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#1 13-07-2012 15:57:33

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 21-06-2012
Messages : 18

Nehant Warrior deck

I just brought a new deck it contains:

Ardrakar lv3
Ripper lv2
Chalice lv1

x3 Cutting all ties
x3 Demonic Explosion
x3 Nehant's Seal
x3 The Price of Flesh
x2 Demonic Cloud
x2 Demonic Portal
x2 Underworld
x2 Hand of Death
x1 Dark Fury
x1 Demonic Affliction
x1 Hibernation
x1 Nemesis

x2 Demonic Blade
x1 Black Chimera

thoughts? or should I be alright with this deck, haven't used it yet still wanting some feedback or if I should get some new cards

~Take it easy on me.....I'm just a kid~

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#2 13-07-2012 18:51:17

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 24-03-2012
Messages : 237

Re : Nehant Warrior deck

Well, my first suggestion would be to get rid of Demonic Portal and Cutting all Ties, those are Nehant Mage cards and are practically useless in Nehant Warrior deck.  Though I have at the moment no idea what you would replace them with since I only really play Nehant Mage and Nehant Marauder.

If you want to find me in game you will have to look for my real name.  Sap/Nomad/Zil user.

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#3 25-07-2012 00:51:24

Inscription : 19-09-2011
Messages : 443

Re : Nehant Warrior deck

For sure. It's a pleasure to help new Nehant Players!!! If you want you can add me in-game to test and play sometimes, my nick is TutahaMatador.

I will do just some small modifications, the deck will not be THAT good, but it's cheap and is cool to play on the level rooms.

It's somewhat a tanky deck.

First, do like the guy above said, remove Cutting All Ties and Demonic Portal, I don't know why they put these cards on the starter deck, but whatever.

Second, change Chalice for Soulchewer. He has the most synergy in the deck, can chain weapons and reduce opponent's armor for best use of Hand of Death and his turn bonus triggers Demonic Explosion/Price of Flash.

Soulchewer armor reduction + quimera + hand of death and reduce your opponent's attack and defense to nothing, and consider ardrakar buffs your defense and ripper is your main tank with absurd defense values with Cursed Black Armor, Clouds, Hit for Hit and Underworld. You get things like 14 defense.

Then, some other modifications, your deck should be like this:


x2 Demonic Explosion
x2 The Price of Flesh
x3 Demonic Cloud
x2 Underworld
x2 Hand of Death
x1 Dark Fury (maybe 3 if you can afford them, it's one of the BEST cards of any nehant warrior/marauder deck)
x3 Hit for Hit

x3 Black Chimera
x2 Cursed Black Armor

You may consider trading Demonic Explosion and Price of Flesh to something more cool.

Dernière modification par Nessaj (25-07-2012 01:04:01)

Evil is just a point of view >)

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