counter advances an other additional turn.
[card]Oath of friendship[/card]. Common. Action. Ice Elfe. This character and another one of your characters have Attack +1 and Defense +1 until the end of the game. Berserker: if both characters have their Rage bonus, they heal 2 Health points.
[card]Ice Spear[/card]. Common. Other Item. Ice Elf. Permanent. You gain the Water Guemelite Race. Berserker: An "Ice skin" and an "Ice axe" from your Discard pile or from your Hand are played.
Enjoy the Game !
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Pages : 1