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So with the new addition of runic legion cards, a war guemelite deck is finally competitive enough to use, so what I'd like to know is what your preference is.
Any one using the new character Privus yet? How does he fare up?
Pro's and cons of both decks.
Only those who are willing to go too far, can possibly ever know how far one can really go. - T.S Elliot
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I got humans and minos deck here a simple pros and cons for you but it's all depend on the line up
Human divine warrior
-Hard egg to crack by brute force
-Rune build-up + slots ~» [card]Runic support[/card]
-Insane but steady attack build up ~» [card]Runic training[/card]
-Insane survivability and payback ~» [card]Resistance[/card] it's a cheap imba card!
-Lacluster in spirit, blast mages rape em good <3
-Somewhat slow, so dead against bard courtesan
-Mediocre expensive rares
King minos guards
-Punch through high defense
-High vitality
-Their attack is quite high from the beginning
-Burst damage
-If play many items, which you should, grants pseudo-magic immunity via [card]Protection of the pantheon[/card]
-Cheap rares
-Defense are quite low 2 average, and so so even with [card]Resistance[/card]
-Played like a marauder, instead of warrior
-Still low spirit
Stop licking your wound, and start licking mine little puppies
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Great responses so far. I am leaning toward the Minotaur deck and I'll be adding a few defense boosting cards like I did when I had my yuling undead DH deck. The deck will probably still get destroyed by unknown courts, but then again, which deck doesn't(except for the obvious ones I know)
Thanks for the comments so far. Keep them coming
Only those who are willing to go too far, can possibly ever know how far one can really go. - T.S Elliot
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Great responses so far. I am leaning toward the Minotaur deck and I'll be adding a few defense boosting cards like I did when I had my yuling undead DH deck. The deck will probably still get destroyed by unknown courts, but then again, which deck doesn't(except for the obvious ones I know)
Thanks for the comments so far. Keep them coming
Yet again perm resistance + stacking cestus grant an annoying staying power, not saying you should do it but you could do it, why not
I hope the bulls got cookies instead of grass
Stop licking your wound, and start licking mine little puppies
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Yet again perm resistance + stacking cestus grant an annoying staying power
Great idea
Only those who are willing to go too far, can possibly ever know how far one can really go. - T.S Elliot
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I got the minotaur, they are good, and cheap... They go better aganist mages, becuz they focus on power, not defense, but they loose do defensefull decks(Kotoba, Human Legion, Pack) iyou may think that only becuz they can Use Stamping, they reduce the defense, man, you only got 3 Stamping, its pretty hard to knock a defensefull enemy like this... Well the best thing is using stamping + combined attack, it's 50% chance to KO(depending of the enemy)...
For humans, they are good too, and the attack goes brute to everyone, especially when u use Runic Training, but the spirit is veeery low, and its slow to play, so its very hard aganist mages... They are expesive too, but they won more than mino...
Well, if i was you, i would invest on Humans if you got money(a lot) if you don't, go minotaurs, i dont tested the new formation, but look very strong
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Ya with the new guem cards I think mino will pretty much get up to par with humans. From what I can tell so far the humes seem to focus on defense with a few good attack cards and mino focus on just hardcore attack and some cancel cards. (Power of colossus chain from privus, push, and that other card that cancels spells)
Only those who are willing to go too far, can possibly ever know how far one can really go. - T.S Elliot
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Innariel wrote:
Runic Support actually does very little for the Human Deck now. I actually feel like I wasted money on it, since I've cut it from the deck... I honestly have no idea why its 30-40k. Oh wait, I do. It has two freaking evolutions and is needed to level up a really good character. Whose bright idea was that, Feerik?? And since its so expensive people think its actually useful when all it really says is: Gain a rune if you already have one, chain. Oh, wow, my mind is blown.
I feel your pain man. I still beat myself sometimes for buying Runic Support. But I do keep it in my deck for chaining with Training, Resistance, and Power of the Colossus for when im short on a rune. And it really does a lot of good.
"Excuse my drunken ranting, I've had too much apple juice. Strong stuff it is"
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Innariel wrote:
Runic Support actually does very little for the Human Deck now. I actually feel like I wasted money on it, since I've cut it from the deck... I honestly have no idea why its 30-40k. Oh wait, I do. It has two freaking evolutions and is needed to level up a really good character. Whose bright idea was that, Feerik?? And since its so expensive people think its actually useful when all it really says is: Gain a rune if you already have one, chain. Oh, wow, my mind is blown.
I feel your pain man. I still beat myself sometimes for buying Runic Support. But I do keep it in my deck for chaining with Training, Resistance, and Power of the Colossus for when im short on a rune. And it really does a lot of good.
We'll this has convinced me to be satisfied with just the two that I have for my deck and not to buy that third like I've been planning. I am personally LOVING humans, I haven't played the bulls yet even though I've got they're cards ( except the Sharp cestus, not ok with buying commons for 3k) can't wait to try them though! Man I'm really liking Runics! Now if we can only win this battle against freakin NOZ!
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Cows don't have anything like that to seal the deal on a character they missed out on by 2 or more hp
What about the card that let's you do 2 direct to opponent and 1 to other opposing. Plus you add in other AoE direct damage cards like storm etc
Only those who are willing to go too far, can possibly ever know how far one can really go. - T.S Elliot
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