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#1 21-09-2012 22:08:44

Inscription : 02-09-2012
Messages : 31

Courtesan deck idea

So I read some posts about courtesans and the more i read, the more i wanted to try them!Unfortunately i wasn't around when one could get Tristam so the unknown class wasn't an option. I did come up ,though, with an idea about a sort of "hybrid" unknown deck and i decided to go for it! The results were more than what i expected. Here's the deck:


3x Manipulation
3x Diplomatic Message
2x Flash for Ward
3x Sitar hero
1x Tadaa! You're a bunny!
1x Rain of Death
2x Tea ceremony
1x You wouldn't dare...
2x The counsil' s decision
1x A summer evening visit
1x Confab

The whole idea is simple: direct damage, which can very easily be dealt by Mylad. With the 3 Diplomatic Message up, all characters have -3 to damage suffered, which combined with the attack reduction from the manipulations and the flash for ward, as well ass Psalm's healing makes a very good combo. What's more, Mylad can deal some serious direct damage with her ability, which is enhanced from the Message, and deal additional aoe damage with sitar hero(also boosted by Message). I have some concerns about the counsil's decision, but it has proven very useful when played by dandy against mages (it cancels the one spell they can use, not being able to chain due to dandy's ability).
Problems: Firstly, it's slow. Secondly, if mylad dies, it's VERY difficult to defeat the opponent as she is the main way of dealing damage.
In order to solve the second problem, i am saving money in order to buy Doyen. Thus i will have two pirates and a better user for manipulation.
As for the first problem, i simply wish i can use the Diplomatic Messages in time...
So, what do you think about this deck?Would it be ELO competitive with once Doyen arrives? Which character should i switch with Doyen? Dandy has the 2 hp direct damage, opposing character can't chain and he heals. But Psalm heals everyone! I think i will keep Psalm..not sure yet.
I'm open to suggestion about how to make this deck better. Hope you liked it

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#2 22-09-2012 02:35:58

Lieu : Malaysia
Inscription : 18-07-2012
Messages : 66
Site Web

Re : Courtesan deck idea

Hi, the unknown courts are best when the whole gang is there. But when mixed, [card]Sitar Hero[/card] becomes less useful - losing 1dmg for each unknown class not being around.

The thing about your offense,
Offensive Cards:
3x Sitar Hero
1x Rain of Death
2x Tea Ceremony

Sure the diplomatic message may help, but once you run out of offensive cards, you'll be practically just be waiting to deck out; especially against defensive teams like nomads or healers.

Your defensive cards seemed alot more than your offense. I can say it bends towards a control deck, but you need cards to recycle your discards as well.

Since you don't have tristam, it's hard to go for an offensive courtesans unknown. Hybrids never seem to pull off as fast as unknowns. And since you're thinking of adding Doyen, it'll be more towards courtesans mage deck or the Doyen-Mylad- Dandy combo with Diplomatic message and lightning spells.

I don't use courtesans but I've played against them alot. So just giving some input. Perhaps others can give better suggestions.

I'm on deviantart too. Freelancer.

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#3 22-09-2012 09:32:05

Lieu : Dickes B, oben an der Spree
Inscription : 09-04-2011
Messages : 1 751

Re : Courtesan deck idea

hmmm actually this is just half true... for a sitar hero deck you dont need the whole crue to be efficient... there were variations even when tristram was released and they worked quite well...

version1: [card]verez, dandy, mylad[/card] (pirate/sap based version) = making full use of the diplomatic letter which decreases damage for your saps and increases damage dealt for your pirates... this is more expensive and maybe has a bit less synergy since you are also using mage cards but overall it did seem to work quite well... (maybe someone who played that deck could give a comment of how good/bad it worked since i m not having verez i cant tell)

version2: [card]kimiko, verez, psaume[/card] (kotoba, nomad version) = this type would go in the same direction but making use of the requiem of the grave which increases all damages dealt by 1. basically you can even replace psaume for ishaia to have 3 nomads which are able to play the requiem as well as get a 2hp benefit by glorious victory

version3: [card]mylad, dandy, psaume[/card] (sap based version) = this is something i used to play and it actually was quite viable... not sure about these days anymore though... mylad and dandy can poison the enemy while dandy is permanently preventing combos with his chainstop ability...

version4: [card]ishaia, psaume, kimiko [/card](kotoba based version) = i d like to call this the mother of all sitar hero decks because it was pretty much the 1st version commonly used among players... ishaia increases defence by using ice walls... in emergecy cases you can a few cards like static charge or thelike to make a 2nd strat with ishaia tank... even though it worked splendidly back in the days i m not sure about its quality these days because defence is overcome easily by many cards/chars/combos

so you see there ARE different versions for sitar-hero decks... they all (cept version3) include highly expensive chars but as long as tristram is unreachable for you these are the options i can think off... maybe there are even more

Dernière modification par Calandra (22-09-2012 09:33:36)

Wash the spears... while the sun climbs high.
Wash the spears... while the sun climbs low.
Wash the spears... who fears to die?
Wash the spears... no one I know!

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#4 23-09-2012 09:42:11

Inscription : 02-09-2012
Messages : 31

Re : Courtesan deck idea

Well, i got doyen and put him in the place of psalm.The result is not bad,not bad at all!I also put in 2x [card]Arachnophobia[/card], 1x [card]Sky Inhabitant[/card], 1x [card]Lightning Bolts[/card] and i took out [card]Tada!You're a bunny![/card] and the i am quite pleased...the only problem is that my whole strategy is based around [card]Diplomatic Message[/card], which if i don't have in the first five cards, it's difficult to win. Is there a way i can summon it from my deck?(eg. like compendiums can summon [card]Crystal Storm[/card] using [card]Illumination[/card]).
Now, i think i'm gonna gather some money to get some [card]Attract the Lightning[/card] and some [card]Spark things off[/card], change Dandy with Marquis and see how a courtesan-mage-pirate-lightning deck feels like!
What do you think?

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#5 23-09-2012 15:23:16

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Ottawa, Ontario Canada
Inscription : 27-08-2011
Messages : 227

Re : Courtesan deck idea

That's why when Tristan came back I made sure to buy him for 199 feez that I got for free because I wanted to make a full unknown courts deck. I'm leveling the characters up right now and let me tell you I haven't lost yet.

Now having said that, I don't have enough crystals to make a Mage court deck yet, but I know for a fact that Doyen, Ish and Marquis Noz thunder blast deck is probably one of the best decks out there right now if you build it properly

Dernière modification par mpandelidis (23-09-2012 15:26:19)


Only those who are willing to go too far, can possibly ever know how far one can really go. - T.S Elliot

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#6 23-09-2012 21:53:34

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 11-07-2011
Messages : 13

Re : Courtesan deck idea

I'm playing a pirate/courteasan mage deck right now.
It hurts like hell, if you can afford it. Right now I use 3 legendary cards and Attract the Lightning isn't cheap either.
But if you got the money, go and buy it up, its fun and powerful.

Veraz, Mylad and Marquis (noz version) is my current char set.

Edit: Current net worth of the deck is 1.109.930cx.

Dernière modification par 51Fulgrim (23-09-2012 22:06:36)

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