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#1 22-07-2012 06:53:46

Inscription : 21-07-2012
Messages : 32

Sen Ryaku

Could someone please show me the two level 3 Sen Ryaku? I can't see the other one that isn't in the Market to know which way to upgrade mine.

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#2 22-07-2012 07:17:15

Lieu : Germany - Tilleda (Kyffhäuser)
Inscription : 12-12-2010
Messages : 1 500

Re : Sen Ryaku

there isnt a 2nd level3, only two different level 2

silent leges inter arma

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#3 22-07-2012 08:57:31

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 25-03-2011
Messages : 319

Re : Sen Ryaku

Aigle1705 a écrit :

there isnt a 2nd level3, only two different level 2

Yup they both become the same level 3 character, I always wondered why some characters did that...

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#4 22-07-2012 09:56:24

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Sen Ryaku

Dimizar said once that the characters with different evolving path come from the decisions they take in the story.
Even only one of the path is really used in the story.
For some of them, even they choose some evolution path, at the end, the choices they make conduct them to the same evolution.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#5 22-07-2012 10:04:12

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 25-03-2011
Messages : 319

Re : Sen Ryaku

Zurga a écrit :

Dimizar said once that the characters with different evolving path come from the decisions they take in the story.
Even only one of the path is really used in the story.
For some of them, even they choose some evolution path, at the end, the choices they make conduct them to the same evolution.

Ok cool smile so it's based on story History?  pretty cool ^^

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#6 22-07-2012 16:32:12

Inscription : 14-02-2012
Messages : 524

Re : Sen Ryaku

Zurga a écrit :

Dimizar said once that the characters with different evolving path come from the decisions they take in the story.
Even only one of the path is really used in the story.
For some of them, even they choose some evolution path, at the end, the choices they make conduct them to the same evolution.

but why alishk have 2 different evo?
there are others too like Lord Gamara

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#7 22-07-2012 16:35:38

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Sen Ryaku

Read again what I have written.
Different choices, different paths.
Some can lead to the same evolution, others don't.

Collectionneur de cartes

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