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#1 02-10-2012 21:20:28

Inscription : 02-09-2012
Messages : 31

Problem with break the second chain

This is getting REALLY irritating! I use compendiums and twice in a row i have lost the duel because of break the second chain!
This is what happens:i discard compendium secret,and on the next round,i play some card an chain the break the second chain.Break activates and i chose compendium secret.And here's the problem:I can see the compendium secret activated,but the window that should open for me to chose the card that i want to chain doesn't open!As a result, time runs out, i loose games that i am about to win, my ratio drops,my money income drops and THANK GOD this has not happened in elo (yet).
I don't think i'm doing anything wrong. Compendium secret is a non guilded card so a nehantist should be able to play it. Is there something i can do to fix this?

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#2 03-10-2012 00:33:24

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 25-03-2011
Messages : 319

Re : Problem with break the second chain

Akenatoun a écrit :

This is getting REALLY irritating! I use compendiums and twice in a row i have lost the duel because of break the second chain!
This is what happens:i discard compendium secret,and on the next round,i play some card an chain the break the second chain.Break activates and i chose compendium secret.And here's the problem:I can see the compendium secret activated,but the window that should open for me to chose the card that i want to chain doesn't open!As a result, time runs out, i loose games that i am about to win, my ratio drops,my money income drops and THANK GOD this has not happened in elo (yet).
I don't think i'm doing anything wrong. Compendium secret is a non guilded card so a nehantist should be able to play it. Is there something i can do to fix this?

So it won't let you open the discard pile?  I haven't had this issue yet but sounds like it would suck, do you have a screen shot?

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#3 03-10-2012 05:55:55

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 16-03-2011
Messages : 139

Re : Problem with break the second chain

dunno maybe somehow u losing the guild specific caste when your char turns nehantist and thats why not working? you getting the +1 spirit or just freezing alltogether?

break 2nd chain to get compendium secret from discard worked fine for me if chained with another secret

haven't played comp. in awhile did they change compendium secret to unaffilated or was it always like that? thought it was noz spell before...

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#4 03-10-2012 06:54:01

Inscription : 02-09-2012
Messages : 31

Re : Problem with break the second chain

unfortunately i don't have a screenshot.No, i don't get the +1 spirit from the secret (which means it doesn't activate) and yes, compendium secret is non guilder.
I think i found the reason though: accidentally, i had chosen the option to always maximize the game interface. When i deactivated it, the combo worked just fine!I hope this was the problem...

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#5 03-10-2012 07:32:24

Inscription : 02-09-2012
Messages : 31

Re : Problem with break the second chain

Tada!It happened again!Youpi!This time i lost to some lvl 12 computer is in danger of me breaking it...

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#6 03-10-2012 09:06:53

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Problem with break the second chain

Did you navigate on other site during your fight with tabs ?
There is an old known bug when you use tabs and you have to choose a card.
This often finish with a time expiration.

Collectionneur de cartes

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