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#1 20-09-2012 16:23:42

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 03-08-2011
Messages : 17

Crow Discard

I'll start this off by saying I doubt there's a great way for this to work with the deck-size changes of a while ago, but back when I first made a version of it, it was actually quite successful in level room and also it did ok in most of the adventure mode quests that weren't bosses at that point... And was an attempt for me to seriously break away from what is expected of people, to be totally honest I've never seen anyone try anything even remotely similar to this little side project of mine (well except Zil Discard of course haha) but in fairness that's probably because (at least now with the deck size change) in most respects it's simply not all that viable.

I no longer use this, but I was using it against Nomad and Kotoba Bosses for like a 50% win rate on both (which isn't great, but when you're primarily a free player it can at times be hard to do great.

I'm just wondering if there's anything I could do to tweak this for the better.

Karasu Kage
Oogoe Kage (Zil Version)
Toran the Regent

3 Disagreement
1 Dragon Sacrifice
1 Mekarmor
1 Mental Siphon
2 Scroll of Frailty
1 Spirit Master
3 Tatimijutsu
3 Theft
3 Treacherous
3 Vanish

Now clearly this deck will not win via kills, it's only an attempt to make a different form of discard.

Disagreement and Tatimijutsu are mostly just minor defense boosters that can chain into the stealing cards, also I usually use one of them as the price for Dragon Sacrifice to rid the opponent of all actions in his hand.

Mekarmor is mostly there to allow me to do a really cruel thing if I manage to get it on one of my chars (usually Toran) early enough... Vanish + Theft, or Vanish + Mental Siphon, or Vanish + Dragon Sacrifice is cruel and when I get the chance I use it to the fullest.

The Scroll of Frailties are mostly around cuz the most recent thing I was doing with this was taking on Kotoba Boss, and he's very capable of killing any of these 3 characters in one hit, especially if he's got a few turns of equipping Firons or just getting attack bonuses because he suffered physical damage or whatnot... The reason I use them is primarily to try to get that Mekarmor equipped safely...

I should probably drop 1 Treacherous if I'm going to continue to use it in adventure mode, as Oogoe pretty much never lives long enough to use all 3... but then again if I drop the 3rd they're less likely to show up before he winds up dying so -shrug-

Finally, a little thing I noticed that probably should've been obvious to me, and probably lots of other people realize this, but not exactly pertinent to this deck, but moreso to Mekarmor specifically, I did not realize that Mekarmor counts as a craftsman item in the sense that I can have Jorus or Ramen for example equip it on a tanking character in a battle, and odds and ends is capable of drawing it out of my deck... for some reason my brain just saw the classes that could use it and just thought "Oh, a craftsman can also wear this" lol

I forget what screwed up invention in my mind I was using when I found that out, but yah, on the off chance that surprises anyone as much as it did me (which it shouldn't, it was probably just my brain lapse) Might be slightly useful information to someone who has the item in stock.

Thanks for any tips

Would be cool if somehow I could make this more viable for adventure mode but I doubt it's getting MUCH better than this to be honest.

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#2 20-09-2012 16:43:58

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 16-03-2011
Messages : 139

Re : Crow Discard

ran into one of these awhile back and have to say it caught me completely off guard, was not expecting a crow discard ><

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#3 20-09-2012 16:48:45

Lieu : Votorantim,São Paulo
Inscription : 17-06-2011
Messages : 4 606
Site Web

Re : Crow Discard

Malyss is way better than toran the regent, becuz he can use Mental Shiphon + Vanish...

E meu nome não é SHIRLEY!

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#4 20-09-2012 17:03:30

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 03-08-2011
Messages : 17

Re : Crow Discard

Yah, before the deck size change thing I was murdering people with a variation of this, like 85-90% win ratio in Level room... and back than was without the Mental Siphon or Dragon Sacrifice additions (nor the Spirit Master, but that's a pretty minor difference)

Back then it was mostly focused on just the Mekarmor into Vanish/Theft Combo, and it was absolutely murdering people as they expected to have to deal with Tsumes and such at that point.

Also if I got an unfortunate draw, I'd tended to try to just hold out on using the thefts as long as possible, get them to waste their cards as they play into my vanishes and my scrolls of frailty/healing balm combos or whatever other defense mechanisms I was running at the time.

Then just as it seems they've got me, I go on a 1-3 turn discard spree on them and narrowly win.

As for the Malyss mention, I see your point but at the same time if I remember the reason that's a benefit is because Malyss is Full Mage where Toran is Marauder Mage combo?...

So by switching to Malyss I'd be losing the backup plan to use Theft as both Toran and Karasu... unless I switched to the other form of Oogoe (Off the top of my head I think it's cuz theft is a Marauder Card, and Zil version of Oogoe is Warrior?... can't remember if that's why, but yah then I'd only have  one option for each char.

And if I switched to the other form of Oogoe, then he'd lose the ability to supplement with Treacherous.

Karasu = Theft
Oogoe = Treacherous
Malyss = that one shot of Mental Siphon into Vanish (unless I pulled Siphon back with Spirit Master or something like that.

So the reason I run Toran and Karasu is because of the want/need to keep two of them able to run one of the key cards (to me the key cards are Vanish and Theft, Mekarmor allows me to run them together which is even better, Treacherous is a supplement, because 3 Thefts and 1 Mental Siphon may not get the job done if people realize I'm a discard deck quickly enough.

Dernière modification par Cg33852 (20-09-2012 17:08:42)

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#5 20-09-2012 20:25:42

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 03-08-2011
Messages : 17

Re : Crow Discard

Just spotted a card I didn't remember/realize existed...

If I feel like being  bit of a big spender Vital Point may be incredibly useful, useful enough I may consider switching back to Marauder form for Oogoe as well...

3 Vanishes, 3 Vital Points, 3 Thefts, Spirit Master to drag two of the cards back, Dragon Sacrifice and Mental Siphon still in place...

I have much to consider lol...

Even am considering thinking of other cards like moneyed to pull more cards back out of the discard haha MORE THIEVERY!!! MORE!!!! lol

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