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#1 11-09-2012 15:31:29

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 06-10-2011
Messages : 186

Cards withdrawn from the NewComer Booster


From tomorrow onwards, the card release of July 11th, will not be available in the NewComer Booster.

Here is the list of cards concerned:

Zil Warriors

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[card]Oukanda[/card]. Rare. Character. Zil Warrior. Human. Male. Spirit 0. Attack 6/9. Defense 1. Health points 12. Gain Chain if you play an Armor. Turns 3, 5 and 7: Attack +1.

[card]N'ba[/card]. Rare. Character. Zil Warrior. Priest. Human. Male. Spirit. Attack 4/8. Defense 2. Health points 13. If you play a Destiny Theurgy, draw an additional card during the next draw phase. At the end of the turn, a Destiny Theurgy from your Discard pile is placed in your Deck. Turns 1, 4 and 5: Spirit +1.

[card]Put-up job[/card]. Rare. Destiny Theurgy. Zil Warrior, Pirest. As this card activates, choose a character and attach it to him. He is untapped and can no longer chain cards. Your characters have Defense +3 and gain Chain if they play a Destiny Theurgy. Duration 5 turns.

[card]N'ta[/card]. Uncommon. Character. Zil Warrior. Marauder. Shadow Gumelite. Male. Spirit 1. Attack 5/9. Defense 1. Health points 13. Attack +1 against the Warriors. Turns 1, 4 and 5: Defense +2.

[card]Half-light[/card]. Uncommon. Shadow Spell. Zil Warrior, Mage, Shadow Guemelite. Your character's Defense and Spirit cannot be modified by the opposing cards. Duration 2 fights. As this card activates, if your character's Spirit is superior to 4, choose a card attached to a character, it is discarded.

[card]Treachery[/card]. Uncommon. Destiny Theurgy. Zil Warrior, Priest. Attack +X where X equals the opposing character's Attack bonus (maximum +7). At the end of the fight, this card is placed in the opposing Deck. Next time this card is discarded, a non Zil character suffers 3 direct damages.

[card]D'ari[/card]. Common; Character. Zil Warrior. Beast. Male. Attack 5/9. Defense 0. Health points 13. Gain Chain if you play an Armor. Turns 3, 5 and 7: Defense +1.
Fright . Common. Destiny Theurgy. Zil Warrior, Priest. The opposing character has Defense = 1 and Spirit = 1. At the end of the fight, this card is placed in the opposing Deck. Chain Theurgy.

[card]Stolen knife[/card]. Uncommon. One hand Weapon Dagger Item. Permanent. Attack +1/+2. Marauder or Mage: Spirit +1. Chain Dagger or Chain if your character has a Dagger attached to him.

Desert Nomads

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[card]Ra's broken sword[/card]. Rare. One hand Weapon. Desert Nomad, Warrior. Unique. At the start of the game, if all your characters are Humans, this card is placed in your Hand. Activates after the fight. Permanent. Attack +3. If your character has another One Handed Sword attached to him, Defense +2.

[card]Domination[/card]. Rare. Action. Desert Nomad, Warrior. If your character has more Health points than the opposing character, Attack +2 and Defense +2. Immortal: Chain. Duration 2 fights.

[card]Omniscience[/card]. Rare. Faith Theurgy. Priest. Your character has Defense +2 and earns the Classes of your other characters. Your other characters have Attack +1 or +2 if they are Priests. Chain Theurgy. Duration 2 fights.

[card]Ba-Sthet[/card]. Uncommon. Desert Nomad. Warrior. Human. Immortal. Female. Spirit 0. Attack 6/7. Defense 0. Health points 14. Gain Chain if you play a One handed Sword. Turns 1, 5 et 6 : Attack +1.

[card]Divine armor of Naptys [/card]. Uncommon. Armor Item. Desert Nomad, Warrior. Defense +2. Permanent. Immortal: at the start of the turn, one of your Immortals who has less than 10 Health points heals 1.

[card]Sacrilege[/card]. Uncommon. Action. This card is attached to the opposing character, he has Defense -1 and Spirit -1 for each Priest in game (-2 maximum). All the priests have Attack +1. Chain Action. Duration 4 turns.

[card]Embalmment[/card]. Uncommon. Destiny Theurgy. Priest. Choose a character. If he is yours, he heals X Health points otherwise, he suffers X magic damages where X equals your character's Spirit.

[card]Sand blade[/card]. Common. Action. Desert Nomad, Marauder. Attack +2 and an additional Attack +1 for each character whose Defense is superior to 4. Eclipse: Defense = 2. Chain "Scorpio blow" or "Sand blade".

[card]Martyr[/card]. Common. Action. Desert Nomad, Priest, Warrior. The two characters in battle suffer 4 direct damages. Temple guardian: the characters out of fight suffer 1 direct damage. Chain.

[card]Ptolaris[/card]. Common; Action. Desert Nomad. Choose a character in battle. If he is Nomad he heals 2 Health points, +1 per dead character. Otherwise he suffers 1 direct damage for each one of your characters alive and each opposing dead character.

Enjoy the Game!

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