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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
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From tomorrow onwards, the card release of June 13th will not be available in the new Arrival Booster.
Here is the list of cards concerned:
Runic Legion
[card]Runic support[/card] (and its two evolutions). Rare. Action. Runic Legion, Human. Légion Runique, Humain. Yr, Cor or Nox Rune: gain two Yr Runes. Your Runic Priests and Warriors gain an additional Rune slot until the end of the game (5 maximum) and those who have no Rune attached to them gain a Yr Rune. Chain.
[card]Enemy of the gods[/card]. Rare. Runic Theurgy. Runic Legion. Priest. The opposing character has Spirit = 0. Cor Rune: he suffers 4 to 8 magic damages. Cor Rune: this card is attached to him and becomes Permanent.
[card]Runic Slicer[/card] . Rare. Two handed weapon item. Runic Legion, Warrior, War Guemelite. Activates after the fight. Permanent. Attack +6/3. When your character deals physical damages, the opposing characters have Defense -1.
[card]Runic Warrior Myrina[/card]. (and her two evolutions). Uncommon. Character. Runic Legion. Warrior. Human. Female. Spirit 0. Attack 6/8. Defense 2. Health points 13. Gain Chain if you play a Spear. Turns 2 and 5: The opposing character cannot chain any card this turn.
[card]Armored[/card] (and its two evolutions). Uncommon. Action. Runic legion, Warrior, Human. Defense +4. Your other Human Runic Warriors gain a Nox Rune. Chain Runic card.
[card]Runic might[/card]. Uncommon. Action. Runic Legion. Attack +2 per Rune attached to a character.
[card]Prayer altar[/card]. Common. Other item. Runic Legion. Duration 2 turns. Defense +1 for each Rune attached to your character. At the start of the turn, your Runics who have at least one Rune attached to them gain Chain until the end of the Turn. Draw one extra card during the next draw phase. Priest: Chain.
[card]Faith attack[/card] (and its evolution). Common. Action. Runic Legion.Permanent. Gains a Yr Rune. At the start of the turn, a card from your Discard pile is placed in your Deck. At the start of the fight if you have played 2 cards, "Faith Attack" is discarded.
[card]Aura of the divine warrior[/card]. Common. Action. Runic legion. Deals 2 direct damages to the opposing character and 1 to the other opposing characters. Chain if your character has no Rune attached to him.
[card]Combined blow[/card]. Common. Action. Rnic Legion, Warrior, War Guemelite. Attack +2 if all your characters have a Rune attached to them. Cor Rune: Attack +3/+5. Chain "Runic slicer".
[card]Vital point[/card]. Rare. Kotoba, Marauder. Choose a Crow, Tracker or Tsoutai Action in your Discard Pile, it is played. Tsoutai: if your next card is "Shi", "Fu" or "Mi", Attack +3. Chain.
[card]Quiet on the slaughter![/card]. Rare. Kotoba, Warrior. The Attack bonuses on the opposing character are divided by two (rounded up). Chain "Hand of the Empire".
[card]Lord of war. Uncommon. Warrior[/card]. Choose a Weapon in your Hand, it is played. At the end of the fight, if the opposing character has no Weapon nor Armor attached to him, he suffers 2 direct damages or 5 if you have an active Kotoba Weapon attached to you.
[card]Mastery of the Flawseeker[/card] . Uncommon. War spell. Kotoba, Mage, Tsoutaï. Deals X magic damages to the opposing character where X equals your character's Spirit +2 for each other active "The Flawseeker's..." card.
[card]Hand of the Empire[/card]. Uncommon. Action. Kotoba, Warrior. Warrior: Defense +2. If the opposing character isn't Kotoba, he suffers X direct damages where X equals your character's Defense divided by 2 (rounded down).
[card]Glory to the Emperor[/card]. Uncommon. Action. Kotoba, Warrior. Permanent. Your One handed Kotoba or Warrior Weapons and Armors will activate immediately. Chain.
[card]Scroll from Yafujima[/card]. Common. Scroll Item. Permanent. Spirit +1. Your character gains Chain if he plays a "... of the Flawseeker" card. Chain "... of the Flawseeker" card.
[card]Xianren[/card]. Uncommon. Character. Kotoba. Marauder. Human. Tsoutai. Male. Spirit 1. Attack6/8. Defense 1. health points 12. Attack +1 against Marauders and Warriors. Turns 3 and 5: Defense +1 and Spirit +1.
[card]Karukai tooth[/card]. Common. Jewel Item. Permanent. Your Humans have Attack +1 and your War Guemelites have Spirit +1. Chain if all your characters are Humans or War Guemelites.
Enjoy the game!
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